
Prof. Dr. Soo-Ying LEE 李仕仁

Prof. Dr. Soo-Ying LEE , Emeritus Professor of School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University. He was also the Founding Dean of School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences and later the College of Science of NTU. He is Fellow of the Academy of Science Malaysia since 2008 and Fellow of Singapore National Academy of Science since 2011.

A guide to Feynman diagrams in the many-body problem
An elementary treatise on Laplace transforms
An introduction to invariant imbedding 0471064165
Analytic functions and distributions in physics and engineering 0471733342
Classical dynamics : a modern perspective 0471835404
Classical electrodynamics 047143132X
Classical mechanics
College mathematics with business applications
Course of theoretical physics, vol. 1 : mechanics
Differential forms
Differential geometry 0471828254
Electricity and magnetism
Electromagnetic fields and waves 0716703319
Elementary excitations in solids : lectures on phonons, electrons and plasmons
Elementary topology
Elements of statistical thermodynamics
Fluid dynamics 0070311102
Foundations of logic and mathematics
Foundations of quantum mechanics 0201032988
Functional analysis 0804448213
Functional analysis 0070542252
Functions of several variables
General topology 00170379882
Generalized Functions, vol. 1 : properties and operations
Green's functions : introductory theory with applications 0442069596
Group theory and its physical applications
Group theory and quantum mechanics 0070648956
Groups and their graphs 0394015703
Infinitesimal calculus 0395120349
Introduction to asymptotics and special functions 0125258569
Introduction to differentiable manifolds
Introduction to elliptic functions with applications
Introduction to Hilbert space and the theory of spectral multiplicity
Introduction to nonlinear differential and integral equations 0486609715
Introduction to nuclear theory
Introduction to symbolic logic and its applications 0486604535
Introduction to the Vigier theory of elementary particles
Invariant imbedding and its applications to ordinary differential equations 0201068451
Laplace transforms 007060231X
Lectures in mathematical physics, vol. 1 0805339477
Lectures in mathematical physics, vol. 2 0805339531
Lectures on the calculus of variations
Linear integral equations : theory and technique
Linear operators for quantum mechanics 0471450413
Malay peasant society and leadership 019580306X
Many-body problems
Many-electron theory 0720402425
Mathematical foundations of statistical mechanics 0486601471
Mathematical methods in physics and engineering
Mathmtics of classical and quantum physics, vol. 2
Methods of modern mathematical physics, vol. 1 : functional analysis
Methods of theoretical physics
Methods of theoretical physics; pt. 2
Metric spaces 0521047226
Molecular spectra and molecular structure; I. Spectra of diatomic molecules
Nonrelativistic mechanics 0805325519
Ordinary differential equations
Plama physics
Principls of functional analysis
Quantum mechanics
Quantum mechanics : non-relativistic theory
Quantum theory of scattering
Real & complex analysis 0070542333
Real analysis
Regge poles and s-matrix theory
Relativistic quantum mechanics 0070054932
Scattering theory of waves and particles 007046409X
Science & culture
Selected problems in quantum mechanics
Selected stories of Lu Hsun
Some aspects of crystal field theory
Stability theory of differential equations 048662210X
Statistical mechanics : a set of lectures 0805325093
Statistical physics
Statitical mechanics
Subatomic physics 0138590826
Table of integrals series and products
The calculation of atomic collision processes 0471800007
The mechanics of the atom
The moral point of view 0394306511
The philsophy of space & time 0486604438
The principles of quantum mechanics 0198512082
The structure of Lebesgue integration theory
The theory of atomic collisions 0198512422
The use of integral transforms 0070594368
The variation method in quantum chemistry 0122405501
Theory of linear operators in Hilbert space , vol. 1
Topics in complex function theory, vol. 1 0471790702
Topology : a first course 0139254951
Unitary symmetry and elementary particles 0124484506
University of Chicago graduate problems in physics with solutions
Variational principles