
Mr. Bo Wen LIN 林博文

Mr. Bo Wen LIN , 1945年生于台湾新竹,毕业于淡江大学,美国西东大学硕士,在美国投入新闻业,曾在《远东时报》、美国《中报》、《美洲中国时报》、《中国时报》等媒体任职,出任美国《中报》总编辑、《中国时报》主笔。也担任《中国时报》、《亚洲周刊》专栏作家。1990年代离开媒体第一线工作后,以他对民国和当代人物的了解开始写作,代表作包括《时代的投影:近代人物品评》、《历史的暗流:近代中美关系秘辛》、《跨世纪第一夫人宋美龄》、《一句话改变世界》、《历史从此改写:跨世纪人物评点》、《黑旋风欧巴马》、《张学良、宋子文档案大揭秘》、《悸动的六〇年代》、《关键民国》等13种书。2019年3月,由其七妹林光美(台湾大学图书馆资深馆长)介绍、夫人陈清玉(Chinyu LIN)女士安排从纽约法拉盛家中捐赠全部的总共244箱,计9349册,价值约20万美元的中英文个人藏书给厦门大学马来西亚分校图书馆。

"A new kind of war" : America's global strategy and the Truman Doctrine in Greece 0195045815, 9780195045819
"An Honorable profession" : a tribute to Robert F. Kennedy 0385471270, 9780385471275
"And I was there" : Pearl Harbor and Midway--breaking the secrets 0688048838, 9780688048839
"Lessons" of the past : the use and misuse of history in American foreign policy 0195018907, 9780195018905
"Let the word go forth" : the speeches, statements, and writings of John F. Kennedy 0440500419, 9780440500414
"The good war" : an oral history of World War Two 0394531035, 9780394531038
"Watch out for the foreign guests!" : China encounters the West 0394513312, 9780394513317
"We are Lincoln men" : Abraham Lincoln and his friends 0743254686, 9780743254687
《Modern Asian studies》, and other books
100 baseball icons : from the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum Archive 158008916X, 9781580089166
100 most important women of the 20th century 0696208237, 9780696208232
100 New York painters 0764325434, 9780764325434
100 years of circus posters 0380001446, 9780380001446
1421 : the year China discovered America 0060537639, 9780060537630
15 stars : Eisenhower, MacArthur, Marshall : three generals who saved the American century 0743275276, 9780743275279
1587, a year of no significance : the Ming dynasty in decline 0300025181, 9780300025187
1903-2003 : 100 years of the World Series 0760757267, 9780760757260
1929 : the year of the great crash 0060160810, 9780060160814
1939, the lost world of the Fair 038072748X, 9780380727483
1940 : FDR, Willkie, Lindbergh, Hitler--the election amid the storm 0300190867, 9780300190861
1944 : FDR and the year that changed history 1439114080, 9781439114087
1960 : LBJ vs. JFK vs. Nixon : the epic campaign that forged three presidencies 1402761147, 9781402761140
1968 : the year that changed the world 1603200177, 9781603200172
1969: The Year Everything Changed 9781616080556, 1616080558
20th century journey : a memoir of a life and the times 0671221957, 9780671221959
20th century journey : a memoir of a life and the times 0316787035, 9780316787031
55 days : the fall of South Vietnam 0133144763, 9780133144765
'76: The World Turned Upside Down 0688030289, 9780688030285
A bridge too far 0671217925, 9780671217921
A call for revolution : how government is strangling America--and how to stop it 0345387732, 9780345387738
A cartoon history of United States foreign policy from 1945 to the present 0886875358, 9780886875350
A century's journey : how the great powers shape the world 0465054757, 9780465054756
A China passage 0395166152, 9780395166154
A China past : military and diplomatic memoirs 0819173770, 9780819173775
A Chinese pioneer family : the Lins of Wu-feng, Taiwan, 1729-1895 069103124X, 9780691031248
A clearing in the distance : Frederick Law Olmsted and America in the nineteenth century 0684824639, 9780684824635
A common good : the friendship of Robert F. Kennedy and Kenneth P. O'Donnell 0688148611, 9780688148614
A company of readers : uncollected writings of W.H. Auden, Jacques Barzun, and Lionel Trilling from The Readers' subscription and Mid-century book clubs 0743202627, 9780743202626
A crisis for the American press 0231045786, 9780231045780
A cruel and shocking act : The secret history of the Kennedy assassination 0805094202, 9780805094206
A Daughter of Han: The Autobiography of a Chinese Working Woman 0804706069, 9780804706063
A diary of the century : tales from America's greatest diarist 1568360800, 9781568360805
A divided life : a personal portrait of the spy Donald Maclean 0688094317, 9780688094317
A drinking life : a memoir 0316341029, 9780316341028
A first-rate madness : uncovering the links between leadership and mental illness 1594202958, 9781594202957
A Flying Tiger's diary 0890964084, 9780890964088
A fragile relationship : the United States and China since 1972 0815734654, 9780815734659
A freewheelin' time : a memoir of Greenwich Village in the sixties 0767926889, 9780767926881
A general's life : an autobiography 0671410237, 9780671410230
A gentle madness : bibliophiles, bibliomanes, and the eternal passion for books : with a new preface 0805061762, 9780805061765
A great wall : six presidents and China : an investigative history 1891620371, 9781891620379
A guide to national monuments and historic sites 0136116825, 9780136116820
A history of reading 0670843024, 9780670843022
A history of the American people 0060168366, 9780060168360
A history of warfare 0394588010, 9780394588018
A journey for our times : a memoir 0060390069, 9780060390068
A lady, first : my life in the Kennedy White House and the American embassies of Paris and Rome 0670894532, 9780670894536
A latterday Confucian : reminiscences of William Hung, (1893-1980) 0674512979, 9780674512979
A life in our times : memoirs 0395305098, 9780395305096
A life in the twentieth century 0395707528, 9780395707524
A lifetime in every moment 0395737923, 9780395737927
A love affair with Life & Smithsonian 0826210260, 9780826210265
A madman of Chʾu : the Chinese myth of loyalty and dissent 0520036859, 9780520036857
A manual for writers of term papers, theses, and dissertations
A maritime album : 100 photographs and their stories 0300073992, 9780300073997
A modern China and a new world : Kʻang Yu-wei, reformer and utopian, 1858-1927 0295953853, 9780295953854
A moveable feast 068482499X, 9780684824994
A moveable feast : the restored edition 143918271X, 9781439182710
A native's return, 1945-1988 0316787132, 9780316787130
A New York life : of friends and others 0671695231, 9780671695231
A peace to end all peace : the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the creation of the modern Middle East 0805068848, 9780805068849
A people's history of the United States : 1492-2001 0060838655, 9780060838652
A revolution is not a dinner party : a feast of images of the Maoist transformation of China 0385096658, 9780385096652
A scientist at the White House : the private diary of President Eisenhower's Special Assistant for Science and Technology 0674794966, 9780674794962
A Sense of history : the best writing from the pages of American heritage 0828111758, 9780828111751
A single tear : a family's persecution, love, and endurance in Communist China 0871134942, 9780871134943
A social basis for prewar Japanese militarism : the army and the rural community 0520025520, 9780520025523
A source book in Chinese philosophy 0691019649, 9780691019642
A spy among friends : Kim Philby's great betrayal 0804136637, 9780804136631
A study of history 0070651299, 9780070651296
A syllabus of Chinese civilization 0231036760, 9780231036764
A tale of two cities 0679203745, 9780679203742
A tangled web : the making of foreign policy in the Nixon Presidency 0809091518, 9780809091515
A thousand days : John F. Kennedy in the White House 1579124496, 9781579124496
A time for remembering : the story of Ruth Bell Graham 0802725015, 9780802725011
A time for war : Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the path to Pearl Harbor 0136533388, 9780136533382
A time of our choosing : America's war in Iraq 0805075623, 9780805075625
A time to heal : the autobiography of Gerald R. Ford 0060112948, 9780060112943
A tissue of lies : Nixon vs. Hiss 0070373973, 9780070373976
A torch kept lit : great lives of the twentieth century 1101906219, 9781101906217
A tragic beginning : the Taiwan uprising of February 28, 1947 0804718296, 9780804718295
A turning wheel : three decades of the Asian revolution as witnessed by a correspondent for The New Yorker 0394417526, 9780394417523
A very private woman : the life and unsolved murder of presidential mistress Mary Meyer 0553106295, 9780553106299
A world lit only by fire : the medieval mind and the Renaissance : portrait of an age 0316545317, 9780316545310
A world of love : Eleanor Roosevelt and her friends, 1943-1962 0385170548, 9780385170543
A world of trouble : the White House and the Middle East--from the Cold War to the War on Terror 0374292892, 9780374292898
A World Restored : Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace, 1812-22 (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 50 Years) 0297643959, 9780297643951
A writer's life 0679410961, 9780679410966
Abby Aldrich Rockefeller : the woman in the family 039456975X, 9780394569758
About 85 years ago : postcards from America 1570981507, 9781570981500
About face : a history of America's curious relationship with China from Nixon to Clinton 067945053X, 9780679450535
About the New Yorker and me : a sentimental journal 0399123008, 9780399123009
About town : the New Yorker and the world it made 0684816059, 9780684816050
Abraham Lincoln 0805083456, 9780805083453
Abraham Lincoln : great American historians on our sixteenth president 1586486764, 9781586486761
Abraham Lincoln : great American historians on our sixteenth president 1586487744, 9781586487744
Abraham Lincoln and the second American Revolution 019505542X, 9780195055429
Abraham Lincoln, a press portrait 0820311375, 9780820311371
Abuse of power : the new Nixon tapes 0684841274, 9780684841274
Act of creation : the founding of the United Nations : a story of superpowers, secret agents, wartime allies and enemies, and their quest for a peaceful world 0813333245, 9780813333243
Act of treason : the role of J. Edgar Hoover in the assassination of President Kennedy 088184747X, 9780881847475
Adlai Stevenson : his life and legacy 0688066615, 9780688066611
Adlai Stevenson and the world : the life of Adlai E. Stevenson 0385121792, 9780385121798
Adlai Stevenson of Illinois : the life of Adlai E. Stevenson 0385126484, 9780385126489
Adlai Stevenson: His Life and Legacy 0688103871, 9780688103873
Adolf Hitler 0345275330, 9780345275332
Affection and trust : the personal correspondence of Harry S. Truman and Dean Acheson, 1953-1971 0307593541, 9780307593542
Age of ambition : chasing fortune, truth, and faith in the new China 0374535272, 9780374535278
Agents and victims in south China : accomplices in rural revolution 0300052650, 9780300052657
Agnes Smedley, the life and times of an American radical 0520059662, 9780520059665
Ahead of time : my early years as a foreign correspondent 0922066647, 9780922066643
Alarming History of Sex 1856194930, 9781856194938
Albert Speer : his battle with truth 0394529154, 9780394529158
Alexander Hamilton 1594200092, 9781594200090
Alfred C. Kinsey : a public/private life 0393040860, 9780393040869
Alfred I. du Pont : the man and his family 0195043499, 9780195043495
Alfred North Whitehead : the man and his work 0801824885, 9780801824883
Alfred Stieglitz 051710332X, 9780517103326
Alger Hiss, the true story 0030137764, 9780030137761
Alger Hiss's looking-glass wars : the covert life of a Soviet spy / G. Edward White 0195153456, 9780195153453
Alien ink : the FBI's war on freedom of expression 0688068855, 9780688068851
All color book of Egyptian mythology 070640128X, 9780706401288
All color book of Greek mythology 0706401239, 9780706401233
All colour book of Roman mythology 0706402758, 9780706402759
All governments lie : the life and times of rebel journalist I.F. Stone 0684807130, 9780684807133
All I did was ask : conversations with writers, actors, musicians, and artists 0786888202, 9780786888207
All politics is local, and other rules of the game 0812922972, 9780812922974
All the great prizes : the life of John Hay, from Lincoln to Roosevelt 1416597344, 9781416597346
All the presidents' children : triumph and tragedy in the lives of America's first families 074344633X, 9780743446334
Allies at war : the bitter rivalry among Churchill, Roosevelt, and de Gaulle 0786709499, 9780786709496
Allies of a kind : the United States, Britain, and the war against Japan, 1941-1945 0195200349, 9780195200348
Along the riverbank : Chinese painting from the C.C. Wang family collection 0870999052, 9780870999055
America and island China : a documentary history 0819172561, 9780819172563
America and the world: conversations on the future of American foreign policy 0465015018, 9780465015016
America in search of itself : the making of the President, 1956-1980 0060390077, 9780060390075
America in the '40s : a sentimental journey ; with a foreword by Bill Mauldin 0762100109, 9780762100101
America revised : history schoolbooks in the twentieth century 039474439X, 9780394744391
American art 0706400283, 9780706400281
American Bloomsbury : Louisa May Alcott, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret Fuller, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Henry David Thoreau : their lives, their loves, their work 0743264614, 9780743264617
American Caesar, Douglas MacArthur, 1880-1964 0316544981, 9780316544986
American creation : triumphs and tragedies at the founding of the republic 030726369X, 9780307263698
American diplomacy and the pragmatic tradition 080711460X, 9780807114605
American dreamers : how the left changed a nation 0307266281, 9780307266286
American heiress : the wild saga of the kidnapping, crimes and trial of Patty Hearst 0385536712, 9780385536714
American heritage great minds of history 0471327158, 9780471327158
American images of China, 1931-1949 0804736545, 9780804736541
American originals 029598077X, 9780295980775
American originals : the private worlds of some singular men and women 0060166940, 9780060166946
American politicians : photographs from 1843 to 1993 0870701576, 9780870701573
American rebels 1560255439, 9781560255437
American science and modern China, 1876-1936 0521227445, 9780521227445
American sketches : great leaders, creative thinkers, and heroes of a hurricane 1439180644, 9781439180648
American sphinx : the character of Thomas Jefferson 0679444904, 9780679444909
American statecraft : the story of the U.S. Foreign Service 125003745X, 9781250037459
American studies 0374104344, 9780374104344
American tongue and cheek : a populist guide to our language 0394509056, 9780394509051
American treasures in the Library of Congress : memory, reason, imagination 0810942984, 9780810942981
American trials of the 20th century 1578590523, 9781578590520
Americans and Chinese Communists, 1927-1945; a persuading encounter 080140617X, 9780801406171
Americans in Southeast Asia: the roots of commitment 069008692X, 9780690086928
America's Asia; dissenting essays on Asian-American relations 0394468023, 9780394468020
America's China sojourn : America's foreign policy and its effects on Sino-American relations, 1942-1948 081913175X, 9780819131751
America's first ladies 0895778831, 9780895778833
America's Rasputin : Walt Rostow and the Vietnam War 0374103860, 9780374103866
America's response to China : a history of Sino-American relations 0231068050, 9780231068055
America's secret power : the CIA in a democratic society 0195054903, 9780195054903
Among the believers : an Islamic journey 0394509692, 9780394509693
An accidental sportswriter : a memoir 0061769134, 9780061769139
An American album : one hundred and fifty years of Harper's magazine 1879957531, 9781879957534
An American life 0671691988, 9780671691981
An American missionary in China : John Leighton Stuart and Chinese-American relations 0674478355, 9780674478350
An American transplant : the Rockefeller Foundation and Peking Union Medical College 0520035593, 9780520035591
An army at dawn : the war in North Africa, 1942-1943 0805062882, 9780805062885
An honest president : the life and presidencies of Grover Cleveland 038097746X, 9780380977468
An instance of treason : Ozaki Hotsumi and the Sorge spy ring 0804717672, 9780804717670
An intellectual history of modern China 0521797101, 9780521797108
An introduction to Chinese literature 0253330912, 9780253330918
An uncommon man : the triumph of Herbert Hoover 067146034X, 9780671460341
Anarchism in the Chinese Revolution 0520082648, 9780520082649
Ancient China : the discoveries of post-liberation Chinese archaeology 0821206087, 9780821206089
Ancient China in transition : an analysis of social mobility, 722-222 B.C. 0804702241, 9780804702249
Ancient melodies 0876637519, 9780876637517
And the walls came tumbling down : an autobiography 0060161922, 9780060161927
Angels and ages : a short book about Lincoln, Darwin, and modern life 0307270785, 9780307270788
Anna May Wong : from laundryman's daughter to Hollywood legend 0312293194, 9780312293192
Annapolis : the United States Naval Academy 0671089161, 9780671089160
Another life : a memoir of other people 0679456597, 9780679456599
Anthology of Chinese literature 0394177665, 9780394177663
Anthony Eden 0070322856, 9780070322851
Anvil of victory : the Communist revolution in Manchuria, 1945-1948 0231064365, 9780231064361
Apocalypse undone : my survival of Japanese imprisonment during World War II 0826512372, 9780826512376
Approaching Vietnam: From World War II Through Dienbienphu, 1941-1954 0393305783, 9780393305784
April 1865 : the month that saved America 0060187239, 9780060187231
Archibald MacLeish : an American life 0395493269, 9780395493267
Are we Rome? : the fall of an empire and the fate of America 0547052103, 9780547052106
Argument without end : in search of answers to the Vietnam tragedy 1891620223, 9781891620225
Armed with cameras : the American military photographers of World War II 0029202655, 9780029202654
Arms and Armour 0706400348, 9780706400342
Arnold J. Toynbee a life 019506335X, 9780195063356
Arrogant capital : Washington, Wall Street, and the frustration of American politics 0316706183, 9780316706186
Art in Latin America : the modern era, 1820-1980 0300045611, 9780300045611
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., and the ideological history of American liberalism 0817307184, 9780817307189
As it was : an inside view of politics and power in the '50s and '60s 0393055973, 9780393055979
Ashes to ashes : America's hundred-year cigarette war, the public health, and the unabashed triumph of Philip Morris 0394570766, 9780394570761
Asian Americans and politics : perspectives, experiences, prospects 0804742014, 9780804742016
Asia's cauldron : the South China Sea and the end of a stable Pacific 0812994329, 9780812994322
Ask not : the inauguration of John F. Kennedy and the speech that changed America 0805072136, 9780805072136
Assassin on stage : Brutus, Hamlet, and the death of Lincoln 0252017463, 9780252017469
