121. How to enroll for a course in Moodle?
1. Visit Moodle URL https://l.xmu.edu.my/ Click Log in 2. Enter Campus ID and Password 3. Click Site home tab 4. Search for the relevant course category to enroll (as advised by lecturer) or select course from the Course Categories. 5. Select on the Course Categories and Course start year 6. Click on course name 7. Enter Enrolment Key (provided by Course Lecturer). Double click on Enrol me button. 8. For further info, click here for Moodle Quick Start guide.
Moodle Student Guide.pdf
122. How to reset Turnitin Password?
Go to www.turnitin.com Click on the "Log In" button to go to the login page Click on the "Reset Password" link below the login fields. Enter the e-mail address associated with a Turnitin user profile and your last name. Click on the "Next" button An email will be sent to you with a link to reset your password From the email that was sent to you, click on the password reset link or paste it into your browser On the password reset page, you must enter a new password and log into Turnitin using the e-mail and new password for your profile Enter a new password and confirm it. Click on the 'Next" button Click on the link to return to the homepage, then log in as usual. Warning: If you do not receive the e-mail containing the password reset link, make certain that the e-mail service is not filtering this e-mail from noreply@turnitin.com to spam or junk mail. Add noreply@turnitin.com to the e-mail contact list or contact your e-mail service for more information on ensuring this important password reset e-mail is able to be received.
Seek assistance from Office of Academic Affairs for Turnitin account creation.
123. Where to find the XMUM ePayment link and guide?
124. How many books can I borrow at one time?
You will need Campus Ecard card to borrow items from the library.
Students can borrow 15 normal books and 3 books from Course Reserves.
The last library transaction (borrow, renewal, return) is 15 minutes before the library closing time.
Please refer to the table below
125. How much overdue fine for course reserve book per hour?
Please refer to this table below. For further info please visit to our library website or click this link here
Description | Penalty Charges |
Overdue Fines for Normal Books | RM 0.20 per day | Overdue Fines for Course Reserves | RM 0.50 per hour | Book Lost & Damaged | Book Price*2+ Processing Fees (RM30) |
126. How much is overdue fine for course reserve book per hour?
Fines for Course Reserve book RM 0.50 per hour. For further info, click here for
XMUM Library OPAC.
127. Where should I refer to if I forget my email password?
You can visit the Library counter and get assistance from the Librarian.
128. How to return book?
Item(s) should be returned to the service counter in the library. For more info, click here for XMUM Library OPAC.
129. Could I borrow how many books?
Student - 15 books, 3 Course Reserves books Staff - 15 books, 3 Course Reserves books Academic Staff - 30 books, 5 Course Reserves books
130. How can I reserve a discussion room in the library?
1. Go to Library & IT Services website.
linc.xmu.edu.my 2. Select Room Reservation Service. Enter your Campus ID and password. 3. Select the date requires for the room reservation 4. Choose the room to reserve 5. Select the time and duration requires for the room reservation