Mr. TAN Gim Joo 陈锦福
Mr. TAN Gim Joo , 南洋大学校友,数学系第九届(1964)。2019年2月中,中英文赠书15箱会同谢声远先生的赠书同批送抵厦门大学马来西亚分校。2020年7月15日,送出第二批赠书14箱。
2024-05-17 | ||
《The Laws of Human Nature》等 | ||
《中医养生手册》等 | ||
2024-02-20 | ||
《Humble》等 | ||
《三重门》等 | ||
2024-01-04 | ||
《Hell Wouldn't Stop》等 | ||
《阿Q正传》等 | ||
2023-07-05 | ||
《幽默》等 | ||
2023-06-21 | ||
《静思语》等 | ||
2023-03-10 | ||
《21天美字计画》等 | ||
2022-02-21 | ||
《River , Cross my Heart》等 | ||
2022-01-21 | ||
《The Economics of Innocent Fraud》等 | ||
2021-10-27 | ||
《Patterns》等 | ||
2021-07-20 | ||
《神国漫游》等 | ||
2021-07-04 | ||
《他们走过的路》等 | ||
2021-05-20 | ||
事事关心: 写给新加坡的中学生 | 9789810850302 | |
《Forensics: The Anatomy of Crime》等 | ||
《好妈妈胜过好老师》等 | ||
《吕祖全书》等 | ||
今夜我害怕 | 9789814127288 | |
品读天下事: 尤今励志小品选编3 | 9789814671682 | |
异乡情缘 | 9789810443320 | |
2021-03-02 | ||
《Scanner Darkly》,etc | ||
2021-01-29 | ||
《An Inspector Calls》等 | ||
《鴻: 三代中國女人的故事》等 | ||
2021-01-09 | ||
《给理想一点时间》等 | ||
2020-11-01 | ||
《晚清七十年》等 | ||
2020-10-01 | ||
《上课不要烤香肠》等 | ||
2020-09-01 | ||
《这就是中国》等 | ||
2020-08-01 | ||
《剪刀声里》等 | ||
2020-07-01 | ||
《捕蝶人》等 | ||
2020-06-01 | ||
《有梦想的妻子不会变老》等 | ||
2020-05-01 | ||
《超越时空》等 | ||
2019-02-21 | ||
《A tale of two cities》, etc. | ||
《Crimes against humanity》, etc. | ||
《Inferno》, etc. | ||
《Mansfield Park》, etc. | ||
《The Plays of Oscar Wilde》, etc. | ||
《癌病对话录》等 | 96285300123 | |
《缠足的美人鱼》等 | ||
《东京奇谭集》等 | ||
《魔鬼经济学》等 | ||
《能干的法贝尔》 | ||
《孝经研习报告》等 | ||
《一个台湾医生的丝路假期》等 | ||
1,000 places to see before you die | 0761156860 | |
1,000 places to see in the USA and Canada before you die | 0761136916 | |
1421 : the year China discovered America | 0060537639 | |
1920s omnibus | 0007208626 | |
1Q84, Book 2 & Book 3 | ||
2008 U.S. presidential election Record | 7802185270 | |
20th Century Homage To Catalonia And Looking Back On The Spanish (Twentieth Century Classics) | 0140182314 | |
45.45会议机密 | 9810017545 | |
A christian approach to philosophy | ||
A dance with dragons | 055338595X | |
A farewell to arms | 0684801469 | |
A good Indian wife : a novel | 0393335291 | |
A midsummer night's dream | 0486475743 | |
A midsummer night's dream | 9813030003 | |
A night divided | 0545682428 | |
A portrait of the artist as a young man | 0141182660 | |
Above average | 8172236530 | |
Absolutely on music : conversations | 0385354347 | |
Afterlands | 0241143470 | |
Agnes Grey (Arcturus Paperback Classics) | 9781848376083 | |
Alan Bennett Plays One: Forty Years On, Getting On, Habeas Corpus and Enjoy (Faber Contemporary Classics) | 057117745X | |
Alice's adventures in Wonderland | 0141321075 | |
All the king's men | 0156004801 | |
Am Ufer des Rio Piedra sa? ich und weinte, chinesische Ausgabe | 7544250024 | |
Among the Believers: An Islamist Journey | 033049239X | |
An inconvenient truth : the planetary emergency of global warming and what we can do about it | 1594865671 | |
Anna Karenina | 9780141391892 | |
Antony and Cleopatra | 0007262841 | |
Argumentative Indian | 0141012110 | |
Banzai You Bastards (Hong Kong Edition) | 9627290033 | |
Beloved | 9780099540977 | |
Beyond belief : Islamic excursions among the converted peoples | 0349110107 | |
Boomerang in Chinese ("Zi Shi E Guo") | 986616540X | |
Border Town (Chinese Edition) | 7020056741 | |
Born a crime : stories from a South African childhood | 1473635292 | |
Bronze Horseman | 0006513220 | |
Child of the prophecy | 0312848811 | |
Chinaman: The legend of Pradeep Mathew | 9788184002850 | |
Chinese History-Platinum Edition (Chinese Edition) | 7511305873 | |
Chinese Lives: An Oral History of Contemporary China | 0679720561 | |
Clean | 144241345X | |
Coming through slaughter | 0679767851 | |
Conamara blues | ||
Confessions of a Wall Street addict (paperback) | 7800739988 | |
Confucius | 0835131335 | |