Assassin! 0711020779, 9780711020771
Assassinated! : assassinations that shook the world, from Julius Caesar to JFK 1847241905, 9781847241900
Assassination in Algiers : Churchill, Roosevelt, de Gaulle, and the murder of Admiral Darlan 0393028283, 9780393028287
Assignment, Shanghai : photographs on the eve of revolution 0520239903, 9780520239906
At a century's ending : reflections, 1982-1995 0393038823, 9780393038828
At Canaan's edge : America in the King years, 1965-68 068485712X, 9780684857121
At dawn we slept : the untold story of Pearl Harbor 0070506698, 9780070506695
At ease : stories I tell to friends 0830640037, 9780830640034
At home in the world : a memoir 0312195567, 9780312195564
At Random : the reminiscences of Bennett Cerf 037575976X, 9780375759765
At the highest levels : the inside story of the end of the cold war 0316092819, 9780316092814
August '39 : the last four weeks of peace 0916515672, 9780916515676
Baba : a return to China upon my father's shoulders 0151000638, 9780151000630
Back fire : the CIA's secret war in Laos and its links to the war in Vietnam 0684802929, 9780684802923
Backstory : inside the business of news 1594200009, 9781594200007
Backward toward revolution; the Chinese Revolutionary Party 0520032799, 9780520032798
Balance of power : presidents and Congress from the era of McCarthy to the age of Gingrich 1570362785, 9781570362781
Barbara Bush : a memoir 0025196359, 9780025196353
Barbarians and mandarins : thirteen centuries of Western travelers in China 0226092291, 9780226092294
Baseball : an illustrated history 0679404597, 9780679404590
Baseball anecdotes 0195043960, 9780195043969
Baseball as America : seeing ourselves through our national game 0792264649, 9780792264644
Battle cry of freedom : the Civil War era 0195038630, 9780195038637
Battle for Burma 0841904685, 9780841904682
Battle for Korea : A History of the Korean Conflict 0938289926, 9780938289920
Battles Lost and Won: Great Campaigns of World War II (Men at War) 0831767065, 9780831767068
Battling Wall Street : The Kennedy presidency 1879823098, 9781879823099
Becoming Chinese : passages to modernity and beyond 0520222180, 9780520222182
Before Mao : the untold story of Li Lisan and the creation of Communist China 0060084642, 9780060084646
Before the storm : Barry Goldwater and the unmaking of the American consensus 080902859X, 9780809028597
Behind the front page : the story of the City News Bureau of Chicago 0897330706, 9780897330701
Behind the great wall of China: photographs from 1870 to the present 0870991205, 9780870991202
Behind the Times : inside the new New York times 0679418776, 9780679418771
Beijing then & now 1592237983, 9781592237982
Being a Rockefeller, becoming myself : a memoir 0399164081, 9780399164088
Being born 0448189909, 9780448189901
Being Nixon : a man divided 0812985419, 9780812985412
Being red 0395551307, 9780395551301
Bennett's New York herald and the rise of the popular press 0815624611, 9780815624615
Beria, Stalin's first lieutenant 0691032572, 9780691032573
Berkeley at war, the 1960s 0195058771, 9780195058772
Berlin diary : the journal of a foreign correspondent, 1934-1941 0517446359, 9780517446355
Bernard Baruch (The Adventures of a Wall Street Legend) 0671418874, 9780671418878
Bernard Fall : memories of a soldier-scholar 1574889575, 9781574889574
Bernstein remembered 0881847224, 9780881847222
Bertrand Russell : a life 067085008X, 9780670850082
Bertrand Russell--Dictionary of mind, matter & morals 0806514000, 9780806514000
Bertrand Russell's America : a documented account 0896081567, 9780896081567
Bess & Harry : an American love story 0399124438, 9780399124433
Best evidence : disguise and deception in the assassination of John F. Kennedy 0025718703, 9780025718708
Betrayal at Pearl Harbor : how Churchill lured Roosevelt into World War II 0671708058, 9780671708054
Better a shield than a sword : perspectives on defense and technology 0029324610, 9780029324615
Between assimilation and independence : the Taiwanese encounter nationalist China, 1945-1950 0804744572, 9780804744577
Between Churchill and Stalin : the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and the origins of the Grand Alliance 0807817961, 9780807817964
Between friends : perspectives on John Kenneth Galbraith 0395971306, 9780395971307
Between friends : the correspondence of Hannah Arendt and Mary McCarthy, 1949-1975 015100112X, 9780151001125
Between you & me : confessions of a Comma Queen 0393240185, 9780393240184
Between you and me : a memoir 1401300294, 9781401300296
Beyond peace 0679433236, 9780679433231
Big town biography : lives and times of the century's classic New Yorkers 1582612382, 9781582612386
Big trouble : a murder in a small western town sets off a struggle for the soul of America 0684808587, 9780684808581
Black in Selma : the uncommon life of J.L. Chestnut, Jr. 0374114048, 9780374114046
Blind Oracles: Intellectuals and War from Kennan to Kissinger 0691133875, 9780691133874
Blood sport : the president and his adversaries 0684802309, 9780684802305
Bob Dylan in America 0385529880, 9780385529884
Boiling point : Republicans, Democrats, and the decline of middle-class prosperity 0679404619, 9780679404613
Bombshell : the secret story of America's unknown atomic spy conspiracy 081292861X, 9780812928617
Book Love: A Celebration of Writers, Readers, and the Printed & Bound Book (Literary Companion) 1888889616, 9781888889611
Book of honor : covert lives and classified deaths at the CIA 0385492936, 9780385492935
Book Row: An Anecdotal and Pictorial History of the Antiquarian Book Trade 0786716525, 9780786716524
Book smart : your essential reading list for becoming a literary genius in 365 days 0071482717, 9780071482714
Books : a memoir 1416583343, 9781416583349
Books of the century : a hundred years of authors, ideas, and literature from The New York times 0812929659, 9780812929652
Born a foreigner : a memoir of the American presence in Asia 0847694690, 9780847694693
Borodin : Stalin's man in China 0674079108, 9780674079106
Brandeis and Frankfurter : a dual biography 0060152451, 9780060152451
Brando : songs my mother taught me 0679410139, 9780679410133
Breach of faith : the fall of Richard Nixon 0689106580, 9780689106583
Breaking barriers : a memoir 0316759775, 9780316759779
Breaking the news : how the media undermine American democracy 067944209X, 9780679442097
Brinkley's beat : people, places, and events that shaped my time 0375406441, 9780375406447
Britannica atlas 0852294034, 9780852294031
Bruce Catton's America : selections from his greatest works 0883940701, 9780883940709
Buddhism in China : a historical survey 0691000158, 9780691000152
Buffalo Bill remembers : truth and courage 0923568239, 9780923568238
Building Hoover Dam : an oral history of the Great Depression 0805791337, 9780805791334
Bullshit! : the media as power brokers in presidential elections 0962024309, 9780962024306
Burma, the untold story 0891412662, 9780891412663
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee : an Indian history of the American West 0805066691, 9780805066692
Campaigns : a century of presidential races from the photo archives of the New York Times 0789471353, 9780789471352
Capital confidential : one hundred years of sex, scandal and secrets in Washington, D.C. 0671553100, 9780671553104
Captured by history : one man's vision of our tumultuous century 0312154909, 9780312154905
Cardinal choices : presidential science advising from the atomic bomb to SDI 0195072103, 9780195072105
Case closed : Lee Harvey Oswald and the assassination of JFK 0679418253, 9780679418252
Casey : from the OSS to the CIA 0670823422, 9780670823420
Caveat : realism, Reagan, and foreign policy 0025473700, 9780025473706
CBS, the first 50 years 1575440830, 9781575440835
Celebrity-in-chief : how show business took over the White House 081334137X, 9780813341378
Centennial crisis : the disputed election of 1876 0375413871, 9780375413872
Central Park, 1857-1995 : the birth, decline, and renewal of a national treasure 0393025314, 9780393025316
Certain trumpets : the call of leaders 067165702X, 9780671657024
Chain of command : the road from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib 0060195916, 9780060195915
Ch'an Cultivation Via Science 9579710945, 9789579710947
Chances of a lifetime 0684830248, 9780684830247
Chang Tso-lin in northeast China, 1911-1928 : China, Japan, and the Manchurian idea 0804709459, 9780804709453
Character : profiles in presidential courage 159071038X, 9781590710388
Character above all : ten presidents from FDR to George Bush 0684814110, 9780684814117
Charles A. Lindbergh and the battle against American intervention in World War II 0151181683, 9780151181681
Charlie Two Shoes and the marines of Love Company 1557506728, 9781557506726
Charting a new course : Mike Mansfield and U.S. Asian policy : four reports 0804812578, 9780804812573
Chasing the dragon : a veteran journalist's firsthand account of the 1949 Chinese Revolution 1592282180, 9781592282180
Che Guevara : a revolutionary life 0802116000, 9780802116000
Chennault : giving wings to the tiger 0817303227, 9780817303228
Chester Bowles : new dealer in the Cold War 067411390X, 9780674113909
Chiang Kai-shek's secret past : the memoir of his second wife, Chʻen Chieh-ju 0813318246, 9780813318240
Chicago '68 0226238016, 9780226238012
Chief justice : a biography of Earl Warren 0684808528, 9780684808529
Chief of staff : twenty-five years of managing the presidency 0520059344, 9780520059344
Children of the yellow earth; studies in prehistoric China 0262510111, 9780262510110
China 039514325X, 9780395143254
China : a new history 0674116704, 9780674116702
China : from the Long March to Tiananmen Square 0805012915, 9780805012910
China After Mao With Selected Documents (W.E.Edge Lecture) 069100000X, 9780691000008
China and its people in early photographs : an unabridged reprint of the classic 1873/4 work 0486243931, 9780486243931
China and Japan at war, 1937-1945; the politics of collaboration 0804708002, 9780804708005
China and ourselves : explorations and revisions by a new generation 0807059552, 9780807059555
China and the Vietnam wars, 1950-1975 0807848425, 9780807848425
China called me : my life inside the Chinese Revolution 0316138495, 9780316138499
China Crosses the Yalu: The Decision to Enter the Korean War 0804706298, 9780804706292
China diary 0802704069, 9780802704061
China enters the twentieth century : Chang Chih-tung and the issues of a new age, 1895-1909 0472081055, 9780472081059
China enters the United Nations; a new era begins for the world organization 0531027139, 9780531027134
China hands : the adventures and ordeals of the American journalists who joined forces with the great Chinese revolution 0684808447, 9780684808444
China in disintegration : the Republican era in Chinese history, 1912-1949 0029286107, 9780029286104
China in our time : the epic saga of the People's Republic from the Communist victory to Tiananmen Square and beyond 067168096X, 9780671680961
China in revolution : The First Phase, 1900-1913 0300014600, 9780300014600
China journal 1889-1900 : an American missionary family during the Boxer Rebellion : with the letters and diaries of Eva Jane Price and her family 0020360657, 9780020360650
China live : two decades in the heart of the dragon 1570363609, 9781570363603
China misperceived : American illusions and Chinese reality 0465098053, 9780465098057
China perceived; images and policies in Chinese-American relations 0394492048, 9780394492049
China pilot : flying for Chennault during the Cold War 1560983981, 9781560983989
China pilot : flying for Chiang and Chennault 1574880519, 9781574880519
China policy, old problems and new challenges 0815708211, 9780815708216
China remembered : a rare collection of photographs from a forgotten time 0060598476, 9780060598471
China reporting : an oral history of American journalism in the 1930s and 1940s 0520058437, 9780520058439
China speaks on the conflict between China and Japan 0804610983, 9780804610988
China Tangle 0691010641, 9780691010649
China through my window 0873324749, 9780873324748
China to 1850 : a short history
China turned rightside up : revolutionary legitimacy in the peasant world 0300027079, 9780300027075
China under Mao 0262630087, 9780262630085
China under threat : the politics of strategy and diplomacy 0801823978, 9780801823978
China wakes : the struggle for the soul of a rising power 0812922522, 9780812922523
China watch 0674117654, 9780674117655
China, a macro history 0873324528, 9780873324526
China, a photohistory 1937-87 0394572815, 9780394572819
China, American Catholicism, and the missionary 027100259X, 9780271002590
China, an uncensored look 0933256019, 9780933256019
China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Inc. 0679454845, 9780679454847
China, Taiwan, and the offshore islands : together with an implication for Outer Mongolia and Sino-Soviet relations 0873323114, 9780873323116
Chinabound : a fifty-year memoir 0060390050, 9780060390051
China's bitter victory : the war with Japan, 1937-1945 156324246X, 9781563242465
China's great train : Beijing's drive west and the campaign to remake Tibet 0805083243, 9780805083248
China's imperial past : an introduction to Chinese history and culture 0804708878, 9780804708876
China's Island Frontier: Studies in the Historical Geography of Taiwan 0824807057, 9780824807054
China's road to the Korean War : the making of the Sino-American confrontation 0231100248, 9780231100243
China's silk trade : traditional industry in the modern world, 1842-1937 0674119622, 9780674119628
China's treaty ports : half love and half hate : an anthology 0195907264, 9780195907261
Chinatown : a portrait of a closed society 0060167769, 9780060167769
Chinatown gangs : extortion, enterprise, and ethnicity 0195136276, 9780195136272
Chinese art 0706400275, 9780706400274
Chinese boycotts versus Japanese bombs : the failure of China's "revolutionary diplomacy," 1931-32 0472101722, 9780472101726
Chinese capitalists in Japan's new order : the occupied lower Yangzi, 1937-1945 0520232682, 9780520232686
Chinese Civilization and Bureaucracy (Phoenix Books) 0300000138, 9780300000139
Chinese collaboration with Japan, 1932-1945 : the limits of accommodation 0804737681, 9780804737685
Chinese Communist Society: The Family and the Village 026274001X, 9780262740012
Chinese elites and political change : Zhejiang Province in the early twentieth century 0674123255, 9780674123250
Chinese exclusion versus the open door policy, 1900-1906 : clashes over China policy in the Roosevelt era 0814315658, 9780814315651
Chinese in the Post-Civil War South : a people without a history 0807111228, 9780807111222
Chinese intellectuals in crisis : search for order and meaning (1890-1911) 0520053788, 9780520053786
Chinese local elites and patterns of dominance 0520084349, 9780520084346
Chinese painting and calligraphy : a pictorial survey : 69 fine examples from the John M. Crawford, Jr., Collection 0486237079, 9780486237077
Chinese porcelain 0706400453, 9780706400458
Chinese posters : Art from the great proletarian cultural revolution 0811859460, 9780811859462
Chinese roundabout : essays in history and culture
Chinese San Francisco, 1850-1943: A Trans-Pacific Community (Asian America) 0804745501, 9780804745505
Chinese shadows 0140047875, 9780140047875
Chinese-American interactions : a historical summary 0813507847081
Choosing Truman : the Democratic Convention of 1944 0826213081, 9780826213082
Chronicle of America 1872031501, 9781872031507
Churchill : a biography 0374123543, 9780374123543
Churchill : a life 080500615X, 9780805006155
Churchill : visionary, statesman, historian 0300097697, 9780300097696
Churchill and Orwell: The Fight for Freedom 9780143110880, 0143110888
Churchill at war, 1940-1945 0786710411, 9780786710416
Churchill-Roosevelt-Stalin: The War They Waged and the Peace They Sought 0691010501, 9780691010502
Churchill's deception : the dark secret that destroyed Nazi Germany 0671767224, 9780671767228
Churchill's generals 0802113095, 9780802113092
Churchill's grand alliance : the Anglo-American special relationship, 1940-57 0151275815, 9780151275816
Citizen Cohn 0385236905, 9780385236904
Citizens : a chronicle of the French Revolution 0394559487, 9780394559483
City editor 0801862922, 9780801862922
City of lingering splendor : a frank account of old Peking's exotic pleasures 0877735069, 9780877735069
Civil War in China: The Political Struggle, 1945-1949 0520040856, 9780520040854
Civil War parks 0916122956, 9780916122959
Claiming America : constructing Chinese American identities during the exclusion era 1566395763, 9781566395762
Clare Boothe Luce 0525030557, 9780525030553
Clearing the air 0395257212, 9780395257210
Cleopatra 0151181403, 9780151181407
Cloak & gown : scholars in the secret war, 1939-1961 068807300X, 9780688073008
CNN, the inside story 0316937614, 9780316937610
Code-name downfall : the secret plan to invade Japan and why Truman dropped the bomb 0684804069, 9780684804064
Coins 0706400488, 9780706400489
Cold war : an illustrated history, 1945-1991 0316439533, 9780316439534
Cold War island : Quemoy on the front line 0521726409, 9780521726405
Cold war theories 0807108766, 9780807108765
Cold War triumphalism : the misuse of history after the fall of communism 1595580832, 9781595580832
Colonial Williamsburg official guidebook : containing a brief history of the old city, and of its renewing, with remarks on six chief appeals thereof; and descriptions of near one hundred dwelling-houses, shops & publick buildings 0910412324, 9780910412322
Columbus was Chinese : discoveries and inventions of the Far East 0070731349, 9780070731349
Command of office : how war, secrecy, and deception transformed the presidency from Theodore Roosevelt to George W. Bush 0465027571, 9780465027576
Command of the seas 068418995X, 9780684189956
Communication and National Integration In Communist China 0520029011, 9780520029019
Compromised campus : the collaboration of universities with the intelligence community, 1945-1955 0195053826, 9780195053821
Comrade Chiang Chʻing / Roxane Witke 0316949000, 9780316949002
Conduct unbecoming : lesbians and gays in the U.S. military : Vietnam to the Persian Gulf 031209261X, 9780312092610
Confessions of an ex-Secret Service agent : the Marty Venker story 1556110545, 9781556110542
Confessions of an S.O.B. 038524942X, 9780385249423
Conflict and crisis : the Presidency of Harry S. Truman, 1945-1948 0393009246, 9780393009248
Confronting the Constitution : the challenge to Locke, Montesquieu, Jefferson, and the Federalists from utilitarianism, historicism, Marxism, Freudianism, pragmatism, existentialism-- 0844736996, 9780844736990
