Donation List

Mr. LIM Kian Seng(林建成), 1958年12月生于新加坡,父母来自福建省金门县。小学启蒙于同敬小学,后转入立化政府华文小学、立化政府华文中学(现立化中学),高中时上实明工艺中学,后攻读新加坡管理学院、取得企业管理文凭,考获上海交通大学与新加坡华夏管理学院合办的企业管理硕士学位,2005年入厦门大学历史系研究先贤李光前,因延宕无功而返。1978年7月,入《民报》当外勤记者,1981年4月,转到《南洋商报》;1983年3月,新加坡报业整合前后,曾在《快报》、《联合早报》、《快报》周末版、《联合晚报》任记者。1986年8月加入大东方保险,从代理员到营业主任到集团经理,后转任副总监丶高级执行经理,高级执行财务策划师等职。从2013年起,先后出版《课堂以外》系列文集,其中包括《富贵临门》、《走宝之后》、《课堂以外》、《高风亮节》、《潜移默化》等。

Generously donated 38 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2024-09.

Generously donated 105 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2024-07.

Generously donated 271 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2024-04.

Dr. WANG Changsong(王昌松), Associate Professor currently, is also the Dean of School of Communication and Director of Centre for ASEAN and Chinese Screen Studies in Xiamen University Malaysia. His research areas include film studies and cultural studies.

Generously donated 2 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2024-09.

Generously donated 3 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2023-10.

Generously donated 2 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-09.

Dr. KHOO Kiak Uei(邱克威), 本校中文系助理教授。

Generously donated 2 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2024-09.

Generously donated 1 book to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2024-08.

Generously donated 1 book to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2020-09.

Generously donated 3 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2020-01.

Generously donated 1 book to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-11.

Dr. WANG Xiaomei(王晓梅), 厦门大学马来西亚分校中文系主任,副教授。

Generously donated 3 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2024-09.

Generously donated 14 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2024-07.

Generously donated 16 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2023-09.

Generously donated 3 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-10.

Generously donated 5 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-08.

Generously donated 2 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-05.

Generously donated 4 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-08.

Generously donated 1 book to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-05.

Generously donated 2 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2017-11.

Mr. MOK Lee Kwang(莫理光), 1926年生于广东省潮安县,1937年底随祖母到新加坡,1949年入《南侨日报》,后逐步成长为《南洋商报》采访主任和总编辑,是1983年新加坡当地华文报合并后的《联合早报》第一任总编辑,1987年退休。曾出版书籍包括1955年的《印度之行》和2012年的回忆录《阅路心语》,2020年3月19日逝世于新加坡。其子莫玮玮为新加坡知名建筑师,曾荣获2007年获颁新加坡最高荣誉的总统设计奖年度设计师奖。

Generously donated 224 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2024-08.

Dr. ONN Huann Jan(安焕然), 厦门大学历史学博士(2009),现任新纪元大学学院中文系教授。

Generously donated 3 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2024-08.

Generously donated 1 book to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-10.

Puan Sri Chelsia Chau Ha CHAN(陈秋霞), 原籍苏州,出生于香港(1957年11月12日-),为香港1970至1980年代唱片金曲歌手,及红极东南亚中港台韩的电影演员,现任金狮百盛基金(Lion-Parkson Foundation)主席,从事慈善事业,募款建设Home of Handicapped & Mentally Disabled Children in Banting, Selangor。作为马来西亚最有影响力的华商领袖之一,钟廷森创办的金狮集团拥有320家下属企业和关联公司。

Generously donated 12 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2024-08.

Generously donated 10 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2018-06.

Mr. NGOH Teck Nam(伍德南), 新加坡友人

Generously donated 20 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2024-07.

Dr. Kevin NG Kim Huat(黄劲发院长), Founder of International Human Inborn Technology Research Certified Institute

Generously donated 1 book to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2024-07.

Dr. SUN Baoguo(孙保国), an alumnus of Xiamen University in Singapore,graduated in 1984 from Chemistry Department.

Generously donated 86 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2024-07.