
Prof. James C. HSIUNG 熊玠

Prof. James C. HSIUNG , 1955年获台湾大学外文系学士。1958年赴美,1961年获南依利诺大学新闻系硕士,1967年获美国哥伦比亚大学政治学系博士,留校任助理教授,1969年任教于美国纽约大学政治学系,1977年加入美国籍,后任纽约大学政治学教授兼该校政治研究所主任。著有《The Xi Jingping Era: His Comprehensive Strategy Toward the China Dream》等,他的研究兴趣是比较政治、亚洲国际关系、国际法和国际治理。2022年中,通过长荣公司纽约办事处运赠一批政治学和国际关系的个人收藏英文图书,学术价值较高。

‘Political conflict', etc.
‘Stilwell and the American experience in China 1911-45
Ameircan foreign policy interests, vol. 2005- vol. 2010
American journal of international law
Comparative politics; vol. 15, No.1
'Contemporary analytical theory', etc.
Foreign affairs; 2006 - 2015
Global Asia, vol. 2, no.1
'International journal of Korean unification studies' and other journal issues
'International law frameworks', etc.
International legal materials : 1969-1976
NATO 1949-1999
'Nurember and Vietnam : an American tragedy'
'Political and administrative development', etc.
'Report of the preparatory Committee for the Special Session...’, etc.
'Strategic chanllenges', etc.
'Studies in the social history of China & Southeast Asia'
'The affluent society', etc.
The American Asian review
'The economics of the developing countries', etc.
'The evolution of nuclear strategy', etc.
'The relations of nations' , etc.
World politics : a quarterly journal of international relations; vol. 25-26
点瑞流芳 9789570529326