Confucianism and Chinese civilization
Congressional anecdotes 019506092X, 9780195060928
Conscience : two soldiers, two pacifists, one family : a test of will and faith in World War I 159420294X, 9781594202940
Consequences : a personal and political memoir 0316851132, 9780316851138
Conspiracy and Murder of Maos Heir B 0002171414, 9780002171410
Controlling the waves : Dean Acheson and U.S. foreign policy in Asia 0393035204, 9780393035209
Conversations with Karajan 019284024X, 9780192840240
Cooking for madam : recipes and reminiscences from the home of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 0684850052, 9780684850054
Counsel to the president : a memoir 0394569954, 9780394569956
Counterpart : a South Vietnamese naval officer's war 1557501815, 9781557501813
Counterrevolution in China : Wang Sheng and the Kuomintang 071464238X, 9780714642383
Covering the body : the Kennedy assassination, the media, and the shaping of collective memory 0226979717, 9780226979717
Cracking the monolith : U.S. policy against the Sino-Soviet alliance, 1949-1955 0807112879, 9780807112878
Creating America : George Horace Lorimer and the Saturday evening post 0822936097, 9780822936091
Creating America: George Horace Lorimer and The Saturday Evening Post 0822954389, 9780822954385
Crisis : the anatomy of two major foreign policy crises 0743249100, 9780743249102
Crisis and commitment : United States policy toward Taiwan, 1950-1955 0807822590, 9780807822593
Cronies : oil, the Bushes, and the rise of Texas, America's superstate 1586481886, 9781586481889
Crossing the divide : an insider's account of normalization of U.S.--China relations 0847685055, 9780847685059
Crusaders in the courts : how a dedicated band of lawyers fought for the civil rights revolution 0465015182, 9780465015184
Crusaders, scoundrels, journalists : the Newseum's most intriguing newspeople 0812930800, 9780812930801
Crypt 33 : the saga of Marilyn Monroe-- the final word 1559721251, 9781559721257
Culture shock! : Taiwan 1558681752, 9781558681750
Culture, man, and nature; an introduction to general anthropology 0690230346, 9780690230345
Cultures in collision : the Boxer Rebellion 0891410287, 9780891410287
Custer's trials : a life on the frontier of a new America 0307592642, 9780307592644
Damon Runyon 0899199844, 9780899199849
Danger and survival : choices about the bomb in the first fifty years 0394522788, 9780394522784
Dangerous capabilities : Paul Nitze and the Cold War 006016266X, 9780060162665
Dangerous dossiers : exposing the secret war against America's greatest authors 1556110774, 9781556110771
Dark pools : high-speed traders, AI bandits, and the threat to the global financial system 0307887197, 9780307887191
Dark side : the inside story of how the war on terror turned into a war on American ideals 0385526393, 9780385526395
Dark sun : the making of the hydrogen bomb 068480400X, 9780684804002
Daughter of the cold war 0822945207, 9780822945208
David Brinkley : 11 presidents, 4 wars, 22 political conventions, 1 moon landing, 3 assassinations, 2,000 weeks of news and other stuff on television and 18 years of growing up in North Carolina 067940693X, 9780679406938
Day of infamy 0805068090, 9780805068092
Days of infamy : MacArthur, Roosevelt, Churchill, the shocking truth revealed : how their secret deals and strategic blunders caused disasters at Pearl Harbor and the Philippines 0671769855, 9780671769857
Days of infamy : military blunders of the 20th century 0786865563, 9780786865567
D-Day, June 6, 1944 : the climactic battle of World War II 0671673343, 9780671673345
Deadline : a memoir 0394585585, 9780394585581
Deadline artists : America's greatest newspaper columns 1590204298, 9781590204290
Deadlines and datelines 0688165664, 9780688165666
Dear Bess : the letters from Harry to Bess Truman, 1910-1959 0393018229, 9780393018226
Dear General : Eisenhower's wartime letters to Marshall 0801862191, 9780801862199
Dear General MacArthur : letters from the Japanese during the American occupation 0742511154, 9780742511156
Death of a Kaiser : a medical historical narrative 0913428566, 9780913428566
Death of a King : the real story of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s final year 0316332763, 9780316332767
Decade of nightmares : the end of the sixties and the making of eighties America 0195341589, 9780195341584
Deception : the invisible war between the KGB and the CIA 0671415433, 9780671415433
Decisive encounters : the Chinese civil war, 1946-1950 080474484X, 9780804744843
Delta Force 0151246572, 9780151246571
Democracy and classical Greece 0674196074, 9780674196070
Den of thieves 0671638025, 9780671638023
Denying history : who says the Holocaust never happened and why do they say it? 0520216121, 9780520216129
Descent to Suez : diaries, 1951-56 0393024148, 9780393024142
Destructive generation : second thoughts about the sixties 0671667521, 9780671667528
Diaries, 1949-1959 0030014263, 9780030014260
Diplomacy 067165991X, 9780671659912
Diplomacy : the world of the honest spy 090465429X, 9780904654295
Diplomacy and the American democracy 0253204704, 9780253204707
Dirksen of Illinois : senatorial statesman 0252011007, 9780252011009
Dirty little secrets : the persistence of corruption in American politics 0812924991, 9780812924992
Dirty politics : deception, distraction, and democracy 0195078543, 9780195078541
Disaster! : the great San Francisco earthquake and fire of 1906 0061051748, 9780061051746
Disease and history 0880296909, 9780880296908
Dispatches from the front : news accounts of American wars, 1776-1991 0805036644, 9780805036640
Disraeli 0812828992, 9780812828993
Dissent in early modern China : Ju-lin wai-shih and Chʾing social criticism 0472100068, 9780472100064
Divided lives : the public and private struggles of three accomplished women 0684804018, 9780684804019
Divided we stand : a biography of New York's World Trade Center 0465017274, 9780465017270
Documents on the rape of Nanking 0472086626, 9780472086627
Does America need a foreign policy? : toward a diplomacy for the 21st century 0684855674, 9780684855677
Dog days at the White House : the outrageous memoirs of the Presidential kennel keeper 002517990X, 9780025179905
Don't know much about literature : what you need to know but never learned about great books and authors 0061719803, 9780061719806
Don't know much about the Civil War : everything you need to know about America's greatest conflict but never learned
Double cross : the explosive, inside story of the mobster who controlled America 0446516244, 9780446516242
Double fold : libraries and the assault on paper 0375504443, 9780375504440
Double lives : spies and writers in the secret Soviet war of ideas against the West 0029187303, 9780029187302
Double Vision: Reflections on My Heritage, Life, and Profession 080707067X, 9780807070673
Douglas MacArthur : the Far Eastern general 019503886X, 9780195038866
Down with Big Brother : the fall of the Soviet empire 0679431799, 9780679431794
Downtown : my Manhattan 0316734519, 9780316734516
Dragon ascending : Vietnam and the Vietnamese 1559703067, 9781559703062
Dragon bones : the story of Peking man 0738202924, 9780738202921
Dragon by the tail; American, British, Japanese, and Russian encounters with China and one another 0393054551, 9780393054552
Dragon Lady : the history of the U-2 spyplane 0879383933, 9780879383930
Dragon lady : the life and legend of the last empress of China 0679402306, 9780679402305
Drawn with the sword : reflections on the American Civil War 0195096797, 9780195096798
Dreaming war : blood for oil and the Cheney-Bush junta 1560255021, 9781560255024
Drew Pearson: an unauthorized biography 0061264997, 9780061264993
Drift: The Unmooring of American Military Power 0307460991, 9780307460998
Driven patriot : the life and times of James Forrestal 0394577612, 9780394577616
Driving the Pacific Coast: California: Scenic Driving Tours Along Coastal Highways 0871063980, 9780871063984
Due considerations : essays and criticism 034549900X, 9780345499004
Duel for the Middle Kingdom : the struggle between Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Tse-tung for control of China 0896960471, 9780896960473
Duty first : West Point and the making of American leaders 0060193174, 9780060193171
Duty, honor, country : a history of West Point 0801862930, 9780801862939
Dwight D. Eisenhower 0805069070, 9780805069075
Eagle against the sun : the American war with Japan 0029303605, 9780029303603
Ear on Washington 0877953945, 9780877953944
Earl Warren, a public life 0195049365, 9780195049367
East Asia: tradition and transformation 0395145252, 9780395145258
Eat, memory : great writers at the table : a collection of essays from the New York Times 0393067637, 9780393067637
Economic Cold War : America's embargo against China and the Sino-Soviet alliance, 1949-1963 0804739307, 9780804739306
Economics and the historian 0520072685, 9780520072688
Edgar Snow, a biography 0253319099, 9780253319098
Edgar Snow's China : a personal account of the Chinese revolution 0394509544, 9780394509549
Education and popular literacy in Ch'ing China 0472087533, 9780472087532
Edward Kennedy and the Camelot legacy 039307501X, 9780393075014
Edward M. Kennedy : a biography 0688142850, 9780688142858
Eichmann in my hands 0446514187, 9780446514187
Eichmann interrogated : transcripts from the archives of the Israeli police 0306809168, 9780306809163
Eisenhower : a centenary assessment 0807119423, 9780807119426
Eisenhower at war, 1943-1945 0394412370, 9780394412375
Eisenhower's lieutenants : the campaign of France and Germany, 1944-1945 0253133335, 9780253133335
Eisenstaedt : remembrances 0821225979, 9780821225974
Eleanor Roosevelt 0670844985, 9780670844982
Eleanor Roosevelt 067080486X, 9780670804863
Eleanor Roosevelt and the media : a public quest for self-fulfillment 025201376X, 9780252013768
Eleanor Roosevelt's My day 088687503X, 9780886875039
Eleanor: the years alone 0393073610, 9780393073614
Elia Kazan : a life 0394559533, 9780394559537
Elites in the People's Republic of China 029595230X, 9780295952307
Embassies under siege : personal accounts by diplomats on the front line 1574880225, 9781574880229
Embracing defeat : Japan in the wake of World War II 0393046869, 9780393046861
Eminent Victorians: Florence Nightingale, General Gordon, Cardinal Manning, Dr. Arnold 0156027895, 9780156027892
Emperor of China; self portrait of Kʻang Hsi 0394488350, 9780394488356
Empire : how Spain became a world power, 1492-1763 0060194766, 9780060194765
Empire : William S. Paley and the making of CBS 0312005911, 9780312005917
Empire express : building the first transcontinental railroad 067080889X, 9780670808892
Empire of the air : the men who made radio 0060182156, 9780060182151
Empire without tears : America's foreign relations, 1921-1933 0877224900, 9780877224907
Encyclopedia of the Third Reich 1569249172, 9781569249178
Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War : a political, social, and military history 0195135245, 9780195135244
Enter the dragon : China's undeclared war against the U.S. in Korea, 1950-51 1557040087, 9781557040084
Ernest Hemingway 0500260176, 9780500260173
Ernest Hemingway : a literary reference 0786709758, 9780786709755
Ernie Pyle's war : America's eyewitness to World War II 0684836424, 9780684836423
Ernie's America : the best of Ernie Pyle's 1930's travel dispatches 0394575725, 9780394575728
Ernie's war : the best of Ernie Pyle's World War II dispatches 0394549236, 9780394549231
Escape From Predicament 0231039808, 9780231039802
Escape from the CIA : how the CIA won and lost the most important KGB spy ever to defect to the U.S. 0671726641, 9780671726645
Esquire : the best of forty years
Essays on Chinese civilization 0691000247, 9780691000244
Ethel Rosenberg : beyond the myths 0813519179, 9780813519173
Ethel Rosenberg : beyond the myths 0531150577, 9780531150573
Europe's last summer : who started the Great War in 1914? 037572575X, 9780375725753
Every man should try : adventures of a public interest activist 1891620142, 9781891620140
Everyday Diction 0812963180, 9780812963182
Explaining Hitler : the search for the origins of his evil 0679431519, 9780679431510
Explorers house : National Geographic and the world it made 1594200327, 9781594200328
Extremely loud & incredibly close 0618711651, 9780618711659
Eye on Washington : the Presidents who've known me 0060160314, 9780060160319
Eyes of time : photojournalism in America 0821216570, 9780821216576
Eyewitness : 150 years of photojournalism 0848710223, 9780848710224
Eyewitness : 150 years of photojournalism 1883013062, 9781883013066
Eyewitness : a personal account of the unraveling of the Soviet Union 0679412026, 9780679412021
Eyewitness to World War II : the best of American heritage 0395619025, 9780395619025
Ezra Pound, the last rower : a political profile 0670303917, 9780670303915
Face the nation : my favorite stories from the first 50 years of the award-winning news broadcast 0743265858, 9780743265850
Faces 0517101750, 9780517101759
Faces of discord : the Civil War era, at the National Portrait Gallery 0061135844, 9780061135842
Faces of Time : 75 years of Time magazine cover portraits 0821224980, 9780821224984
Fading victory : the diary of Admiral Matome Ugaki, 1941-1945 0822954621, 9780822954620
Fair game : how a top CIA agent was betrayed by her own government 1451623879, 9781451623871
Fair play : CBS, General Westmoreland, and how a television documentary went wrong 0060159286, 9780060159283
Fallen soldiers : reshaping the memory of the world wars 0195062477, 9780195062472
Family Word Finder: A New Thesaurus of Synonyms and Antonyms in Dictionary Form 9780895770233, 0895770237
Family, fields, and ancestors : constancy and change in China's social and economic history, 1550-1949 0195052692, 9780195052695
Far Flung and Well Fed: The Food Writing of R.W. Apple, Jr. 0312650639, 9780312650636
Far-flung and footloose : pieces from the New Yorker, 1937-1978 0399124284, 9780399124280
Fatal error : the miscarriage of justice that sealed the Rosenberg's fate 0684190591, 9780684190594
Father, Son & Co. : my life at IBM and beyond 0553070118, 9780553070118
FDR 0812970497, 9780812970494
FDR and the creation of the U.N. 0300069308, 9780300069303
FDR and the news media 0252016726, 9780252016721
FDR, 1882-1945 : a centenary remembrance 0670304549, 9780670304547
FDR, an intimate history 0452006767, 9780452006768
FDR'S unfinished portrait : a memoir 0822936593, 9780822936596
FDR's utopian : Arthur Morgan of the TVA 0878053018, 9780878053018
Feeding the beast : the White House versus the press 0679442901, 9780679442905
Feng Chih 0805763562, 9780805763560
Feuding allies : the private wars of the high command 0471122521, 9780471122524
Fidel : a critical portrait 0688046452, 9780688046453
Fifty years the New York Daily news in pictures
Fighting for life : American military medicine in World War II 0029068355, 9780029068359
Fighting for peace : seven critical years in the Pentagon 0446514810, 9780446514811
Film posters of the 50s : the essential movies of the decade : from the reel poster gallery collection 1585670650, 9781585670659
Final drafts : suicides of world-famous authors 1573927414, 9781573927413
Finding magic : a spiritual memoir 0062315501, 9780062315502
Fiorello H. La Guardia and the making of modern New York 007034244X, 9780070342446
Fiorello H. La Guardia and the making of modern New York 0140143580, 9780140143584
Fire : the story behind a force of nature 0887140386, 9780887140389
Fires of the dragon : politics, murder, and the Kuomintang 0689120664, 9780689120664
First great triumph : how five Americans made their country a world power 0374179395, 9780374179397
First ladies 0679434399, 9780679434399
First mothers : the women who shaped the presidents 0688156312, 9780688156312
Fishbait : the memoirs of the congressional doorkeeper 0133204162, 9780133204162
Fit to print : A.M. Rosenthal and his Times 0818404744, 9780818404740
Fitzgerald and Hemingway : a dangerous friendship 0786700777, 9780786700776
Five came back : a story of Hollywood and the Second World War 1594204306, 9781594204302
Five days in London, May 1940 0300084668, 9780300084665
Five days in Philadelphia : the amazing "We want Wilkie!" convention of 1940 and how it freed FDR to save the Western World 1586481126, 9781586481124
Florence Harding : the first lady, the Jazz Age, and the death of America's most scandalous president 0688077943, 9780688077945
Flowering Plum and the Palace Lady: Interpretations of Chinese Poetry 0300022425, 9780300022421
Flying MacArthur to victory 0890962669, 9780890962664
Flying the Hump: Memories of an Air War (Williams-Ford Texas A&M University Military History Series) 0890966249, 9780890966242
Flying tigers 0831726725, 9780831726720
Flying Tigers : Claire Chennault and the American Volunteer Group 1560980117, 9781560980117
Following in Lincoln's footsteps : a complete annotated reference to hundreds of historical sites visited by Abraham Lincoln 0786709413, 9780786709410
Food in Chinese culture : anthropological and historical perspectives 0300019386, 9780300019384
For lust of knowing : memoirs of an intelligence officer 0316756008, 9780316756006
For the record : from Wall Street to Washington 0151639663, 9780151639663
Forces of change : an unorthodox view of history 1559700874, 9781559700870
Ford, the men and the machine 0316511668, 9780316511667
Forged in war : Roosevelt, Churchill, and the Second World War 0688085237, 9780688085230
Forged in War: Roosevelt, Churchill, And The Second World War 0688161022, 9780688161026
Forging the alliance : NATO, 1945-1950 0436106698, 9780436106699
Forgotten bookmarks : a bookseller's collection of odd things lost between the pages 0399537015, 9780399537011
Fortunate son : the autobiography of Lewis B. Puller, Jr 0802112188, 9780802112187
Four days in November : the original coverage of the John F. Kennedy assassination 0312321619, 9780312321611
Four hours in My Lai 0670842966, 9780670842964
Franklin and Winston : an intimate portrait of an epic friendship 0375505008, 9780375505003
Franklin D. Roosevelt : a rendezvous with destiny 0316292613, 9780316292610
Franklin D. Roosevelt : launching the New Deal 0316293032, 9780316293037
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 0199732027, 9780199732029
Franklin Delano Roosevelt : champion of freedom 1586481843, 9781586481841
Free press/free people; the best cause 023103315X, 9780231033152
Freedom for the thought that we hate : a biography of the First Amendment 0465039170, 9780465039173
