111. Unable to login ePayment for Tuition Fee payment
1. Visit www.xmu.edu.my 2. Click on ePayment Tab 3. In ePayment page, select Type of Payment = Academic Related Payment 4. Enter your Campus/Student ID, Default password = Local Student - IC number (without dash '-') International Student = Passport (not case sensitive) 5. Refer to ePayment user guide for further payment steps. 6. Proceed to visit IT Department at B1 102, if problem persisted.
112. How do I move my old Moodle course from year 2017 to 2018 folder?
Email your full course name and course category info to Moodle@xmu.edu.my . Moodle administrator will assist to move your course to latest folder with the respective course category as requested.
113. Hi, I am a new staff here. Does XMU have subscriptions to research journals like PRD, CQG, Nature?
How to search online journal? 1. Visits online journal URL http://sfx4hosting.cceu.org.cn:3410/xmuej/ej.htm 2. Search for the relevant database or click on below links. i. PRD: Physics Review D : https://journals.aps.org/ subscribed from American Physics Society. ii. CQG: Classical and Quantum Gravity http://iopscience.iop.org/ subscribed from Institute of Phyisi iii. Nature. http://www.nature.com/ subscribed from Springer Nature Ltd. 3. Double click on Database. Note : Academic user need to access the library database through academic VPN. Database VPN uses Campus ID and password for authentication, and can be used on desktop, laptop, mobile phone, iPad, and other devices. For further info, click here for Secured Network VPN (Virtual Private Network) Access guide.
114. Encountered "Access denied message" when access to Academic Affairs Online System. Please check.
You may try to access to Moodle using your Campus Id and Password. If you can access to Moodle then there should be no issue on your campus Id and password. Do check with your course coordinator or Office of Academic Affairs executive for further assistant in Academic Affairs Online System.
115. Unable to access Academic Affairs Online System to view my time table, but able to access ASKA.
You may try to access to Moodle using your Campus Id and Password. If you can access to Moodle then there should be no issue on your campus Id and password. Do check with your course coordinator or Office of Academic Affairs executive for further assistant in Academic Affairs Online System.
116. How do I request for Turnitin Account?
account creation is assisted by Office of Academic Office team. Lecturer can approach respective Office of Academic Office for further assistance.
117. During office relocation, should I be moving Ip deskphone and network cable to the new office too?
Yes. The PC/laptop (power adaptor), IP phone (deskphone) and multimedia equipment (with cables) is registered under your name during staff onboarding. Do make sure all these items are moved to new office during office relocation. You only need to return these items to IT department when leaving the University.
118. Unable to Top up in ECard Payment Portal. How to allow top up page to pop-up in Mozilla Firefox?
Please make sure pop-up blocker of the browser allow the webpage to pop-up. You need to setting your browser to allow the website to pop up new windows. You may refer to following steps to allow the pop up.
a) Click the menu button and choose Options.
b) Select the Privacy & Security.
c) Click on Exceptions…
d) Inside the Address of website box, key in [https://ecard.xmu.edu.my:8080/easytong_portal]
e) Click Allow and after that click Save Changes
f) Close the browser
119. How to download note/assignment/file in Moodle?
How to download note/assignment/file in Moodle?
1.Visits Moodle URL https://l.xmu.edu.my/ Click Log in
2.Enter Campus ID and Password
3.Under My courses
4.Click on course name
5.Double click to download the file(s)
For further info, click here for Moodle Quick Start guide.
120. Unable to Top up in ECard Payment Portal. How to allow top up page to pop-up in Google Chrome?
Please make sure pop-up blocker of the browser allow the webpage to pop-up. You need to setting your browser to allow the website to pop up new windows. You may refer to following steps to allow the pop up.
a) On your Chrome browser, click the three dot icon on the top right corner 
b) Click on Settings 
c) Scroll down to the bottom and click on Advance 
d) Look for Content settings inside Privacy and security, click on Content Settings 
e) Click Pop-ups and redirects 
f) Click Add 
g) Inside the Site box, Key in [https://ecard.xmu.edu.my:8080/easytong_portal] and click Add 
h) Close the browser