
Mr. LIANG C. S. 梁进全

Mr. LIANG C. S. , 依所赠图书之名章,该批书为梁进全之所藏,据其西文图书集中于语言哲学家罗素的著作,而中文图书的主题乃为语言文字学,以中国大陆简体字书为主体。

《A book of English idioms with explanations》 and other English learning books
《A concise dictionary of correct English》, etc.
《Collins cobuild English grammar》, etc.
《Emma》and other cloth books
《English idioms》, etc.
《Madame Bovary》 and other pocket books
《More Chinese sayings》, etc.
《Philosophy : 100 essential thinkers》
《Plain words》,etc.
《Rebecca》 and other pocket books
《The Cambridge encyclopedia of language》等工具书
《The essentials of Bonsai》 and other books in English
A dictionary of philosophy 0330283596
A free man's worship 0048240214
A history of western philosophy 978004100450
ABC of relativity 970045210039
Authority and the individual 0041700309
Authority and the individual 97800410032
Bertrand Russell : autobiography 9780049210226
Bertrand Russell political ideals 0043201202
Chinese Jades from the collection of the Seattle Art Museum
Dictionary of ideas 9781860195037
Fine 19th and 20th century Chinese paintings
Great masterpieces of China Exhibition
Historical atlas of ancient mesopotamia 978081605706
In praise of idleness 9780043040089
Model business letters, emails & other business documents 97802767542
My philosophical development 978004192307
Orientations : monthly magazine
Out of Africa and shadows on the grass 978014005334
Outline of philosophy 9780041920352
Principles of social reconstruction 0043201376
Raffles fine arts auctioneers
Roget's thesaurus 0140510079
Russell's best 0041920317
Sceptical essays 978004100036
Simon & Schuster's guide to ...
Sincerity International 2009 Summer Exhibition & Auction in Singapore
Singapore International Coin Fair 2013
The clash of civilizations and the remaking of wold order 978043231497
The conquest of happiness 9780041710045
The impact of science on society 0043000630
The penguin dictionary of religions 978010511062
The Penguin essays of George Orwell 0140090339
Unpopular essays 0043040071
Why I am not a chistian 9780042000282
灯下抒怀 9789810527105
廻声 :李自健油画国际巡回展
千山路 989810497422
稀游记 9789810822798
艺术天地, 1991.8
最新汉语拼音教本 :中小学适用