Friends in high places : our journey from Little Rock to Washington, D.C. 0688157491, 9780688157494
Friends in high places : the Bechtel story : the most secret corporation and how it engineered the world 0671474154, 9780671474157
Friends in high places : the rise and fall of Clark Clifford 0316291625, 9780316291620
From Camelot to Kent State : the sixties experience in the words of those who lived it 0195144538, 9780195144536
From colony to empire; essays in the history of American foreign relations 0471946850, 9780471946854
From friend to comrade : the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, 1920-1927 0520072715, 9780520072718
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From Love Field : our final hours with President John F. Kennedy 1590710142, 9781590710142
From nationalism to internationalism : US foreign policy to 1914 0710084447, 9780710084446
From the Danube to the Yalu 0830640010, 9780830640010
From the diaries of Felix Frankfurter : with a biographical essay and notes 0393074889, 9780393074888
From the secret files of J. Edgar Hoover 0929587677, 9780929587677
From Yalta to Berlin : the Cold War struggle over Germany 0312066058, 9780312066055
From Yalta to Panmunjom : Truman's diplomacy and the Four Powers, 1945-1953 0939657643, 9780939657643
Front page history : events of our century that shook the world 1850512361, 9781850512363
Frontier defense and the open door : Manchuria in Chinese-American relations, 1895-1911 0300016166, 9780300016161
Full service : my adventures in Hollywood and the secret sex lives of the stars 0802120075, 9780802120076
Fundamental reference sources 0838903088, 9780838903087
Game time : a baseball companion 0156013878, 9780156013871
Games of intelligence : the classified conflict of international espionage 0517578115, 9780517578117
Gaslight New York Revisited 1555215394, 9781555215392
Gathering rare ores : the diplomacy of uranium acquisition, 1943-1954 0691047383, 9780691047386
General Albert C. Wedemeyer : America's unsung strategist in World War II 161200069X, 9781612000695
General Ike : a personal reminiscence 0743244745, 9780743244749
General of the Army : George C. Marshall, soldier and statesman 0671741241, 9780671741242
Genius in disguise : Harold Ross of the New Yorker 0679418377, 9780679418375
Genius: a Mosaic of One Hundred Exemplary Creative Minds 0965468968, 9780965468961
George Ball, Vietnam, and the rethinking of containment 0807819360, 9780807819364
George Ball: Behind the Scenes in U.S. Foreign Policy 0300076460, 9780300076462
George C. Marshall : a general for peace 0816026661, 9780816026661
George C. Marshall : soldier-statesman of the American century 0805777857, 9780805777857
George C. Marshall : statesman, 1945-1959 0670810428, 9780670810420
George C. Marshall: Interviews and Reminiscences 0935524010, 9780935524017
George C. Marshall's mediation mission to China, December 1945-January 1947 0935524045, 9780935524048
George F. Kennan : Cold War iconoclast 0231068948, 9780231068949
George F. Kennan and the making of American foreign policy, 1947-1950 0691024839, 9780691024837
George F. Kennan and the origins of containment, 1944-1946 : the Kennan-Lukacs correspondence 0826211097, 9780826211095
George Kennan and the dilemmas of US foreign policy 0195051394, 9780195051391
George Wallace : American populist 0201622106, 9780201622102
George Washington; a biography in his own words 006010127X, 9780060101275
Getting elected : from radio and Roosevelt to television and Reagan 087052500X, 9780870525001
Ghost of a chance : a memoir 0679414185, 9780679414186
Ghosts of Mississippi : the murder of Medgar Evers, the trials of Byron de la Beckwith, and the haunting of the new South 0316914851, 9780316914857
Ghosts on the roof : selected journalism of Whittaker Chambers, 1931-1959 0895267659, 9780895267658
Giant : George Stevens, a life on film 0299204308, 9780299204303
Gibbon : making history 0312027281, 9780312027285
Glacier 0887140181, 9780887140181
Glass 0706400380, 9780706400380
Glimpses of the great 0819150088, 9780819150080
Global mission 0830640045, 9780830640041
Gloria & Joe 0877959463, 9780877959465
God and the editor : my search for meaning at the New York Times 0815609140, 9780815609148
God's Chinese son : the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of Hong Xiuquan 0393038440, 9780393038446
Going home to glory : a memoir of life with Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961-1969 1439190909, 9781439190906
Golden inches : the China memoir of Grace Service 0520066561, 9780520066564
Golden inches : the China memoir of Grace Service 0520074165, 9780520074163
Goldwyn : a biography 0394510593, 9780394510590
Gone With the Wind, The Margaret Mitchell Anniversary Edition 0025853503, 9780025853508
Good evening everybody : from Cripple Creek to Samarkand 0688030688, 9780688030681
Good-bye to old Peking : the wartime letters of U.S. Marine Captain John Seymour Letcher, 1937-1939 0821412280, 9780821412282
Gore Vidal : a biography 0385477031, 9780385477031
Government and politics in Kuomintang China, 1927-1937 0804708126, 9780804708128
Grace and power : the private world of the Kennedy White House 0375504494, 9780375504495
Graham Greene : the enemy within 0679428836, 9780679428831
Grand Canyon 0887140289, 9780887140280
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Grandmère : a personal history of Eleanor Roosevelt 0446527343, 9780446527347
Grant : a biography 0393013723, 9780393013726
Great fortune : the epic of Rockefeller Center 0670031690, 9780670031696
Great lives of the century as reported by the New York times 0812907329, 9780812907322
Great moments in baseball 0806516119, 9780806516110
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Great political wit : laughing (almost) all the way to the White House 0385493479, 9780385493475
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Great Spy Stories 0890097178, 9780890097175
Great stories of the century : the major events of the 20th century as reported in the pages of the New York Times 1578660661, 9781578660667
Greek mythology 9602133732, 9789602133736
Growing up with my grandfather : memories of Harry S. Truman 155972286X, 9781559722865
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Guests in the Dragon : social demography of a Chinese district, 1895-1946 0231056109, 9780231056106
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Half the world: the history and culture of China and Japan 0030107164, 9780030107160
Hammer 0399132759, 9780399132759
Hankow : conflict and community in a Chinese city, 1796-1895 0804715416, 9780804715416
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Happy talk : confessions of a TV newsman 0393027767, 9780393027761
Harbrace College Handbook 0155318101, 9780155318106
Hard bargain : how FDR twisted Churchill's arm, evaded the law, and changed the role of the American presidency 0689121601, 9780689121609
Hard choices : critical years in America's foreign policy 0671443399, 9780671443399
Hard news : the scandals at the New York times and their meaning for American media 1400062446, 9781400062447
Hard times, 1930-1940 0809482053, 9780809482054
Harry and Teddy : the turbulent friendship of press lord Henry R. Luce and his favorite reporter, Theodore H. White 0679411798, 9780679411796
Harry S. Truman 0805069380, 9780805069389
Harry Truman's excellent adventure : the true story of a great American road trip 1569767076, 9781569767078
Hats in the ring : an illustrated history of American presidential campaigns 0679457305, 9780679457305
Haunting legacy : Vietnam and the American presidency from Ford to Obama 0815721315, 9780815721314
Heartbreak Ridge : Korea, 1951 0275932176, 9780275932176
Helen and Teacher: Story of Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan Macy 0713913630, 9780713913637
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Hemingway on the China front : his WWII spy mission with Martha Gellhorn 1574888811, 9781574888812
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Henry Cabot Lodge and the search for an American foreign policy 0520037782, 9780520037786
Henry Kissinger : the anguish of power 0393055892, 9780393055894
Henry L. Stimson : the first wise man 0842026320, 9780842026321
Henry Morgenthau, Jr. : the remarkable life of FDR's Secretary of the Treasury 1602399719, 9781602399716
Henry R. Luce and the rise of the American news media 0801867169, 9780801867163
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Hermit of Peking : the hidden life of Sir Edmund Backhouse 0394411048, 9780394411040
Hey, Mac, where ya been? : living memories of the U.S. Marines in the Korean War 0312017723, 9780312017729
Hidden power : presidential marriages that shaped our recent history 0375401067, 9780375401060
Hirohito : the war years 0396087914, 9780396087915
Hiroshima 0394548442, 9780394548449
Hiroshima in America : fifty years of denial 0399140727, 9780399140723
Historians in trouble : plagiarism, fraud, and politics in the ivory tower 1565848845, 9781565848849
Historical perspectives on contemporary East Asia 0674000986, 9780674000988
Historical viewpoints : notable articles from American heritage 0060422998, 9780060422998
History and hope : essays on history and the English Civil War 0525247408, 9780525247401
History in the making : an absorbing look at how American history has changed in the telling over the last 200 years 1595580441, 9781595580443
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Hitler: The Path to Power 0395538459, 9780395538456
Hitler’s Commanders: German Bravery in the Field, 1939–1945 1848327366, 9781848327368
Hitler's private library : the books that shaped his life 1400042046, 9781400042043
Hitler's Social Revolution: Class and Status in Nazi Germany, 1933-1939 (Norton Paperback) 0393315541, 9780393315547
Ho 0075542234, 9780075542230
Hold the press : the inside story on newspapers 080712057X, 9780807120576
Hollywood anecdotes 0688058752, 9780688058753
Hollywood goes to war : how politics, profits, and propaganda shaped World War II movies 0520071611, 9780520071612
Homosexuals in history : a study of ambivalence in society, literature, and the arts 0786704233, 9780786704231
Hong Kong remembers 0195877683, 9780195877687
Honorable men : my life in the CIA 0671228757, 9780671228750
Honorable treachery : a history of U.S. intelligence, espionage, and covert action from the American Revolution to the CIA 087113506X, 9780871135063
Hostage In Peking 0297795031, 9780297795032
Hot air : all talk, all the time 0812926242, 9780812926248
Hour of gold, hour of lead; diaries and letters of Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 1929-1932 0151421765, 9780151421763
How it was 0394401093, 9780394401096
How Lincoln learned to read : twelve great Americans and the educations that made them 1596912901, 9781596912908
How reading changed my life 0345422783, 9780345422781
How the White House really works 0525672664, 9780525672661
How To Be A Brit 0140081798, 9780140081794
How to read and why 0684859068, 9780684859064
Hoyt S. Vandenberg, the life of a general 0253328624, 9780253328625
Hubert Humphrey : a biography 0393018067, 9780393018066
Hugo Black and the judicial revolution 0671223410, 9780671223410
Hungry ghosts : Mao's secret famine 068483457X, 9780684834573
I change worlds : the remaking of an American 0931188059, 9780931188053
I could never be so lucky again : an autobiography 0553078070, 9780553078077
I must say : on English, the news, and other matters 0446514233, 9780446514231
I remember Lindbergh 0152388958, 9780152388959
I wish I'd been there : twenty historians bring to life dramatic events that changed America 0385516193, 9780385516198
I.M. Pei : mandarin of modernism 0517799723, 9780517799727
Ian Fleming : the man behind James Bond 1570363439, 9781570363436
IBM and the Holocaust : the strategic alliance between Nazi Germany and America's most powerful corporation 0609607995, 9780609607992
Ideas, people and peace 0837177316, 9780837177311
If no news, send rumors : anecdotes of American journalism 0805016104, 9780805016109
Ike 1890-1990 : a pictorial history 008037445X, 9780080374451
Ike the soldier : as they knew him 0399132015, 9780399132018
Ike's bluff : president Eisenhower's secret battle to save the world 0316091049, 9780316091046
Ike's spies : Eisenhower and the espionage establishment 0385144938, 9780385144933
Ill fares the land : a treatise on our present discontents 1594202761, 9781594202766
Ill-advised : presidential health and public trust 0826210651, 9780826210654
Image of China : William Alexander 0906379377, 9780906379370
Imagined places : journeys into literary America 0878055266, 9780878055265
Imperial America: Reflections on the United States of Amnesia 1902636562, 9781902636566
Imperialism and idealism : American diplomats in China, 1861-1898 0253329183, 9780253329189
In a Time of Torment: 1961-1967 (Nonconformist History of Our Times) 0316817503, 9780316817509
In all his glory : the life of William S. Paley, the legendary tycoon and his brilliant circle 0671617354, 9780671617356
In defense of American liberties : a history of the ACLU 0195071417, 9780195071412
In defense of the public liberty : Britain, America, and the struggle for independence, from 1760 to the surrender at Yorktown in 1781 0385025416, 9780385025416
In exile from the land of snows 0394518179, 9780394518176
In love with night : the American romance with Robert Kennedy 0684808293, 9780684808291
In retrospect : the tragedy and lessons of Vietnam 0812925238, 9780812925234
In search of history : a personal adventure 0446971464, 9780446971461
In search of old Shanghai 9620401956, 9789620401954
In the arena : a memoir of victory, defeat, and renewal 0671700960, 9780671700966
In the Kennedy style : magical evenings in the Kennedy White House 0385489641, 9780385489645
In the line of fire : presidents' lives at stake 0823414280, 9780823414284
In the matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer: transcript of hearing before Personnel Security Board and texts of principal documents and letters 0262710021, 9780262710022
In the People's Republic : an American's first-hand view of living and working in China 0394499050, 9780394499055
In the ruins of empire : the Japanese surrender and the battle for postwar Asia 0812967321, 9780812967326
In the shadow of FDR : from Harry Truman to Ronald Reagan 0801495598, 9780801495595
In the shadow of the bomb : physics and arms control 1563960583, 9781563960581
In the storm of the eye : a lifetime at CBS 0399132554, 9780399132551
In the time of the Americans : FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, Marshall, MacArthur--the generation that changed America's role in the world 0394589017, 9780394589015
Indecent exposure : a true story of Hollywood and Wall Street 068801349X, 9780688013493
Indomitable Will: LBJ in the Presidency 162636396X, 9781626363960
Infamy : the shocking story of the Japanese American internment in World War II 0805094083, 9780805094084
Infiltration 0026128004, 9780026128001
Inside Inside 0525950354, 9780525950356
Inside intelligence 000215742X, 9780002157421
Inside Ms. : 25 years of the magazine and the feminist movement 0805037322, 9780805037326
Inside Stalin's Kremlin : an eyewitness account of brutality, duplicity, and intrigue 1574881744, 9781574881745
Inside the Kremlin's cold war : from Stalin to Khrushchev 0674455312, 9780674455313
Inside the Kremlin's cold war : from Stalin to Khrushchev 0674455320, 9780674455320
Inside the Wall Street journal : the history and the power of Dow Jones & Company and America's most influential newspaper 0026048604, 9780026048606
Intellectual skywriting; literary politics & the New York review of books 0883270137, 9780883270134
Intelligence wars : American secret history from Hitler to al-Qaeda 1590170989, 9781590170984
Intertwined lives : Margaret Mead, Ruth Benedict, and their circle 0679454357, 9780679454359
Into the quagmire : Lyndon Johnson and the escalation of the Vietnam War 0195065069, 9780195065060
Into the storm : a study in command 0399142363, 9780399142369
Into the story : a writer's journey through life, politics, sports and loss 1439160031, 9781439160039
Into the valley : a skirmish of the marines 0805240780, 9780805240788
Into Tibet: The CIA's First Atomic Spy and His Secret Expedition to Lhasa 9780802139993, 080213999X
Intoxicated by my illness : and other writings on life and death 0517582163, 9780517582169
Inventing Japan, 1853-1964 0679640851, 9780679640851
Inventions that changed the world 0762102691, 9780762102693
Iphigene : memoirs of Iphigene Ochs Sulzberger of the New York times family, as told to her granddaughter, Susan W. Dryfoos 0396080146, 9780396080145
Iron destinies, lost opportunities : the arms race between the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R., 1945-1987 0060390824, 9780060390822
Iron eagle : the turbulent life of General Curtis LeMay 0517551888, 9780517551882
Isaiah Berlin : a life 0805055207, 9780805055207
It did happen here : recollections of political repression in America 0520071972, 9780520071971
It happened on Washington Square 0801870887, 9780801870880
It wasn't pretty, folks, but didn't we have fun? : Esquire in the sixties 0393037924, 9780393037920
J. Edgar Hoover : the man and the secrets 0393024040, 9780393024043
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis : the making of a first lady : a tribute 1881649784, 9781881649786
James B. Conant : Harvard to Hiroshima and the making of the nuclear age 0394579666, 9780394579665
James Thurber : his life and times 080503966X, 9780805039665
Jane Austen : a life 0679446281, 9780679446286
Japan 1941 : countdown to infamy 0307594017, 9780307594013
Japan and the San Francisco Peace Settlement 0231055145, 9780231055147
Japan at war : in color 1844426408, 9781844426409
Japan faces China : political and economic relations in the postwar era 0801817382, 9780801817380
Japanese colonial education in Taiwan, 1895-1945 0674471873, 9780674471870
JFK : remembering Jack 2020596954, 9782020596954
JFK and Vietnam : deception, intrigue, and the struggle for power 0446516783, 9780446516785
JFK day by day 0762437421, 9780762437429
JFK wants to know : memos from the President's office, 1961-1963 0688088465, 9780688088460
JFK, reckless youth 0679412166, 9780679412168
Joe DiMaggio : the hero's life 0684853914, 9780684853918
Joe McCarthy and the press 0394712463, 9780394712468
John Adams; a biography in his own words 0060133082, 9780060133085
John F. Kennedy 0805083499, 9780805083491
