
Mr. SOH Chee Hong 苏智鸿

Mr. SOH Chee Hong , Career Services Manager from Student Affairs Department XMUM

Automation,Production System & Computer--Integrated Manufacturing 9780130895462
Kertas Soalan Peperiksaan SPM Mathematics 9789835951763
2012年董总主办五场和平请愿大集会专辑 9789831692851
3000 Solved Problems in Physics 9780070257344
additional Mathematics 9789673399932
Advanced Mechanics of Materials 9780471438816
An introduction to human factors engineering 9780131229174
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers 9780471794738
Asas matematik kejuruteraan 9789832473541
AutoCAD 2000i Update 9780130622242
Buku rumus matematik: untuk pelajar IPTA/IPTS 9789832639503
Business Statistics in Practice 9780071270328
Complete Business Statistics 9780071160186
Complete Guide to 'O Level' Mathematics 9789810613259
Construction Project Management: A Practical Guide to Field Construction Management 9780471745884
Corporate Financial Management 9780130905413
Creative Design of Products and Systems 9780470148501
Dictionary of Science (Oxford Quick Reference) 9780198607571
Discrete Mathematics and its Applications 9780071244749
Discrete Mathematics by Example 9780071229142
Engineering Design Graphics-AutoCAD® 2000 9780130303653
Engineering Project Management, 9781405168021
Essentials of Business Statistics 9780071220262
Excellence in Business Communication 9780130909473
Facilities Planning 9780470444047
Finance 9780130256768
Financial Markets and Institutions 9780321050649
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 9780071160421
Fundamentals of Financial Institutions Management 9780071167598
Fundamentals of Financial Management 9780130304711
Fundamentals of Futures and Option Markets 9780130423580
Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing 9780471427605
Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia Vol.1 077731520107
Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia Vol.2 077731520206
I-DEAS Student Guide 9780071216326
Information Technology for Engineers
Information Technology Project Management 9780470409480
International Financial Management 9780071181143
International Investments 9780201473773
Introduction to Management Science 9780132371193
Introduction to Operations Research 9780071267670
Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance 9780130328113
Introductory Circuit Analysis 9780130484338
Investments: Analysis and Management 9780471416739
Istilah kejuruteraan, bahasa Inggeris-bahasa Malaysia 9789836201072
Kertas Model SPM Physics 9789673399970
Kertas Soalan Peperiksaan PMR Mathematics 9789835951688
Kimia Fizik STPM 9789676548108
Kimia organik STPM 9789676548115
Koleksi kertas peperiksaan sebenar SPM: mathematics 9789837032361
Management 9780139619212
Management Science: The Art of Modeling with Spreadsheets 9780470393765
Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain 9780071221191
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology 9780130174406
Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction 9780470041628
Mathematik Tambahan Tingkatan 4 9789830049922
Maths Guide New Syllabus Primary 5 9789814238229
Mechanics of Materials 9780071235686
Mechanics of Materials 9780471721154
Mechanics of Materials: An Integrated Learning System 9780470044384
Modern Control Systems 9780131277656
N Level Mathematics 9789812748768
N Level Mathematics 9789812748744
N Level Science Physics 9789812748225
Negotiating Tactics 9789839214499
O Level Science Physics 9789812748645
O Level topical Mathematics 9789812748423
Operations management 9780132016391
Operations management : an asian perspective 9780071270625
Operations Management for MBAs 9780471351429
Operations Management: Contemporary Concepts and Cases 9780071263863
Perakaunan Kewangan dan Pelaporan 9789839340327
Physics 9789673398331
Physics Form 4 9789673398324
Physics Paper Worked Solutions (Yearly Questions) 9789810579630
Physics Paper Worked Solutions (Yearly Questions) 9789810579005
Pocket Book of Integrals and Mathematical Formulas 9780849302633
Power Point 2000行銷企劃篇 9789572231678
Practical Reliability Analysis 9780130420206
Principles of Economics 9780139619052
Project Management: A Managerial Approach 9780470400265
Psychology Self, Others and Society 9780733974991
Quality Management for Organizational Excellence 9780138003548
Schaum's Outline of Discrete Mathematics 9780071470384
Schaum's outline of theory and problems of strength of materials 9780071166072
Science In Focus : Physics O Level 9789812478368
Secondary 3B Mathematics Tutor 9789814202527
Secondary Three Mathematics Tutor 3A 9789814202282
Statics and Strengths of Materials 9780071156660
Statics: SI Version 9780471787020
Statistical Quality Control: A Modern Introduction 9780470233979
Statistics for Business & Economics 9780132069731
Statistics for Management and Economics 9780534515843
Strategic Hotel/Motel Marketing 0866120319
Strategic Management 9780071263757
Strategic management and business policy 9780130090867
Strategic Management: Concepts & Cases 9780131123724
Supply Chain Management 9780136094517
The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language 0395448956
The Mechanical Design Process 9780071240598
The Oxford Dictionary of Current English 9780198602330
University Physics with Modern Physics 9780321204691
现代汉英词典 9838201154
叶新田诗词暨马来文译诗 9729610123060