101. How do I get Outlook back online?
In Outlook, on the Send/Receive tab, choose Work Offline to reconnect.

102. How can I get school bus schedule online?
103. I was wondering whether the students are allowed to submit their assignment directly through Moodle
Student can submit assignment through Moodle and lecturers can grade the assignment. Below are steps how to add assignment in Moodle. 1. Go to the course where you want the assignment; In the setting menu 2. Click Turn editing on. 3. Click 'Add an activity or resource'. 4. Click the Assignment button and click 'Add' 5. For further info, click here for Moodle Quick Start guide.
104. Where can i view my course timetable?
Login to ac system and check the timetable accordingly.
105. My laptop's voice cannot produce the sound when it is connected to the monitor.
Change sound setting in laptop from monitor to speaker.
106. When using wireless microphone (borrowed from Library), there was no sound output from the speaker.
Ensure both the speaker power and wireless microphone is switched on. If there is no light on the wireless microphone, this means the battery need to be replaced. Report to Library for further assistance.
107. How to import file from older course into new course in Moodle?
How to copy file from older course into new course in Moodle? 1. Go to a course then In the setting menu , Select Import option
2. Find a course to import data from 3. Click Course short name and continue 4. Select file(s) to Backup settings and click the Jump to final step button 5. Click Continue
Note: Only import function is available.
108. Unable to receive verification email from id.xmu.edu.my for Campus ID password reset.
Check in your campus email Inbox or Junk Mail folder for verification email sent from ldap-noreply@xmu.edu.cn If problem persisted, proceed to B1 101 library for further assistance.
109. How do i change my current Campus ID's password?
You may perform below simple step to reset your Campus ID password (for AC system, Moodle system, AskA, VPN login etc.) 

110. What is Campus ECard?
Campus ID is a unique identification card for all staff and students. You can use the Campus ID to login into multiple information service systems: Borrow books, self-service printing, door access, discussion rooms booking, secure network (VPN access) and AskA (Feedback/FAQ) University learning portal - Moodle, Academic Affairs Online Systems, Turnitin, and upcoming student portal In later phase, Campus ID (ECard) will be used in canteens, supermarkets, and for fine payment.