John F. Kennedy : the presidential portfolio : history as told through the collection of the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum 1891620363, 9781891620362
John F. Kennedy, commander in chief : a profile in leadership 0517162091, 9780517162095
John Foster Dulles : piety, pragmatism, and power in U.S. foreign policy 0842026010, 9780842026017
John Foster Dulles : the road to power 0029254604, 9780029254608
John Foster Dulles and the diplomacy of the Cold War 0691006229, 9780691006222
John Kenneth Galbraith : his life, his politics, his economics 0374281688, 9780374281687
John Maynard Keynes 0670030228, 9780670030224
John Steinbeck : a biography 0805016732, 9780805016734
John Wayne's America : the politics of celebrity 0684808234, 9780684808239
Joseph McCarthy : reexamining the life and legacy of America's most hated senator 0684836254, 9780684836256
Journey into madness : the true story of secret CIA mind control and medical abuse 0553053574, 9780553053579
Just a journalist : on the press, life, and the spaces between 0674980336, 9780674980334
Just kids 006621131X, 9780066211312
Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. : freedom first 0786700696, 9780786700691
Kao Shih 0805763171, 9780805763171
Keeper of the gate 0671692070, 9780671692070
Keeping faith : memoirs of a president 0553050230, 9780553050233
Kennan and the Art of Foreign Policy 0674502663, 9780674502666
Kennedy & Nixon : the rivalry that shaped postwar America 0684810301, 9780684810300
Kennedy and Lincoln : medical and ballistic comparisons of their assassinations 0151522812, 9780151522811
Kennedy and Roosevelt : the uneasy alliance 0393013359, 9780393013351
Kennedy in Vietnam 0306802848, 9780306802843
Kennedy versus Lodge : the 1952 Massachusetts Senate race 1555534627, 9781555534622
Kennedy, Khrushchev and the Test Ban 0520049616, 9780520049611
Kennedy, Khrushchev, and the test ban 0520043324, 9780520043329
Kennedy's wars : Berlin, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam 0195134532, 9780195134537
Khrushchev : the man and his era 0393051447, 9780393051445
Khrushchev and the first Russian spring : the era of Khrushchev through the eyes of his advisor 0684194198, 9780684194196
Khrushchev remembers : the glasnost tapes 0316472972, 9780316472975
Kill duck before serving : red faces at The New York Times : a collection of the newspaper's most interesting, embarrassing, and off-beat corrections 0312284276, 9780312284275
Killing the dream : James Earl Ray and the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. 0156006510, 9780156006514
Killing the truth : deceit and deception in the JFK case 0881844284, 9780881844283
Kindred souls : the devoted friendship of Eleanor Roosevelt and Dr. David Gurewitsch 0452283787, 9780452283787
King Edward VIII 0394577302, 9780394577302
King of the world : Muhammad Ali and the rise of an American hero 0375500650, 9780375500657
Kingdom of the Hittites 0965064107, 9780965064101
Kissinger 1594206538, 9781594206535
Kissinger : a biography 0671663232, 9780671663230
Kissinger on the couch 0870002163, 9780870002168
Kitchen Confidential 0747553556, 9780747553557
Klaus Fuchs : the man who stole the atom bomb 0246131586, 9780246131584
Knight : a publisher in the tumultuous century 0525247238, 9780525247234
Korea : the unknown war 0394553667, 9780394553665
Korea, the war before Vietnam 0029196213, 9780029196212
Kremlin wives 1559702605, 9781559702607
Kʻun Shen; a Taiwan village 0030809606, 9780030809606
Lady Bird and Lyndon : the hidden story of a marriage that made a president 1439191220, 9781439191224
Last chance in Manchuria : the diary of Chang Kia-ngau 0817987916, 9780817987916
Last moments of a world 0393056570, 9780393056570
Last train to Memphis : the rise of Elvis Presley 0316332208, 9780316332200
Late Ch'ing, 1800-1911, Part II 0521220297, 9780521220293
Laughter's gentle soul : the life of Robert Benchley 0393038335, 9780393038330
L'autre Chine 2867540526, 9782867540523
LBJ : a life 0471176028, 9780471176022
LBJ : architect of American ambition 0684834588, 9780684834580
Leaders 0446512494, 9780446512497
Leadership in turbulent times 1476795924, 9781476795928
Leading with my heart 0671888005, 9780671888008
Lectures in China, 1919-1920 0824802128, 9780824802127
Legacies : a Chinese mosaic 0394583256, 9780394583259
Legacy to power : Senator Russell Long of Louisiana 1557784671, 9781557784674
Legend, the only inside story about Mayor Richard J. Daley 0933893965, 9780933893962
Legends, lies & cherished myths of world history 006016803X, 9780060168032
Lemnitzer : a soldier for his time 1574881078, 9781574881073
Lenin's tomb : the last days of the Soviet Empire 0679423761, 9780679423768
Leonardo da Vinci 0670893919, 9780670893911
Lessons : an autobiography 0201094002, 9780201094008
Let us begin anew : an oral history of the Kennedy presidency 0060167203, 9780060167202
Letters from the editor : the New Yorker's Harold Ross 0375503978, 9780375503979
Letters of Marshall McLuhan 0195405943, 9780195405941
Letters to Kennedy 0674528379, 9780674528376
Lewis & Clark : voyage of discovery 0792270843, 9780792270843
Lewis and Clark : voyage of discovery
Li Ho 0805763791, 9780805763799
Li Ta-chao and the origins of Chinese Marxism 0689702213, 9780689702211
Lianda : a Chinese university in war and revolution 0804729298, 9780804729291
Liang and Lin : partners in exploring China's architectural past 081223278X, 9780812232783
Liang Ch'i-Ch'ao and the Mind of Modern China 0520007352, 9780520007352
Liberalism in an illiberal age : New Culture liberals in Republican China, 1919-1937 0313232563, 9780313232565
Liberty, justice, order : essays on past politics 0393035484, 9780393035483
Life : our century in pictures 0821226339, 9780821226339
Life 50, 1936-1986 : the first fifty years 0316526134, 9780316526135
Life 60 years : an anniversary celebration 0821223356, 9780821223352
Life along the South Manchurian Railway : the memoirs of Itō Takeo 087332465X, 9780873324656
Life and death in Shanghai 0394555481, 9780394555485
Life carries on : from the editors of Life magazine 0671868527, 9780671868529
Life classic photographs : a personal interpretation 0821222635, 9780821222638
Life goes to the movies 0517625857, 9780517625859
Life goes to war : a picture history of World War II 0316849014, 9780316849012
Life of Henry David Thoreau 0252019938, 9780252019937
Life of Samuel Johnson 0413634809, 9780413634801
Life of the party : the biography of Pamela Digby Churchill Hayward Harriman 0316633763, 9780316633765
Life photographers : what they saw 0821225189, 9780821225189
Life stories : profiles from The New Yorker 0375503552, 9780375503559
Life with Rose Kennedy 0446513253, 9780446513258
Life, the second decade, 1946-1955 0821215817, 9780821215814
Life, World War 2 : history's greatest conflict in pictures 0821227718, 9780821227718
Life: World War II 0316506044, 9780316506045
Life:Pearl Harbor, our call to arms : edited by Bob Andreas, Bob Sullivan 1929049323, 9781929049325
Lightning Joe: An Autobiography 0891415300, 9780891415305
Lillian Hellman : her legend and her legacy 0312000499, 9780312000493
Lillian Hellman : the image, the woman 0671526871, 9780671526870
Lincoln 0684808463, 9780684808468
Lincoln : the biography of a writer 0060773340, 9780060773342
Lincoln and his generals 0517162377, 9780517162378
Lincoln at Cooper Union : the speech that made Abraham Lincoln president 0743224671, 9780743224673
Lincoln at Gettysburg : the words that remade America 0671769561, 9780671769567
Lincoln finds a general : a military study of the Civil War 0253203597, 9780253203595
Lincoln in The times : the life of Abraham Lincoln, as originally reported in the New York times 031234919X, 9780312349196
Lincoln, the war president : the Gettysburg lectures 0195078918, 9780195078916
Lincoln's generals 0195085051, 9780195085051
Lincoln's melancholy : how depression challenged a president and fueled his greatness 0618551166, 9780618551163
Lincoln's men : the president and his private secretaries 006156544X, 9780061565441
Lincoln's White House secretary : the adventurous life of William O. Stoddard 0809327538, 9780809327539
Lindbergh : the crime 0871135442, 9780871135445
Lines of battle : letters from American servicemen 1941-1945 0812913167, 9780812913163
Lionel Trilling and the fate of cultural criticism 0810107120, 9780810107120
Listening To America 0395791537, 9780395791530
Literary almanac 1567313280, 9781567313284
Literary feuds 1567316816, 9781567316810
Literary feuds : a century of celebrated quarrels from Mark Twain to Tom Wolfe 031227209X, 9780312272098
Literary life : a second memoir 1439159939, 9781439159934
Literary rivals : feuds and antagonisms in the world of books 1849546029, 9781849546027
Little America : the war within the war for Afghanistan 0307957144, 9780307957146
Liu Shao-chʻi and the Chinese cultural revolution : the politics of mass criticism 0520025741, 9780520025745
Live from Capitol Hill! : studies of Congress and the media 0815736274, 9780815736271
Live from the battlefield : from Vietnam to Bagdad : 35 years in the world's war zones 0671755862, 9780671755867
Living Authors 1582880239, 9781582880235
Lockheed U-2 0942548043, 9780942548044
Lone star rising : Lyndon Johnson and his times, 1908-1960 0195054350, 9780195054354
Long day's journey into war : December 7, 1941 1585742554, 9781585742554
Long road home : a China journal 0300030096, 9780300030099
Loose canons : notes on the culture wars 0195075196, 9780195075199
Lord Beaverbrook : a life 0394568796, 9780394568799
Lords of the Rim : the invisible empire of the overseas Chinese 0399140115, 9780399140112
Lords, ladies, and gentlemen : a memoir 0877955980, 9780877955986
Loss of Eden : a biography of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh 0060165030, 9780060165031
Lost chance in China; the World War II despatches of John S. Service 0394484363, 9780394484365
Lost crusader : the secret wars of CIA director William Colby 0195128478, 9780195128475
Lost victory : a firsthand account of America's sixteen-year involvement in Vietnam 0809245094, 9780809245093
Love and Friendship 0671891200, 9780671891206
Love and hatred : the troubled marriage of Leo and Sonya Tolstoy 0671881620, 9780671881627
Love without wings : some friendships in literature and politics 039555442X, 9780395554425
Loyalties : a son's memoir 0671649426, 9780671649425
Lu Hsün's vision of reality 0520029402, 9780520029408
Lucius D. Clay : an American life 080500999X, 9780805009996
Lyndon B. Johnson : portrait of a president 0195159209, 9780195159202
Lyndon Johnson and the American dream 0060122846, 9780060122843
Lyndon Johnson's war : America's cold war crusade in Vietnam, 1945-1968 0809050234, 9780809050239
Lyndon Johnson's war : the road to stalemate in Vietnam 0393026361, 9780393026368
Lyndon, an oral biography 0399123571, 9780399123573
Macarthur (Military Commanders) 0938289144, 9780938289142
MacArthur in Korea : the naked emperor 0671240625, 9780671240622
MacArthur's war : Korea and the undoing of an American hero 0684834197, 9780684834191
Mae Franking's My Chinese marriage : an annotated edition 029275132X, 9780292751323
Mahan on sea power 0806119187, 9780806119182
Make gentle the life of this world : the vision of Robert F. Kennedy 0151003564, 9780151003563
Make no law : the Sullivan case and the First Amendment 0679739394, 9780679739395
Makers of China, Confucius to Mao 0470573597, 9780470573594
Makers of modern strategy : military thought from Machiavelli to Hitler 0691018537, 9780691018539
Malcolm X : the FBI file 0881847585, 9780881847581
Man of the People: A Life of Harry S. Truman (Oxford Paperbacks) 0195124979, 9780195124972
Man of the year : a Time honored tradition 0874749492, 9780874749496
Man without a face : the autobiography of communism's greatest spymaster 0812963946, 9780812963946
Mandate of heaven : a new generation of entrepreneurs, dissidents, bohemians, and technocrats lays claim to China's future 0671701320, 9780671701321
Many are the crimes : McCarthyism in America 0316774707, 9780316774703
Mao : the unknown story 0679422714, 9780679422716
Mao and the Chinese Revolution 1844370240, 9781844370245
Mao Tse-tung in the scales of history : a preliminary assessment 0521291909, 9780521291903
Mao's great famine : the history of China's most devastating catastrophe, 1958-1962 0802777686, 9780802777683
Mao's revolution and the Chinese political culture 0520022505, 9780520022508
Married to the foreign service : an oral history of the American diplomatic spouse 080579123X, 9780805791235
Marshall McLuhan : the medium and the messenger 0394220102, 9780394220109
Marshall, hero for our times 0878513043, 9780878513048
Marshall, organizer of victory 0413502600, 9780413502605
Mary McGrory : the first queen of journalism 0525429719, 9780525429715
Maryknoll in China : a history, 1918-1955 0873324188, 9780873324182
Massacre in Shansi 0815602820, 9780815602828
Master of the game : Steve Ross and the creation of Time Warner 0671725742, 9780671725747
Masterpieces of the Peabody Museum, Harvard University : exhibition opening October 20, 1978 0873657977, 9780873657976
Maugham 0671240773, 9780671240776
Max Perkins : editor of genius 0399584838, 9780399584831
MAYDAY : Eisenhower, Khrushchev, and the U-2 affair 0060155655, 9780060155650
McCarthy and his enemies : the record and its meaning 0895264722, 9780895264725
Me and DiMaggio : a baseball fan goes in search of his gods 1558216235, 9781558216235
Me and DiMaggio : a baseball fan goes in search of his gods 0671505041, 9780671505042
Meet the press : fifty years of history in the making 0070466149, 9780070466142
Meeting the communist threat : Truman to Reagan 0195045335, 9780195045338
Megatrends 2000 : ten new directions for the 1990's 0688072240, 9780688072247
Mei Yao-chʻen and the development of early Sung poetry 0231039654, 9780231039659
Mein Kampf 0395083621, 9780395083628
Memoir : a history 159448886X, 9781594488863
Memoirs 0385412886, 9780385412889
Memoirs 0394537408, 9780394537405
Memoirs 0394716248, 9780394716244
Memoirs 0771000367, 9780771000362
Memoirs : a twentieth-century journey in science and politics 073820532X, 9780738205328
Memoirs of a Chinese revolutionary 0231074530, 9780231074537
Memories of Madame Sun 0930422295, 9780930422295
Men and powers : a political retrospective 0394569946, 9780394569949
Metropolis found : New York is book country, 25th anniversary collection 0974061409, 9780974061405
Michal Rovner : the space between 3882438282, 9783882438284
Mickey Mouse history and other essays on American memory 1566394457, 9781566394451
Military blunders : the how and why of military failure 0786705043, 9780786705047
Military leadership : in pursuit of excellence 0813368391, 9780813368399
Millenarian rebellion in China : the Eight Trigrams uprising of 1813 0300018932, 9780300018936
Minor heresies, major departures : a China mission boyhood 0520082508, 9780520082502
Miracle at Midway 0140068147, 9780140068146
Missionary for freedom : the life and times of Walter Judd 1557780315, 9781557780317
Modern times : the world from the twenties to the nineties 0060168331, 9780060168339
Molotov remembers : inside Kremlin politics : conversations with Felix Chuev 1566630274, 9781566630276
Moments : the Pulitzer Prize photographs 051753276X, 9780517532768
Monarchs and ministers : the Grand Council in Mid-Chʻing China, 1723-1820 0520086457, 9780520086456
Moneyball : the art of winning an unfair game 0393338398, 9780393338393
Monica's story 0312240910, 9780312240912
Monty : the battles of Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery 0679433414, 9780679433415
Monuments and masterpieces : histories and views of public sculpture in New York City 0500017743, 9780500017746
Morgan : American financier 0375501665, 9780375501661
Moshe Dayan : story of my life 0688030769, 9780688030766
Mostly Morgenthaus : a family history 0899199763, 9780899199764
Mount Rushmore 0806109599, 9780806109596
Mountain of fame : portraits in Chinese history 0691055424, 9780691055428
Mountbatten 039451162X, 9780394511627
Mozart 0670882380, 9780670882380
Mr. Justice and Mrs. Black : the memoirs of Hugo L. Black and Elizabeth Black 0394544323, 9780394544328
Mr. Smith goes to Tokyo : the Japanese cinema under the American occupation, 1945-1952 1560984023, 9781560984023
Mr. Truman's war : the final victories of World War II and the birth of the postwar world 067940936X, 9780679409366
Mrs. L. : conversations with Alice Roosevelt Longworth 0385133820, 9780385133821
Muddy boots and red socks : a reporter's life 0812963520, 9780812963526
Murdoch 0671673270, 9780671673277
Mutual contempt : Lyndon Johnson, Robert Kennedy, and the feud that defined a decade 039304078X, 9780393040784
My American journey 0679432965, 9780679432968
My Blue Notebooks 0965036022, 9780965036023
My China Years 0688075258, 9780688075255
My China years : a memoir 0688007864, 9780688007867
My Father Rudolf Hess 0352322144, 9780352322142
My father, a remembrance 0394496310, 9780394496313
My first 79 years 0679451307, 9780679451303
My first trip to China : scholars, diplomats, and journalists reflect on their first encounters with China 9881604621, 9789881604620
My first year as a journalist : real-world stories from America's newspaper and magazine journalists 0802712959, 9780802712950
My generation : collected nonfiction 0812997050, 9780812997057
My life as a radical lawyer 1559722657, 9781559722650
My life between Japan and America 0060390549, 9780060390549
My red blood : a memoir of growing up communist, coming onto the Greenwich Village folk scene, and coming out in the feminist movement 1593501072, 9781593501075
My three fathers : and the elegant deceptions of my mother, Susan Mary Alsop 1586485555, 9781586485559
My times : a memoir of dissent 1583226044, 9781583226049
My Times : adventures in the news trade 0399138862, 9780399138867
My war 0812925327, 9780812925326
My war with the CIA; the memoirs of Prince Norodom Sihanouk 0394485432, 9780394485430
Name-dropping : from F.D.R. on 0395822882, 9780395822883
Nancy Reagan : the unauthorized biography 067164646X, 9780671646462
Napoleon and Hitler : a comparative biography 0670814806, 9780670814800
Napoléon's last will and testament 0448221861, 9780448221861
National defense 0394518241, 9780394518244
National seashores 0887140157, 9780887140150
Nationalist China at war : military defeats and political collapse, 1937-45 0472100181, 9780472100187
Nemesis : Truman and Johnson in the coils of war in Asia 0312563701, 9780312563707
Never give in! : the best of Winston Churchill's speeches 1401300561, 9781401300562
