21. Lecturer CHAN LING MENG 2723027 enquiry on semester starts preparation for Moodle
Advised lecturer to refer to https://linc.xmu.edu.my/ Information / Moodle for more info.
22. FanZiquan seek help ecard top card.
User unable to recall online banking id and password. Need to attend to bank for online banking id reset
23. Lecturer Vincent 2721097 enquiry on how to upload student Moodle marks in bulk?
Advised lecturer to below steps: 1. Go to your course page that you wish to Import Gradebook Data,and click on the Grades. 2. Below the import tab, select CSV file format. 3. Choose CSV file sub-tab. 4. Browse the CSV file from your computer and click Upload grades. 5. You will be taken to the preview and mapping screen. 6. Identify user by mapping from Email address to Email address. 7. Identify user set up to map from email address to email address 8. The grade columns for the assessments display with the title of your assessment and the text (Real). The feedback columns display with the name of the assessment followed by the text (Feedback). Map the spreadsheet columns to the relevant columns using the drop-down menu. 9. Select Upload grades.
24. I encountered an issue in Turnitin where it reaches the student limit and couldn't enroll in the respectively given class, need help to resolve
Kindly please contact your course lecturer.
25. How to check the due date of books borrowed by using the Koha system? I tried but can't log in to the page with default or customized ID & passwords.
Please visit B1 library counter to setup your password for first time use.
26. Dr Zhang requested for the rooms reservation booking to be fixed for important meeting booking
Problem solved after escalating to the rooms system admin.
27. Cleaner has done some cleaning earlier this morning. My office table foots are soaked and it still feel wet inside when I touch it. Refer to picture.
hi Good morning
will arrange for people to check, if the furniture can still use , we not advise for changing
28. Home PC setup remote
hi , Please raise IT aska instead
29. Can you please check the leave application website that why i am unable to get the permission to apply for leave. There is some error pop up.
Email HR (hr@xmu.edu.my) for the leave application related query.
30. Would like to request to exchange 2 mattresses and 2 chairs for accommodations room due to having rat poo and a new set of batteries for aircon remote
Hi Please liaise with SA-OA for said arrangement.