Consuelo & Alva Vanderbilt: The Story of a Mother and Daughter in the Gilded Age | 0007127316 | |
Country Driving: A Journey Through China from Farm to Factory (Chinese Edition) | 7532752801 | |
Creative capitalism : a conversation with Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and other economic leaders | 141659941X | |
Daniel Deronda (Oxford World's Classics) | 0192834819 | |
David Copperfield (Oxford World's Classics) | 0192835785 | |
D-Day: The Battle for Normandy | 0670918091 | |
Death by prescription : the shocking truth behind an overmedicated nation | 0785264841 | |
Death in the ricefields : thirty years of war in Indochina | 0856133426 | |
Dispel melancholy grocery store (Chinese Edition) | 7544270874 | |
Dong Jing Qi Tan Ji (Tradtional Chinese Version of 'Tokyo Kitanshu' NOT in English) | 9571344311 | |
Einstein's masterwork : 1915 and the general theory of relativity | 1848318529 | |
Eloquence practical skills Britannica - (Set 2 Volumes)(Chinese Edition) | 7800618579 | |
Empress Dowager Cixi | 0224087444 | |
ENGLISH PASSENGERS | 0140285210 | |
Euler student notes : enrichment stage | ||
Fangirl | 1250054001 | |
Fanny Hill: Memoirs Of A Woman of Pleasure (Wordsworth Classics) | 9781840224177 | |
Farewell my concubine : a novel | 0060976446 | |
Felix Holt, the radical | 0140434356 | |
Ferryman (Chinese Edition) | 7550013241 | |
Find your work feels good: Matsuura Yataro the comfortable working surgery(Chinese Edition) | 986640840X | |
Following Fish: Travels Around the Indian Coast | 0857896008 | |
footbinding mermaid [Paperback] | 7506342669 | |
Freakonomics (in Simplified Chinese Characters) | 7807281960 | |
Freedom from Fear: And Other Writings | 9780141039497 | |
Funny Boy: A Novel in Six Stories | 0099459213 | |
Generation Dead: Kiss of Life (A Generation Dead Novel) | 1423109244 | |
God's ramen(Chinese Edition) | 7513310688 | |
Great Expectations | 1853268410 | |
happiness paradox (excellent library of contemporary prose everyone) | 7506335506 | |
He wa ka building letter Fujimori photos | 9573273527 | |
Hibiscus Town (updated version) [Paperback] | 7020070337 | |
Hot, Flat, and Crowded | 184614129X | |
India: A Portrait | 0670085510 | |
Internet era has just begun: 2.0 Ma internal speech(Chinese Edition) | 7505135953 | |
Jane Austen Collection - Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park, Emma, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and sensibility, Persuasion | 1908849649 | |
Jane Eyre (Puffin Classics) | 9780140366785 | |
Keys of This Blood: Pope John Paul II Versus Russia and the West for Control of the New World Order | 9780671747237 | |
KGB today | ||
Letters from Burma | 0141041447 | |
Letters from Mao's China | 9810077866 | |
Love in the Time of Cholera (Penguin Modern Classics) | 9780141189208 | |
Macbeth (New Swan Shakespeare Series) | 0582527112 | |
Mary, Called Magdalene | 1405005416 | |
Mathematics:Grade nine(bottom) BSDSX goes together with big version(print in October, 2011) teaching material of northern teacher to completely read (Chinese edidion) Pinyin: shu xue : jiu nian ji ( xia ) BSDSX pei bei shi da ban ( 2011 nian 10 yue yin shua ) jiao cai wan quan jie du | 7542930133 | |
Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found | 0144001594 | |
Memoirs of a Polar Bear | 1846276322 | |
Message in a Bottle(Chinese Edition) | 7802251788 | |
Modern Classics Dubliners (Penguin Modern Classics) | 0141182458 | |
Modern Classics Great Wall of China: And Other Short Works (Penguin Modern Classics) | 0141186461 | |
most beautiful English: Chicken Soup Collection [paperback] | 7806999620 | |
My Revolutions | 0141036036 | |
Nam : the Vietnam war in the words of the men and women who fought there | ||