New Fourth Army : Communist resistance along the Yangtze and the Huai, 1938-1941 0520219929, 9780520219922
New perspectives in cultural anthropology 0030854865, 9780030854866
New York in the fifties 0395513200, 9780395513200
New York intellect : a history of intellectual life in New York City, from 1750 to the beginnings of our own time 0801836395, 9780801836398
New York September 11 1576871304, 9781576871300
New York times great lives of the twentieth century 0812916255, 9780812916256
Newhouse : all the glitter, power, and glory of America's richest media empire and the secretive man behind it 0312114818, 9780312114817
News from the White House : the presidential-press relationship in the Progressive era 0226414728, 9780226414720
News is a verb : journalism at the end of the twentieth century 0345425286, 9780345425287
Newsday : a candid history of the respectable tabloid 1557100535, 9781557100535
Newsmen in khaki : tales of a World War II soldier correspondent 1589790944, 9781589790940
Newspaper days 0812230957, 9780812230956
Newspaperman : S.I. Newhouse and the business of news 0899192009, 9780899192000
Nightline : history in the making and the making of television 0812924789, 9780812924787
Nineteen sixty-eight 0939526069, 9780939526062
Nixon 0671528378, 9780671528379
Nixon 067152836X, 9780671528362
Nixon : an Oliver Stone film 0786881577, 9780786881574
Nixon : an oral history of his presidency 0060170271, 9780060170271
Nixon and Mao : the week that changed the world 140006127X, 9781400061273
Nixon off the record 0679456813, 9780679456810
Nixon's darkest secrets : the inside story of America's most troubled president 0312662963, 9780312662967
No regrets : the life of Marietta Tree 0684810085, 9780684810089
No surrender : my thirty-year war 0870112406, 9780870112409
Nobel lectures : from the literature laureates, 1986 to 2006 1595582010, 9781595582010
Nobody said not to go : the life, loves, and adventures of Emily Hahn 057119950X, 9780571199501
Norman Thomas, the last idealist 0684147688, 9780684147680
Not Without Honor 0084824271, 9780084824273
Notes from the underground : the Whittaker Chambers--Ralph de Toledano letters, 1949-1960 0895264250, 9780895264251
November 22, 1963 : ordinary and extraordinary people recall their reactions when they heard the news 1250037484, 9781250037480
Obbligato, 1939-1979 : notes on a foreign service career 0393018091, 9780393018097
October 1964 0679415602, 9780679415602
October surprise : America's hostages in Iran and the election of Ronald Reagan 0812919890, 9780812919899
Odd man out : a memoir of the Hollywood Ten 0809319993, 9780809319992
Odyssey of a friend : Whittaker Chambers' letters to William F. Buckley, Jr., 1954-1961 0895265672, 9780895265678
Off the record : the private papers of Harry S. Truman 0826211194, 9780826211194
Off the record with F. D. R., 1942-1945 0313225850, 9780313225857
Official and confidential : the secret life of J. Edgar Hoover 0399138005, 9780399138003
Old soldiers never die : the life of Douglas MacArthur 0679428828, 9780679428824
On and off the air : an informal history of CBS News 0525247653, 9780525247654
On Gold Mountain 0312119976, 9780312119973
On grand strategy 1594203512, 9781594203510
On his own terms : a life of Nelson Rockefeller 0375505806, 9780375505805
On speaking well : how to give a speech with style, substance, and clarity 0060987405, 9780060987404
On the air in World War II 0688035582, 9780688035587
On the edge : the Clinton presidency 0671871471, 9780671871475
On the front lines of the Cold War : an American correspondent's journal from the Chinese Civil War to the Cuban Missile Crisis and Vietnam 0807135569, 9780807135563
On the trail of the assassins : my investigation and prosecution of the murder of President Kennedy 094178102X, 9780941781022
Once an eagle 1889927015, 9781889927015
Once an eagle : a novel 0060196963, 9780060196967
Once upon a distant war 0812926331, 9780812926330
Once upon a distant war 0679772650, 9780679772651
Once upon a time in New York : Jimmy Walker, Franklin Roosevelt, and the last great battle of the jazz age 0684855798, 9780684855790
One day in China, May 21, 1936 0300028342, 9780300028348
One day in China, May 21, 1936 0300034008, 9780300034004
One man against the world : the tragedy of Richard Nixon 1627790837, 9781627790833
One nation : America remembers September 11, 2001 0316525405, 9780316525404
One of us : Richard Nixon and the American dream 0394550668, 9780394550664
One Planet : inspirational travel photographs from the Lonely Planet Images collection 1741044529, 9781741044522
Oona : living in the shadows : a biography of Oona O'Neill Chaplin 0446517305, 9780446517300
Operation Rollback : America's secret war behind the Iron Curtain 0395516064, 9780395516065
Opium and foreign policy : the Anglo-American search for order in Asia, 1912-1954 0807819700, 9780807819708
Oracle bones : a journey between China's past and present 0060826584, 9780060826581
Original Zinn : conversations on history and politics 0060844256, 9780060844257
Origins of the Chinese revolution, 1915-1949 0804708274, 9780804708272
Orphans of the Cold War : America and the Tibetan struggle for survival 1891620185, 9781891620188
Oscar Wilde 0394554841, 9780394554846
Oswald and the CIA 0786701315, 9780786701315
Our glorious century 0895776162, 9780895776167
Our Lincoln : new perspectives on Lincoln and his world 0393067564, 9780393067569
Our literary heritage : a pictorial history of the writer in America 044822061X, 9780448220611
Our national parks (Reader's Digest) 0895779412, 9780895779410
Our times : America at the birth of the twentieth century 0684815737, 9780684815732
Our times : the illustrated history of the 20th century 1878685589, 9781878685582
Outsider, Insider 0966827104, 9780966827101
Owen Lattimore and the "loss" of China 0520073886, 9780520073883
P.S., a memoir 0312135785, 9780312135782
Pa Chin 0805763376, 9780805763379
Pacific destiny : inside Asia today 0517572346, 9780517572344
Pacific microphone 0890963398, 9780890963395
Packaging the presidency : a history and criticism of presidential campaign advertising 0195089421, 9780195089424
Page after page 0689120885, 9780689120886
Pandora's keepers : nine men and the atomic bomb 0316738336, 9780316738330
Papa Hemingway : a personal memoir 0306814277, 9780306814273
Paper losses : a modern epic of greed and betrayal at America's two largest newspaper companies 0802114024, 9780802114020
Paper tigers : the latest, greatest newspaper tycoons 1559722150, 9781559722155
Paperback talk 0897331087, 9780897331081
Parting the waters : America in the King years, 1954-63 0671460978, 9780671460976
Passion and prejudice : a family memoir 0394558510, 9780394558516
Past imperfect : facts, fictions, and fraud--American history from Bancroft and Parkman to Ambrose, Bellesiles, Ellis, and Goodwin 1586482440, 9781586482442
Patterns in the dust : Chinese-American relations and the recognition controversy, 1949-1950 0231053622, 9780231053624
Patton and Rommel : men of war in the twentieth century 0425193462, 9780425193464
Patton's best : an informal history of the 4th Armored Division 0801557976, 9780801557972
Pawns of Yalta : Soviet refugees and America's role in their repatriation 0252008979, 9780252008979
Pay any price : Lyndon Johnson and the wars for Vietnam 1566630878, 9781566630870
Peace, war, and politics : an eyewitness account 0312856024, 9780312856021
Pearl Buck, a woman in conflict 0832902616, 9780832902611
Pearl Harbor 0831796499, 9780831796495
Pearl Harbor : the verdict of history 007050668X, 9780070506688
Peasant China in transition : the dynamics of development toward socialism, 1949-1956 0520037340, 9780520037342
Peasant life in China : a field study of country life in the Yangtze valley 0710005903, 9780710005908
Peking man 0671218999, 9780671218997
Peking Story: The Last Days of Old China 1854100025, 9781854100023
People : a history of our time : 20th century greats 0831767944, 9780831767945
People, positions, and power : the political appointments of Lyndon Johnson 0226740161, 9780226740164
People's witness : the journalist in modern politics 0300093276, 9780300093278
Perfect villains, imperfect heroes : Robert F. Kennedy's war against organized crime 0679435654, 9780679435655
Perilous missions : Civil Air Transport and CIA covert operations in Asia 081730164X, 9780817301644
Personal history 0394585852, 9780394585857
Personal memoirs of U.S. Grant 0914427679, 9780914427674
Photographs, then and now 0792272021, 9780792272021
Photography and politics in America : from the New Deal into the Cold War 080186187X, 9780801861871
Pʻi Jih-hsiu 0805763724, 9780805763720
Pictures of the times : a century of photographs from the New York Times 0870701150, 9780870701153
Pictures of the times : a century of photographs from the New York Times 0870701169, 9780870701160
Pillar of fire : America in the King years, 1963-65 0684808196, 9780684808192
Ping-pong diplomacy : the secret history behind the game that changed the world 1451642776, 9781451642773
Pioneering modern painting : Cézanne & Pissarro, 1865-1885 0870701851, 9780870701856
Pivotal decades : the United States, 1900-1920 0393028062, 9780393028065
Pkt Dict Slang 0671432273, 9780671432270
Playing for keeps : Michael Jordan and the world he made 0679415629, 9780679415626
Pledging allegiance : the last campaign of the Cold War 0060161892, 9780060161897
Poisoned ivy : how egos, ideology, and power politics almost ruined Harvard Law School 0312113676, 9780312113674
Political passages : journeys of change through two decades, 1968-1988 0029049210, 9780029049211
Politics and Policy: The Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson Years 0815782225, 9780815782223
Pompeii : the vanished city 0809498626, 9780809498628
Portrait of Hemingway 0375754385, 9780375754388
Portraits and observations : the essays of Truman Capote 0812978919, 9780812978919
Portraits from The Americans, the democratic experience : an exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery based on Daniel J. Boorstin's Pulitzer Prize winning book 0394498968, 9780394498966
Postscript with a Chinese accent; memoirs and diaries, 1972-1973 0026153203, 9780026153201
Postwar Japan, 1945 to the present 0394489039, 9780394489032
Power and culture : the Japanese-American war, 1941-1945 0674695828, 9780674695825
Power and influence : mastering the art of persuasion 0134640411, 9780134640419
Power and politics in late Imperial China : Yuan Shi-kai in Beijing and Tianjin, 1901-1908 0520040252, 9780520040250
Power at play : a memoir of parties, politicians, and the presidents in my bedroom 0895265036, 9780895265036
Power beyond reason : the mental collapse of Lyndon Johnson 1569802432, 9781569802434
Power rules : how common sense can rescue American foreign policy 0061714542, 9780061714542
Powerful people : from Mao to now, a reporter's fifty-year pursuit of 0786703121, 9780786703128
Practicing history : selected essays 0394520866, 9780394520865
Precious records : women in China's long eighteenth century 0804727449, 9780804727440
Preparing for the twenty-first century 0394584430, 9780394584430
Present at the creation : the fortieth anniversary of the Marshall Plan : conference series organized by the Luxembourg-Harvard Association with Harvard University 0887304052, 9780887304057
President Kennedy has been shot : experience the moment-to-moment account of the four days that changed America 1402201583, 9781402201585
Presidential ambition : how the presidents gained power, kept power, and got things done 006018373X, 9780060183738
Presidential Ambition: Gaining Power At Any Cost 0060930543, 9780060930547
Presidential anecdotes 0195029151, 9780195029154
Presidential campaigns 0195034201, 9780195034202
Presidential cars & transportation : from horse and carriage to Air Force One, the story of how the presidents of the United States travel 0873413415, 9780873413411
Presidential courage 0393013146, 9780393013146
Presidential inaugurations 0156007592, 9780156007597
Presidential passions : the love affairs of America's presidents--from Washington and Jefferson to Kennedy and Johnson 1561710040, 9781561710041
Presidential power and the modern presidents : the politics of leadership from Roosevelt to Reagan 0029227968, 9780029227961
Presidential wives 0195037634, 9780195037630
Presidents' secret wars : CIA and Pentagon covert operations from World War II through Iranscam 0688077595, 9780688077594
Presidents under fire : commanders in chief in victory and defeat 0517588633, 9780517588635
Pretend I'm not here : how I worked with three newspaper icons, one powerful first lady, and still managed to dig myself out of the Washington swamp 0062445103, 9780062445100
Price of fame : the honorable Clare Boothe Luce 0679457119, 9780679457114
Princess Alice 031202536X, 9780312025366
Print the legend : the life and times of John Ford 0684811618, 9780684811611
Privileged son : Otis Chandler and the rise and fall of the L.A. times dynasty 0738202703, 9780738202709
Privileged Son: Otis Chandler And The Rise And Fall Of The L.a. Times Dynasty 0306811618, 9780306811616
Profiles in Courage (slipcased edition): Decisive Moments in the Lives of Celebrated Americans 0061205680, 9780061205682
Profiles in courage for our time 0786867930, 9780786867936
Promise and power : the life and times of Robert McNamara 0316782807, 9780316782807
Promised land : thirteen books that changed America 0385522762, 9780385522762
Provincial militarism and the Chinese Republic : the Yunnan Army, 1905-25 0472088130, 9780472088133
Public editor #1 : the collected columns (with reflections, reconsiderations, and even a few retractions) of the first ombudsman of The New York times 1586484001, 9781586484002
Pulitzer : a life 0471332003, 9780471332008
Pundits, Poets, and Wits: An Omnibus of American Newspaper Columns 0195071379, 9780195071375
Race to Pearl Harbor; the failure of the Second London Naval Conference and the onset of World War II 0674745752, 9780674745759
Radio warfare : OSS and CIA subversive propaganda 0275930513, 9780275930516
Rage for fame : the ascent of Clare Boothe Luce 0394575555, 9780394575551
Random recollections of an anachronism : or, Seventy-five years of library work 0918414024, 9780918414021
Rayburn : a biography 0819172944, 9780819172945
Readings in modern Chinese history 0195013751, 9780195013757
Real life dictionary of American politics : what they're saying and what it really means 1881649415, 9781881649410
Realism and allegory in the early fiction of Mao Tun 0253349508, 9780253349507
Reappraisals: Reflections on the Forgotten Twentieth Century 9780143115052, 0143115057
Reappraising Republican China 0198296177, 9780198296171
Rebel with a cause : P.D. East, southern liberalism, and the civil rights movement 1953-1971 0842022287, 9780842022286
Rebels and revolutionaries in north China, 1845-1945 0804710554, 9780804710558
Rebels and Revolutionaries in North China, 1845-1945 0804711755, 9780804711753
Recasting America : culture and politics in the age of cold war 0226511758, 9780226511757
Recollections of a life 0805006125, 9780805006124
Red China today 0394716817, 9780394716817
Red star over China 0394177975, 9780394177977
Reevaluating Eisenhower : American foreign policy in the 1950s 0252013409, 9780252013409
Reevaluating Eisenhower : American foreign policy in the 1950s 0252060679, 9780252060670
Refighting the last war : command and crisis in Korea, 1950-1953 0029160014, 9780029160015
Reflected glory : the life of Pamela Churchill Harriman 0684809508, 9780684809502
Reflecting on things past : the memoirs of Peter Lord Carrington 0060390905, 9780060390907
Reform in nineteenth-century China 0674752813, 9780674752818
Remembering Reinhold Niebuhr : letters of Reinhold and Ursula M. Niebuhr 0060662344, 9780060662349
Remembering Sinatra: A Life in Pictures 9781883013479, 188301347X
Remembering war : a U.S.-Soviet dialogue 0195051262, 9780195051261
Remembrances and celebrations : a book of eulogies, elegies, letters, and epitaphs 0375401237, 9780375401237
Reporters : memoirs of a young newspaperman 091567761X, 9780915677610
Reporting from Washington : the history of the Washington press corps 0195178610, 9780195178616
Reporting live 0684829304, 9780684829302
Reporting the war : the journalistic coverage of World War II 1560983485, 9781560983484
Reporting Vietnam : American journalism, 1959-1975 1883011906, 9781883011901
Reporting Vietnam : media and military at war 0700609113, 9780700609116
Republic of dreams : Greenwich Village, the American Bohemia, 1910-1960 0684869950, 9780684869957
Republic of spin : an inside history of the American presidency 0393067068, 9780393067064
Requiem : by the photographers who died in Vietnam and Indochina 0679456570, 9780679456575
Requiem for Tibet 1854101110, 9781854101112
Required Reading: Why Our American Classics Matter Now 0965833348, 9780965833349
Resistance and revolution in China : the Communists and the second united front 0520025539, 9780520025530
Restless genius : Barney Kilgore and the invention of modern journalism 0312536747, 9780312536749
Rethinking Camelot: JFK, the Vietnam War, and US Political Culture 1895431727, 9781895431728
Retribution : the battle for Japan, 1944-45 0307263517, 9780307263513
Return to Midway 0792275004, 9780792275008
Return to the Philippines 0809425149, 9780809425143
Reunion : a memoir 0394565339, 9780394565330
Revolution 0151770875, 9780151770878
Revolution and history : the origins of Marxist historiography in China, 1919-1937 0520035410, 9780520035416
Revolutionaries, monarchists, and Chinatowns : Chinese politics in the Americas and the 1911 revolution 0824812395, 9780824812393
Revolutionary Diplomacy: Chinese Foreign Policy and the United Front Doctrine 0520042735, 9780520042735
Revolutionary struggle in Manchuria : Chinese communism and Soviet interest, 1922-1945 0520043758, 9780520043756
RFK : a memoir 1560255315, 9781560255314
Richard Milhous Nixon: The Rise of an American Politician 0805018344, 9780805018349
Rickshaw Beijing : city people and politics in the 1920s 0520063112, 9780520063112
Riddle of Power: Presidential Leadership from Truman to Bush 0525249567, 9780525249566
Right in her soul : the life of Anna Louise Strong 0394516494, 9780394516493
Righteous Pilgrim: The Life and Times of Harold L. Ickes, 1874-1952 0805021124, 9780805021127
Rise of the Vulcans : the history of Bush's war cabinet 0670032999, 9780670032990
Rise to Greatness: Abraham Lincoln and America's Most Perilous Year 1250037808, 9781250037800
River town : two years on the Yangtze 0060195444, 9780060195441
