
Mr. Chee Kuan POH 傅志宽

Mr. Chee Kuan POH , an expert of piling technology and geotechnology in Singapore, he was also a Non-Executive Director at CSC Holdings Ltd from 1999 to 2013 and an Independent Non-Executive Director at CWG International Pte Ltd from 2014 to 2016.

A decade of Geotechinical advances : 2008-2017
Technical guide
The Illustrated atlas of the world's great buildings
This land of Europe
马来语月刊 第2-4,6-10辑
《How was it done?》 and other pictorial books
《What to do in an emergency》, etc.
11th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering : the Netherlands commemorative volume
A family portrait 9789810964900
A practical guide to financial reporting standards : Singapore 9789810489274
Banking and finance 9971651017
Basic reinforced concret design, vol. 1
Basic reinforced concrete design, vol. 2
Bridges in China : old and new
Business finance 0406501416
Deep foundations institute conference proceedings 2006
Design of concrete structures
Design parameters in geotechnical engineering; vol 1 - 5 0727700804
Directors' duties and liabilities 9971651688
Economics for the Business manager 997184611X
Financial management : practice and revision 978005435398
Financil management and policy 0133174964
Geoscience serving society 9782914729697
Geotechnical Engineering : solution manual
Geotechnical engineering in Southeast Asia 9061915996
Gettig started in technical analysis 0471295426
Grain brain 9780316234801
Harvard business review on top-line growth 9781591399698
How to invest in stocks & shares 9971653605
ICSGE 2015
Intodutory economics 0135016770
Landmarks in soil mechanics 9780727719089
My journey through eighty years of storms 978981184412
Site investigation 0246116412
Soil mechanics and foundations
The Rokwills Christian guide to Wills, living trusts and estate planning 978981082783
The vital difference 9810024703
Understanding company accounts 0273012894
尘埃落定 97870203345
高层建筑 ,上册:基础开挖施工法与设计实例
好好爱自己 97875309600
回甘人生 978780672122
李光耀回忆录 97898102982
李光耀图片集 9810130503
灵感胜于快门 :张美寅的光影之旅 978981733452
刘培芳散文选 978962895893
落地生根 开枝散叶 :新加坡华族谱系 9789810919603
绵竹年画 :蝴蝶装?
朴槿惠日记 978753768
如果你是大海,不在乎那条船 978914856638
上海之死 9787532924165
上善若蚁 :陈训勇十年颂蚁作品集 9789861274120
生命中不能承受之轻 7538712895
唐大禧作品选 978988371713
星光印象 978914856294
源 :2022年第3期
远去的硝烟 978981172229
Business firms and companies 9971650916