Narendra Modi : the man, the times | 9382618473 | |
Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American slave | 014039012X | |
National Geographic Traveler: Washington D.C. (3rd Edition) | 1426202253 | |
needle | 7805679940 | |
Never in a Million Years: A History of Hopeless Predictions | 1409140229 | |
Not by wages alone | 9971921049 | |
On Zen (Chinese Edition) | 7506080354 | |
Once Upon A Time (Souvenir Edition) (Chinese Edition) | 7540479094 | |
Organize Your Stuff: The Lazy Way (Macmillan Lifestyles Guide) | 0028630009 | |
Painter of Shanghai | 0141029331 | |
Peculiar Chris | 9810035578 | |
Penguin English Library Treasure Island (The Penguin English Library) | 0141199148 | |
Pocket History of Scotland | 184204043X | |
Principles of Economics- Condensed Translation Version with Color Illustration Supervalu Edition (Chinese Edition) | 7544238296 | |
products Reading Life (paperback) | 7801152921 | |
Psychology and life | 0673151832 | |
quibble (2008 bound volume) [Paperback] | 7807403969 | |
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (New Windmills) | 0435123122 | |
Romeo and Juliet (Arden Shakespeare) | 0415027535 | |
Roots (Picador Books) | 0330253018 | |
Say it like Obama : the power of speaking with purpose and vision | 007161589X | |
Say You're One of Them (Oprah's Book Club) | 9780316086370 | |
Second chance summer | 1416990682 | |
Selected Stories by Xuemo | 752020278X | |
Shadowblack: Book Two in the page-turning new fantasy series (Spellslinger) | 1471406695 | |
Silas Marner : the weaver of Raveloe | 0192834584 | |
Since You've Been Gone | 1471122662 | |
Snowy eastern mysterious Lamaism (1998. a version of a printed only printed 2500)(Chinese Edition) | 7544211002 | |
Son of the shadows | 0312848803 | |
Spellslinger | 9781785761324 | |
Spellslinger - Charmcaster | 1471406725 | |
Spellslinger 4: Soulbinder | 9781471406157 | |
Sputnik lover(Chinese Edition) | 7532726274 | |
Spycatcher : the candid autobiography of a senior intelligence officer | 0670820555 | |
Steve Jobs | 1408703742 | |
Stork Mountain | 1473632919 | |
Strange worlds amazing places | 0276421116 | |
talented Faber | 7536691912 | |
Tao Te Ching | 014044131X | |
The advancement of learning | ||
The alchemist | 0062315005 | |
The Arab-Israeli wars | ||
The Art of Living: Thoughts on Meeting the Challenge of Life | 0883658313 | |
The blazing world and other writings | 0140433724 | |
The Book of Idle Pleasures | 9780091923327 | |
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas | 1909531197 | |
The Bunker | 0306809583 | |
The Certificate History of Malaya 1400-1965 | 997178274X | |
The Coldest Winter (III Bloody Fight by Chosin Reservoir) (Chinese Edition) | 7229071380 | |
The collected novels | 0140255664 | |
The Crucible | 0141182555 | |
The Enchantress Returns (The Land of Stories) | 0316201553 | |
The end of food | 0547085974 | |
The first casualty : from the Crimea to Vietnam : the war correspondent as hero, propagandist, and myth maker | 0151312648 | |
The glass palace | 000651409X | |
The handbook of good English | 0671707973 | |
The Lacemakers of Glenmara | 033050634X | |
The little red dot : reflections by Singapore's diplomats | 9812564144 | |
The Lost Art of Dress: The Women Who Once Made America Stylish | 9780465066865 | |
The Lost Art of Letter Writing | 0749021004 | |
The Maid | 1408817322 | |
The Mayor of Casterbridge (Oxford World's Classics) | 019283441X | |
The Memoirs of Cleopatra: A Novel | 9780312187453 | |
The Mill on the Floss (Wordsworth Classics) | 9781853260742 | |
THE MODI MYTH | 9384439541 | |
The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century | 9780767923057 | |
The northern clemency | 1400044480 | |