RN : the memoirs of Richard Nixon 0448143747, 9780448143743
Robert Baillie and the second Scots Reformation 0520024478, 9780520024472
Robert E. Lee : a penguin life 0670032204, 9780670032204
Robert Frost : lectures on the centennial of his birth 084440148X, 9780844401485
Robert Frost, a biography 0030509211, 9780030509216
Robert Frost; a pictorial chronicle 0030126010, 9780030126017
Robert Kennedy : his life 0684834804, 9780684834801
Robert Kennedy and his times 0395248973, 9780395248973
Robert Kennedy, in his own words : the unpublished recollections of the Kennedy years 0553053167, 9780553053166
Robert Lowell : a biography 039450965X, 9780394509655
Robert Oppenheimer, letters and recollections 0804726205, 9780804726207
Robert Oppenheimer, letters and recollections 0674776054, 9780674776050
Rockefeller Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism in America 0520042697, 9780520042698
Rocky Mountain 0887140076, 9780887140075
Rolling stone : the seventies 0316759147, 9780316759144
Rome 1960 : the Olympics that changed the world 1416534075, 9781416534075
Rome Then and Now (Compact) (Then & Now Thunder Bay) 1592238319, 9781592238316
Roosevelt and Churchill : men of secrets 1585670685, 9781585670680
Roosevelt and Churchill, 1939-1941 : the partnership that saved the West 0393055949, 9780393055948
Roosevelt and Churchill: Their Secret Wartime Correspondence 0841503346, 9780841503342
Roosevelt and Marshall : partners in politics and war 0688090990, 9780688090999
Roosevelt and Marshall: Partners in Politics and War 0688107400, 9780688107406
Roosevelt's secret war : FDR and World War II espionage 0375761268, 9780375761263
Rose : the life and times of Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy 0671890263, 9780671890261
Rosset: My Life in Publishing and How I Fought Censorship 1944869042, 9781944869045
Rural revolution in South China : peasants and the making of history in Haifeng County, 1570-1930 0299095304, 9780299095307
Russia and the roots of the Chinese revolution, 1896-1911 0674783204, 9780674783201
Russia Leaves the War: Soviet-American Relations, 1917-1920, Vol. I (v. 1) 0691008418, 9780691008417
Ruth Benedict 0231035195, 9780231035194
RUTH BENEDICT. Patterns of a Life. 0701127716, 9780701127718
Ruth V. Hemenway, M.D. : a memoir of Revolutionary China, 1924-1941 0870232304, 9780870232305
Saint Augustine 0670886106, 9780670886104
Sam Rayburn : a biography 0801552109, 9780801552106
Sampan sailor : a navy man's adventures in WWII China 0028810732, 9780028810737
Samuel Bronfman : the life and times of Seagram's Mr. Sam 0874515718, 9780874515718
Schlesinger : the imperial historian 0393244709, 9780393244700
Scorpion tongues : gossip, celebrity, and American politics 0688149146, 9780688149147
Scoundrel time 0316355151, 9780316355155
Scratches on our minds : American views of China and India 0873321618, 9780873321617
Second chance : three presidents and the crisis of American superpower 0465002528, 9780465002528
Secret affairs : Franklin Roosevelt, Cordell Hull, and Sumner Welles 0801850835, 9780801850837
Secret Agencies: U.S. Intelligence in a Hostile World 0300076541, 9780300076547
Secret agenda : the United States government, Nazi scientists, and project paperclip, 1945 to 1990 0312055102, 9780312055103
Secret Alliance 0002157977, 9780002157971
Secret empire : Eisenhower, the CIA, and the hidden story of America's space espionage 0684856999, 9780684856995
Secret intelligence 0385245904, 9780385245906
Secret societies in China in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries 0472082078, 9780472082070
Secret war in Shanghai 0395985374, 9780395985373
Secrets : a memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon papers 0670030309, 9780670030309
See how they run : electing the president in an age of mediaocracy 0394570596, 9780394570594
Seeds of destruction : Joe Kennedy and his sons 0399140611, 9780399140617
Seeking modernity in China's name : Chinese students in the United States, 1900-1927 0804736960, 9780804736961
Seizing the enigma : the race to break the German U-boat codes, 1939-1943 0395427398, 9780395427392
Selected Essays of Gore Vidal (Vintage International) 0307388689, 9780307388681
Selected writings of Nichiren 0231072600, 9780231072601
Self, society, and personal choice 0231064187, 9780231064187
Selling Hitler 0394553365, 9780394553368
Selling our security : the erosion of America's assets 0394583094, 9780394583099
Senator Joe McCarthy 0520204727, 9780520204720
Senator Pothole : the unauthorized biography of Al D'Amato 1559722274, 9781559722278
Senatorial privilege : the Chappaquiddick cover-up 0895265648, 9780895265647
Sentimental imperialists : the American experience in East Asia 0060142820, 9780060142827
Seven types of ambiguity 081120037X, 9780811200370
Seven Years in Tibet 0874779030, 9780874779035
Seward : Lincoln's indispensable man 1439121184, 9781439121184
Sex, money, & sports : quotations on the only things men [care] talk about 073520053X, 9780735200531
Shades of Black : Conrad Black and the world's fastest growing press empire 0433397497, 9780433397496
Shadow : five presidents and the legacy of Watergate 0684852624, 9780684852621
Shadow Warrior: William Egan Colby and the CIA 0465054986, 9780465054985
Shakespeare's theater 0872263096, 9780872263093
Shang civilization 0300028857, 9780300028850
Shanghai 1555212859, 9781555212858
Shanghai : the rise and fall of a decadent city 068815798X, 9780688157982
Shanghai modern : the flowering of a new urban culture in China, 1930-1945 0674805518, 9780674805514
Sharks over China : the 23rd Fighter Group in World War II 0028810945, 9780028810942
She made friends and kept them : an anecdotal memoir 0060187131, 9780060187132
Sheathing the sword : the demilitarisation of Japan 0241121116, 9780241121115
Shenfan 0394481429, 9780394481425
Sherman's other war : the general and the Civil War press 0878702032, 9780878702039
Short World Biographies 0870652605, 9780870652608
Showman : the life of David O. Selznick 0394568338, 9780394568331
Silent coup : the removal of a president 0312051565, 9780312051563
Silent spring 0395683297, 9780395683293
Sino-American relations, 1949-71 071535793X, 9780715357934
Sino-Soviet diplomatic relations, 1917-1926 0824804015, 9780824804015
Sir Winston Churchill 0805767606, 9780805767605
Six armies in Normandy : from D-Day to the liberation of Paris, June 6th-August 25th, 1944 0670647365, 9780670647361
Six men
Six months at the White House with Abraham Lincoln : the story of a picture 1931917035, 9781931917032
Sketches from a life 0394575040, 9780394575049
Sleepwalking through history : America in the Reagan years 0393029379, 9780393029376
Snapshots in history's glare 0810950499, 9780810950498
So close to greatness : a biography of William C. Bullitt 002517410X, 9780025174108
So long until tomorrow : from Quaker Hill to Kathmandu 0688032362, 9780688032364
Soldier's Heart: Reading Literature Through Peace and War at West Point 0312427824, 9780312427825
Soldiers of misfortune : Washington's secret betrayal of America's POWs in the Soviet Union 0915765837, 9780915765836
Soldiers of reason : the Rand Corporation and the rise of the American empire 0151010811, 9780151010813
Sound and fury : the Washington punditocracy and the collapse of American politics 0060168749, 9780060168742
Source book of American presidential campaign and election statistics, 1948-1968 0804418160, 9780804418164
Sources of Chinese tradition 0231086032, 9780231086035
Sources of Chinese tradition 0231086024, 9780231086028
Southern daughter : the life of Margaret Mitchell 0195052765, 9780195052763
Spandau : the secret diaries 0026128101, 9780026128100
Speaking freely : a guided tour of American English from Plymouth Rock to Silicon Valley 019510692X, 9780195106923
Speaking of Galbraith : a personal portrait 0899199135, 9780899199139
Speaking of journalism : 12 writers and editors talk about their work 0062701150, 9780062701152
Special envoy to Churchill and Stalin, 1941-1946 0394482964, 9780394482965
Special relationships : a foreign correspondent's memoirs from Roosevelt to Reagan 0689115881, 9780689115882
Spies (World famous) 075251783X, 9780752517834
Spy : the inside story of how the FBI's Robert Hanssen betrayed America 0375758941, 9780375758942
Spy on the roof of the world 1558215581, 9781558215580
Spying for America : the hidden history of U.S. intelligence 1569247218, 9781569247211
Stalin : man and ruler 0814754430, 9780814754436
Stalin : the court of the red tsar 1400042305, 9781400042302
Stalin and the bomb : the Soviet Union and atomic energy, 1939-1956 0300060564, 9780300060560
Stalin's apologist : Walter Duranty, the New York times's man in Moscow 0195057007, 9780195057003
Stalin's prosecutor : the life of Andrei Vyshinsky 0802113338, 9780802113337
Stalin's war against the Jews : the doctors' plot and the Soviet solution 0029258219, 9780029258217
Star warriors : a penetrating look into the lives of the young scientists behind our space age weaponry 0671545663, 9780671545666
Star-spangled men : America's ten worst presidents 0684836106, 9780684836102
State of denial 0743272234, 9780743272230
State of the blues 0893817996, 9780893817992
State of war : the secret history of the CIA and the Bush administration 0743270665, 9780743270663
Stay tuned : television's unforgettable moments 0740726935, 9780740726934
Stephen Crane : a biography 0807606472, 9780807606476
Still we danced forward : World War II and the writer's life 1574880136, 9781574880137
Stilwell Papers: An Iconoclastic Account of America's Adventures in China 0805203311, 9780805203318
Story of the Confederate States : [or, history of the War for Southern Independence embracing ... the early settlement of the country, trouble with the Indians, the French, Revolutionary, and Mexican Wars ...] 0405122950, 9780405122958
Strange justice : the selling of Clarence Thomas 0395633184, 9780395633182
Stranger among friends 0553100734, 9780553100730
Stranger in China 0688001378, 9780688001377
Strangers at the gate: social disorder in south China, 1839-1861 0520026349, 9780520026346
Street Without Joy: The French Debacle in Indochina (Stackpole Military History Series) 0811732363, 9780811732369
Strike : the Daily news war and the future of American labor 0671796313, 9780671796310
Strom Thurmond and the politics of Southern change 0671689355, 9780671689353
Struggle for Democracy 1852271698, 9781852271695
Sugamo Prison, Tokyo : an account of the trial and sentencing of Japanese war criminals in 1948, by a U.S. participant 0899507395, 9780899507392
Sultans of swat : the four great sluggers of the New York Yankees 0312340141, 9780312340148
Summer of '49 068806678X, 9780688066789
Summer of '49 (Harper Perennial Modern Classics) 9780060884260, 0060884266
Sumner Welles : FDR's global strategist : a biography 0312174403, 9780312174408
Sundays at eight : 25 years of stories from C-Span's Q&A and Booknotes 1610393481, 9781610393485
Sunflower splendor : three thousand years of Chinese poetry 0385097166, 9780385097161
Supreme command : soldiers, statesmen, and leadership in wartime 0743230493, 9780743230490
Swifty : my life and good times 0684804182, 9780684804187
Symbols, the news magazines, and Martin Luther King 0807115231, 9780807115237
Sympathy for the devil : four decades of friendship with Gore Vidal 0374280487, 9780374280482
Szechwan and the Chinese Republic; provincial militarism and central power, 1911-1938 0300016042, 9780300016048
Taboo : sex, identity, and erotic subjectivity in anthropological fieldwork 0415088194, 9780415088190
Tactical genius in battle 0714819492, 9780714819495
Taíno : pre-Columbian art and culture from the Caribbean 1885254822, 9781885254825
Tales of a new America 0812916247, 9780812916249
Talking heads : political talk shows and their star pundits 0312055218, 9780312055219
Tao; the Chinese philosophy of time and change 0517517094, 9780517517093
Target Tokyo : the story of the Sorge spy ring 0070506779, 9780070506770
Team of rivals : the political genius of Abraham Lincoln 0684824906, 9780684824901
Tears before the rain : an oral history of the fall of South Vietnam 0195053869, 9780195053869
Tears of blood : a cry for Tibet 158243025X, 9781582430256
Telling lies in modern American autobiography 0807818887, 9780807818886
Ten Days to Destiny: The Secret Story of the Hess Peace Initiative and British Efforts to Strike a Deal With Hitler 0688125778, 9780688125776
Tennozan : the Battle of Okinawa and the atomic bomb 0395599245, 9780395599242
Testimony of a Confucian woman : the autobiography of Mrs. Nie Zeng Jifen, 1852-1942 0820315095, 9780820315096
Tet! : the turning point in the Vietnam War 0801867037, 9780801867033
That man : an insider's portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt 0195168267, 9780195168266
The #1 New York times bestseller : intriguing facts about the 484 books that have been #1 New York times bestsellers since the first list in 1942 0898154847, 9780898154849
The Aftermath : Asia 0809434369, 9780809434367
The agenda : inside the Clinton White House 0671864866, 9780671864866
The Algonquin wits 0806509473, 9780806509471
The alienated academy : culture and politics in republican China, 1919-1937 0674002849, 9780674002845
The alliance--America, Europe, Japan : makers of the postwar world 0671425021, 9780671425029
The amateurs 0688049486, 9780688049485
The ambassadors and America's Soviet policy 0195068025, 9780195068023
The ambition and the power 0670819247, 9780670819249
The Amerasia spy case : prelude to McCarthyism 0807822450, 9780807822456
The American axis : Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, and the rise of the Third Reich 0312290225, 9780312290221
The American century : the rise and decline of the United States as a world power 0300057210, 9780300057218
The American character : views of America from the Wall Street journal 0807610763, 9780807610763
The American encounter : the United States and the making of the modern world : essays from 75 years of Foreign affairs 046500170X, 9780465001705
The American establishment 0465001343, 9780465001347
The American experience : a study of themes and issues in American history 0201043963, 9780201043969
The American heritage book of Indians 0517391805, 9780517391808
The American heritage history of the confident years 0517631687, 9780517631683
The American Heritage history of the Congress of the United States
The American heritage history of the great West 0517391813, 9780517391815
The American heritage history of the law in America 0828104263, 9780828104265
The American heritage history of World War I 0517385554, 9780517385555
The American heritage picture history of the Civil War 0517385562, 9780517385562
The American image of China 0804413118, 9780804413114
The American journalist : a portrait of U.S. news people and their work 0253206685, 9780253206688
The American journey of Eric Sevareid 1883642124, 9781883642129
The American language : an inquiry into the development of English in the United States 0394733150, 9780394733159
The American leadership tradition : moral vision from Washington to Clinton 0684834499, 9780684834498
The American occupation of Japan : the origins of the Cold War in Asia 0195051904, 9780195051902
The American reader : words that moved a nation 0062737333, 9780062737335
The American road to Nuremberg : the documentary record, 1944-1945 0817974814, 9780817974817
The American spirit : who we are and what we stand for 1501174215, 9781501174216
The American story : who, what, when, where, why of our nation's heritage 0895778912, 9780895778918
The Americans: The National Experience 0394414535, 9780394414539
The antagonists : Hugo Black, Felix Frankfurter and civil liberties in modern America 0671477978, 9780671477974
The archaeology of ancient China
The arrogance of power : the secret world of Richard Nixon 0670871516, 9780670871513
The art of oratory 1903025427, 9781903025420
The art of the epigraph : how great books begin 1451693249, 9781451693249
The arts of China 0351183345, 9780351183348
The Asian century : the economic ascent of the Pacific rim--and what it means for the West 0816016879, 9780816016877
The assassination : death of the president 0809448203, 9780809448203
The assassination chronicles : inquest, counterplot, and legend 088184909X, 9780881849097
The atomic bomb and the end of World War II 0691010579, 9780691010571
The attic : memoir of a Chinese landlord's son 0520204050, 9780520204058
The attic : memoir of a Chinese landlord's son 0520204069, 9780520204065
The August coup : the truth and the lessons 0060168900, 9780060168902
The autobiography of Roy Cohn 081840471X, 9780818404719
The Baltimore case : a trial of politics, science, and character 0393041034, 9780393041033
The Baltimore sun, 1837-1987 080183516X, 9780801835162
The bamboo network : how expatriate Chinese entrepreneurs are creating a new economic superpower in Asia 068482289X, 9780684822891
The battle for history : re-fighting World War II 0712673601, 9780712673600
The battle for Manchuria and the fate of China : Siping, 1946 0253007232, 9780253007230
The Battle of Leyte Gulf, 23-26 October, 1944 0060169494, 9780060169497
The bell curve : intelligence and class structure in American life 0029146739, 9780029146736
The Berlin crisis of 1961; Soviet-American relations and the struggle for power in the Kremlin, June-November 1961 0801814049, 9780801814044
The best American history essays on Lincoln 0230609147, 9780230609143
The best and the brightest 0679640991, 9780679640998
The best and the brightest 0394461630, 9780394461632
The best and the brightest 0449908704, 9780449908709
The best of Abbie Hoffman 0941423271, 9780941423274
The best treatment 0671693395, 9780671693398
The best year of their lives : Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon in 1948, learning the secrets of power 0465047238, 9780465047239
The birth of a republic : Francis Stafford's photographs of China's 1911 revolution and beyond 0295989408, 9780295989402
The Blast of War 1939-1945 0881840076, 9780881840070
The Blood telegram : Nixon, Kissinger, and a forgotten genocide 0307700208, 9780307700209
The Blue and the Gray 0870448765, 9780870448768
The book of Abigail and John : selected letters of the Adams family, 1762-1784 0674078551, 9780674078550
The book of eulogies : a collection of memorial tributes, poetry, essays, and letters of condolence 0684822512, 9780684822518
The book of houses 085674025X, 9780856740251
The book of political lists / from the editors of George Magazine 0375750118, 9780375750113