The Odyssey | 0140268863 | |
The Odyssey (Wordsworth Classics) | 1853260258 | |
The Pickup | 0142001422 | |
The Picture of Dorian Gray (Vintage Classics) | 0099511142 | |
The proper study of mankind : an anthology of essays | 0374527172 | |
The Railway Children (Puffin Classics) | 9780141321608 | |
The Rainbow (Wordsworth Classics) | 9781853262500 | |
The Singapore lion : a biography of S. Rajaratnam | 981427951X | |
The Sky Is Everywhere | 1406354384 | |
The Speed Reading Book | 0563383127 | |
The Theban Plays: King Oedipus; Oedipus at Colonus; Antigone (Penguin Classics) | 9780140440034 | |
The Thorn of Lion City: A Memoir | 9780007200351 | |
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. Sogyal Rinpoche (Rider 100) | 1846041058 | |
The toss of a lemon | 0151015333 | |
The tragedy of King Lear | 0521612632 | |
The Unexpected Everything | 1471146146 | |
The Wadsworth anthology of drama | 0838407501 | |
The Way I used to be | 148147586X | |
The Wishing Spell (The Land of Stories) | 0316201561 | |
The world is flat : the globalized world in the twenty-first century | 0141034890 | |
The world is flat : the globalized world in the twenty-first century | 0141022728 | |
Three complete novels : Lady Chatterley's Lover, The Rainbow, Sons and Lovers | 1854871471 | |
Tintin and I: Interview Hergé [Paperback] | 7020068839 | |
Tiny Times-The Revised Edition (Chinese Edition) | 7535467083 | |
Toujours Provence | 0679736042 | |
Tsinghua Yuan Relics and Legends | 7302044007 | |
Ulysses (Penguin Modern Classics) | 0141182806 | |
Understand the first book of the world economy: no longer afraid to look upon the international financial news today(Chinese Edition) | 9866702553 | |
Understanding Edward Albee | 0872495035 | |
Verbal bean : works of the holy ghost | ||
West of Kabul, east of New York : an Afghan American story | 0374287570 | |
What everyone needs to know about Islam | 0195157133 | |
Wild Nights! Deluxe Edition: Stories About the Last Days of Poe, Dickinson, Twain, James, and Hemingway (Art of the Story) | 9780061434822 | |
Wilderness and razor wire | 1562791168 | |
Year of the tiger | 9814358894 | |
You Lead, They'll Follow: How to Inspire, Lead and Manage People, Really | 0958562008 | |
百年德性 | 7506319217 | |
比较文学槪论 | 7303053344 | |
笔墨论辩 | 96285210810 | |
碧奴 : 孟姜女哭长城的传说 | 7536672950 | |
冰雪美人 | 9867895665 | |
禅话 | 9787506080354 | |
城南旧事 (学生读本) | ||
大秦帝国 | ||
岛 | 7544244075 | |
都市漫遊者 : 文化觀察 | 019595713X | |
方修及其作品研究 上下册 | 9810440413 | |
费马大定理 : 一个困惑了世间智者358年的谜 | 7532721418 | |
郭沫若诗歌研究 | 7807525991 | |
国富论 | 7511705790 | |
漢英最新特色詞匯 | 7806810129 | |
恨也需要动用感情 | 9622576044 | |
互联网时代才刚刚开始 | 9787505135956 | |
黄孟文微型小说 | 9814157171 | |
茴香酒店 | 9573316196 | |
季羡林读书与做人 | 7801739302 | |
金瓶梅 上下 | ||
经济学原理 | 9787544238298 | |
巨人的背影 :为毛泽东辩护及当代中国问题省思 | 9810485344 | |
浪间逐梦 :余柱业口述历史档案 | 983378206X | |
妈妈不让你长大 : 微型小说 | 9810746776 | |
母亲 /高尔基 | ||
人类的艺术 上下册 | 7801016971 | |
认识日本 认识东北亚 | 981413998X | |
撒哈拉的故事 | 7530211110 | |
三生三世十里桃花 | 9787540479091 | |
上海的风花雪月 = ShangHai memorabilia | 7506314185 | |
设计的觉醒 | 9787563390953 | |
深夜与早晨的周记 | 962979229X | |
藤森照信论建筑 | 9789573273523 | |
我的名字叫红 | ||
小王子 (精) | 7539985739 | |
新加坡微型小说评论 | 9814157678 | |
一九九七知本風暴 | 9579002940 | |
一日一禅 | 9787542930132 | |
一日一悟 | 9787542928665 | |
一只猫的巴黎研究 | 9789867247254 | |
伊斯兰教文化百问 | 7507201562 | |
迎春花 | 7503301171 | |
拥抱未来 : 資讯高速公路未来新蓝圖 | 9573227177 | |
于丹《论语》感悟 | 7101060552 | |
月夜遗留了死心不息的眼睛 | 9629791048 | |
再造中国人 | 7543811936 | |
找到你的工作好感觉 | 9789866408403 | |
真知灼见 游戏人间 | 9789671608609 | |
中国史 | 9787511305879 | |
中國學術思想史隨筆 | 7108018454 | |
朱镕基讲话实录 第二卷 | 7010101272 | |
朱镕基讲话实录 第三卷 | 7010101264 | |
朱镕基讲话实录 第四卷 | 7010101256 | |
朱镕基讲话实录 第一卷 | 7010101280 | |
最后一束康乃馨 = The last carnation | 981071789X |