The book of virtues : a treasury of great moral stories 0671683063, 9780671683061
The book of war 0670888044, 9780670888047
The boss : J. Edgar Hoover and the Great American Inquisition 087722532X, 9780877225324
The boxer rebellion : the dramatic story of China's war on foreigners that shook the world in the summer of 1900 0802713610, 9780802713612
The Brandeis/Frankfurter connection : the secret political activities of two Supreme Court justices 0195031229, 9780195031225
The breach in the wall : a memoir of the old China 0913729957, 9780913729953
The Brethren : inside the Supreme Court 0671241109, 9780671241100
The bridge at No Gun Ri : a hidden nightmare from the Korean War 0805066586, 9780805066586
The brilliant disaster : JFK, Castro, and America's doomed invasion of Cuba's Bay of Pigs 141659650X, 9781416596509
The broken wave : the Chinese Communist peasant movement, 1922-1928 0674083911, 9780674083912
The Builders : marvels of engineering 0870448366, 9780870448362
The bully pulpit : a Teddy Roosevelt book of quotations 087833999X, 9780878339990
The bureau : the secret history of the FBI 0312304021, 9780312304027
The Burma road : the epic story of the China-Burma-India theater in World War II 0374117403, 9780374117405
The Cambridge history of China 0521214475, 9780521214476
The Cambridge history of China. Vol 3, Sui and T'ang China, 589-906, Part I 0521214467, 9780521214469
The campaign of the century : Upton Sinclair's race for governor of California and the birth of media politics 0679411682, 9780679411680
The catcher was a spy : the mysterious life of Moe Berg 0679415661, 9780679415664
The century 0385483279, 9780385483278
The Century in Times Square 096686591X, 9780966865912
The century of sex : playboy's history of the sexual revolution, 1900-1999 0802116523, 9780802116529
The chairman : John J. McCloy, the making of the American establishment 0671454153, 9780671454159
The Chan's great continent : China in western minds 0393027473, 9780393027471
The chief : the life of William Randolph Hearst 0395827590, 9780395827598
The Chief : The Life of William Randolph Hearst - The Rise and Fall of the Real Citizen Kane 1903933277, 9781903933275
The children 0679415610, 9780679415619
The China collectors : America's century-long hunt for Asian art treasures 1137279761, 9781137279767
The China difference 0060142499, 9780060142490
The China hands : America's Foreign Service officers and what befell them 067021857X, 9780670218578
The China mission : George Marshall's unfinished war, 1945-1947 0393240959, 9780393240955
The Chindit war : Stilwell, Wingate, and the campaign in Burma, 1944 0025106007, 9780025106000
The Chinese black chamber : an adventure in espionage = [Chung-kuo hei shih] 0395346487, 9780395346488
The Chinese connection : Roger S. Greene, Thomas W. Lamont, George E. Sokolsky and American-East Asian relations 0231044445, 9780231044448
The Chinese enlightenment : intellectuals and the legacy of the May Fourth movement of 1919 0520050274, 9780520050273
The Chinese enlightenment : intellectuals and the legacy of the May Fourth movement of 1919 0520068378, 9780520068377
The Chinese secret service 0688097227, 9780688097226
The Chinese, portrait of a people 0671448730, 9780671448738
The Churchill-Eisenhower correspondence, 1953-1955 0807819107, 9780807819104
The Civil War : an illustrated history 0394562852, 9780394562858
The Civil War 100 : a ranking of the most influential people in the War Between the States 080651955X, 9780806519555
The Civil War Bookshelf 0806526920, 9780806526928
The closing of the American mind 0671657151, 9780671657154
The Cold War & the university : toward an intellectual history of the postwar years 1565840054, 9781565840058
The cold war is over 0812918711, 9780812918717
The Cold War romance of Lillian Hellman and John Melby 0807818151, 9780807818152
The coldest war : a memoir of Korea 0517576902, 9780517576908
The Colonel : the life and legend of Robert R. McCormick, 1880-1955 0395533791, 9780395533796
The colonel : the life and wars of Henry Stimson, 1867-1950 0394574419, 9780394574417
The comfort women : Japan's brutal regime of enforced prostitution in the Second World War 0393038076, 9780393038071
The coming collapse of China 037550477X, 9780375504778
The coming decline of the Chinese Empire 0812908198, 9780812908190
The commanders 0671413678, 9780671413675
The commandos 0809433990, 9780809433995
The Communist takeover of Hangzhou : the transformation of city and cadre, 1949-1954 0824827015, 9780824827014
The Company They Kept: Writers on Unforgettable Friendships 1590173341, 9781590173343
The complete book of U.S. Presidents 1569802084, 9781569802083
The complete Titanic : from the ship's earliest blueprints to the epic film 1559724838, 9781559724838
The complete works of Saki 0880292598, 9780880292597
The conservative revolution : the movement that remade America 0684835002, 9780684835006
The contender, Richard Nixon : the Congress years, 1946-1952 0684850648, 9780684850641
The control room : how television calls the shots in presidential elections 068482731X, 9780684827315
The conviction of Richard Nixon : the untold story of the Frost/Nixon interviews 0307394204, 9780307394200
The crippled giant ; American foreign policy and its domestic consequences 0394482425, 9780394482422
The crisis years : Kennedy and Khrushchev, 1960-1963 0060164549, 9780060164546
The culture of contentment 0395572282, 9780395572283
The dark side of power : the real Armand Hammer 0671700537, 9780671700539
The day the Chinese attacked : Korea, 1950 : the story of the failure of America's China policy 1557784892, 9781557784896
The day the presses stopped : a history of the Pentagon papers case 0520086724, 9780520086722
The D-Day invasion 0783557019, 9780783557014
The deal from hell : how moguls and Wall Street plundered great American newspapers 1586487914, 9781586487911
The Death of a Banker 0679308598, 9780679308591
The death of a president : November 20-November 25, 1963 0140048014, 9780140048018
The death of Stalin 0275101207, 9780275101206
The death of truth 0525574824, 9780525574828
The debate over Vietnam 0801851130, 9780801851131
The decision to use the atomic bomb and the architecture of an American myth 0679443312, 9780679443315
The Democracy reader : classic and modern speeches, essays, poems, declarations, and documents on freedom and human rights worldwide 0062700308, 9780062700308
The Democratic Party and the politics of sectionalism, 1941-1948 0807100706, 9780807100707
The Depression years : as reported by the New York times 0405095465, 9780405095467
The devil and John Foster Dulles 0316372358, 9780316372350
The Di Maggio albums : selections from public and private collections celebrating the baseball career of Joe Di Maggio 0399134875, 9780399134876
The diary of James C. Hagerty : Eisenhower in mid-course, 1954-1955 0253116252, 9780253116253
The diplomacy of the crucial decade : American foreign relations during the 1960s 0231081766, 9780231081764
The Diplomats, 1919-1939 0691036608, 9780691036601
The Doolittle Raid 031202195X, 9780312021955
The Downing Street years 0060170565, 9780060170561
The dragon & the snake : an American account of the turmoil in China, 1976-1977 0812280369, 9780812280364
The dragon syndicates : the global phenomenon of the triads 0786707356, 9780786707355
The dragon's pearl 0671795465, 9780671795467
The duel : 10 may - 31 july 1940: the eighty-day struggle between churchill and hitler 0300089163, 9780300089165
The Dumbarton Oaks conversations and the United Nations, 1944-1994 0884022552, 9780884022558
The dying president : Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1944-1945 0826211712, 9780826211712
The eccentric tradition : American diplomacy in the Far East
The education of a public man : my life and politics 0385056036, 9780385056038
The eight million : journal of a New York correspondent 0231057113, 9780231057110
The Einstein file : J. Edgar Hoover's secret war against the world's most famous scientist 0312288565, 9780312288563
The Eisenhower diaries 0393014320, 9780393014327
The Elgin affair : the abduction of Antiquity's greatest treasures and the passions it aroused 1559703865, 9781559703864
The eloquent president : a portrait of Lincoln through his words 1400061199, 9781400061198
The empire of reason : how Europe imagined and America realized the enlightenment 0385116721, 9780385116725
The end of history and the last man 0029109752, 9780029109755
The end of reform : New Deal liberalism in recession and war 0394535731, 9780394535739
The End of the American Century 0865532176, 9780865532175
The end of the line : the failure of communism in the Soviet Union and China 0671638645, 9780671638641
The ends of greatness : Haig, Pétain, Rathenau, and Eden : victims of history 051757733X, 9780517577332
The enemy within : the McClellan Committee's crusade against Jimmy Hoffa and corrupt labor unions 0306805901, 9780306805905
The expanding vista : American television in the Kennedy years 0195057465, 9780195057461
The eye of war : words and photographs from the front line 1588341658, 9781588341655
The face of the Third Reich : portraits of the Nazi leadership 030680915X, 9780306809156
The face of war 0871132117, 9780871132116
The fall of imperial China 0029336902, 9780029336908
The fall of Shanghai 0698109961, 9780698109964
The fellow-travellers : intellectual friends of communism 0300038755, 9780300038750
The fifties 0679415599, 9780679415596
The final act : the roads to Waterloo 0805031847, 9780805031843
The Financial times : a centenary history 0670812951, 9780670812950
The finish : the killing of Osama Bin Laden 0802120342, 9780802120342
The fires of '88 : Yellowstone Park & Montana in flames 0938314661, 9780938314660
The First 80 years : the Christian Science monitor 0875101941, 9780875101941
The first casualty : from the Crimea to Vietnam : the war correspondent as hero, propagandist, and myth maker 0151312648, 9780151312641
The first domino : Eisenhower, the military, and America's intervention in Vietnam 0688096409, 9780688096403
The first freedom : the tumultuous history of free speech in America 0385296436, 9780385296434
The first heroes : the extraordinary story of the Doolittle Raid-- America's first World War II victory 0670030872, 9780670030873
The First World War : a complete history 0805076174, 9780805076172
The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys 0671231081, 9780671231088
The flying tiger : the true story of General Claire Chennault and the U.S. 14th Air Force in China 1592287115, 9781592287116
The folly of empire : what George W. Bush could learn from Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson 0743261275, 9780743261272
The Forbidden City
The found generation : Chinese communists in Europe during the twenties 0295972408, 9780295972404
The founding father : the story of Joseph P. Kennedy 0895267330, 9780895267337
The fourteenth day : JFK and the aftermath of the Cuban Missile Crisis 0393084418, 9780393084412
The fourth turning : an American prophecy 055306682X, 9780553066821
The fringes of power : 10 Downing Street diaries, 1939-1955 0393022234, 9780393022230
The Fringes of Power: The Incredible Inside Story of Winston Churchill During WW II 1585745081, 9781585745081
The Frontiers of knowledge
The future of freedom : illiberal democracy at home and abroad 0393047644, 9780393047646
The future of the past 019506903X, 9780195069037
The Gang That Wouldn't Write Straight: Wolfe, Thompson, Didion, Capote, and the New Journalism Revolution 1400049830, 9781400049837
The Gate of Heavenly Peace : the Chinese and their revolution, 1895-1980 0670292478, 9780670292479
The gatekeepers : how the White House Chiefs of Staff define every presidency 0804138265, 9780804138260
The gathering storm 0395075378, 9780395075371
The general and the bomb : a biography of General Leslie R. Groves, director of the Manhattan Project 0396087612, 9780396087618
The general and the genius : Groves and Oppenheimer : the unlikely partnership that built the atom bomb 1621573389, 9781621573388
The Generalissimo's son : Chiang Ching-kuo and the revolutions in China and Taiwan 0674002873, 9780674002876
The generals' war : the inside story of the conflict in the Gulf 0316321729, 9780316321723
The Georgetown ladies' social club : power, passion, and politics in the nation's capital 0743428560, 9780743428569
The Gettysburg gospel : the Lincoln speech that nobody knows 0743288203, 9780743288200
The glory and the dream: a narrative history of America, 1932-1972 0316544965, 9780316544962
The golden circle : a book of months 0690038038, 9780690038033
The Golden interlude, 1900-1910 0809482258, 9780809482252
The good old days : America in the '40s & '50s 0783548451, 9780783548456
The good times 0688061702, 9780688061708
The gospel of gentility : American women missionaries in turn-of-the-century China 0300028784, 9780300028782
The great American magazine : an insider history of Life 0394459873, 9780394459875
The great battles and leaders of the Second World War : an illustrated history 0395755166, 9780395755167
The great bridge 067145711X, 9780671457112
The great Chinese revolution, 1800-1985 0060390573, 9780060390570
The great crash, 1929 0395859999, 9780395859995
The Great East River Bridge, 1883-1983 0810909820, 9780810909823
The great enterprise : the Manchu reconstruction of imperial order in seventeenth-century China 0520048040, 9780520048041
The great fear : the anti-Communist purge under Truman and Eisenhower
The great frontier : freedom and hierarchy in modern times 0691046581, 9780691046587
The great Life photographers 0821228927, 9780821228920
The Great Wall : [the extraordinary story of China's wonder of the world] 0306817675, 9780306817670
The Great War and modern memory 0195019180, 9780195019186
The greatest generation speaks : letters and reflections 0375503943, 9780375503948
The greatest tumult : the Chinese civil war, 1936-49 0080366902, 9780080366906
The guest list : how Manhattan defined American sophistication : from the Algonquin round table to Truman Capote's ball 0312540248, 9780312540241
The Haldeman diaries : inside the Nixon White House 0399139621, 9780399139628
The Harvard mystique : the power syndrome that affects our lives from Sesame Street to the White House 0025751204, 9780025751200
The haunted fifties, 1953-1963 0316817481, 9780316817486
The hawk and the dove : Paul Nitze, George Kennan, and the history of the Cold War 0805081429, 9780805081428
The Hearsts : family and empire : the later years 0671247654, 9780671247652
The Hearsts : father and son 1879373041, 9781879373044
The Hemingses of Monticello : an American family 0393064778, 9780393064773
The hidden history of the Korean War, 1950-1951 0316817708, 9780316817707
The hidden-hand presidency : Eisenhower as leader 0801849012, 9780801849015
The high citadel : the influence of Harvard Law School 0395263018, 9780395263013
The highwaymen : warriors of the information superhighway 0679457380, 9780679457381
The History of the White House 0792454898, 9780792454892
The Hitler diaries : fakes that fooled the world 0813117399, 9780813117393
The House of Harper : the making of a modern publisher 0061936669, 9780061936661
The house of Morgan 0671710311, 9780671710316
The house of Rothschild 0670857688, 9780670857685
The house of Rothschild 0670887943, 9780670887941
The House of Wittgenstein : a family at war 0385520603, 9780385520607
The house that Roone built : the inside story of ABC News 0316331511, 9780316331517
The illusion of peace : foreign policy in the Nixon years 0670392553, 9780670392551
The immobile empire 0394586549, 9780394586540
The impeachment and trial of President Clinton : the official transcripts, from the House Judiciary Committee hearings to the Senate trial 0812932641, 9780812932645
The imperial cruise : a secret history of empire and war 0316008958, 9780316008952
The imperial Presidency 0395177138, 9780395177136
The imperial Rockefeller : a biography of Nelson A. Rockefeller 0671254189, 9780671254186
The improper Bostonian : Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes 0688034292, 9780688034290
The indignant years; art and articles from the Op-Ed page of the New York times 0517505843051
The indispensable enemy : labor and the anti-Chinese movement in California 0520029054, 9780520029057
The Indochina story; a fully documented account 039447015X, 9780394470153
The Inner Circle: An Inside View of Soviet Life Under Stalin 155704130X, 9781557041302
The Israel lobby and U.S. foreign policy 0374177724, 9780374177720
The Jameses : a family narrative 0385424957, 9780385424950
The Japan that can say no 0671726862, 9780671726867
The Japanese 0674471784, 9780674471788
The Japanese oligarchy and the Russo-Japanese War 0231034040, 9780231034043
The Japanese thread : a life in the U.S. Foreign Service 0030416469, 9780030416460
The Joy Luck Club 0399134204, 9780399134203
The juggler : Franklin Roosevelt as wartime statesman 0691037302, 9780691037301
The jungle is neutral 0809472546, 9780809472543
The Kennedy Obsession: The American Myth of JFK 0231107994, 9780231107990
The Kennedy tapes : inside the White House during the Cuban missile crisis 0674179269, 9780674179264
The Kennedy White House : family life and pictures, 1961-1963 0743222210, 9780743222211
The Kennedys : America's emerald kings 0465043178, 9780465043170
The Kennedys : an American drama 0671447939, 9780671447939
The Kennedys : the third generation 1560250674, 9781560250678
The Kennedys at war, 1937-1945 038550165X, 9780385501651
The key to failure : Laos and the Vietnam war 0819164402, 9780819164407
The King years : historic moments in the civil rights movement 1451678975, 9781451678970
The kingdom and the power 0385144040, 9780385144049
The kingdom and the power : behind the scenes at The New York times : the institution that influences the world 0812977688, 9780812977684
The Korean War : challenges in crisis, credibility, and command 0877224188, 9780877224181
The Kremlin's scholar : a memoir of Soviet politics under Stalin and Krushchev 0300092067, 9780300092066
The lady upstairs : Dorothy Schiff and the New York Post 0312313101, 9780312313104
The last American aristocrat : the biography of David K.E. Bruce, 1898-1977 0316515019, 9780316515016
The last campaign : how Harry Truman won the 1948 election 0375400869, 9780375400865
The last campaign : Robert F. Kennedy and 82 days that inspired America 0805077928, 9780805077926
The last days of The New Yorker 0452263220, 9780452263222
The last editor : how I saved the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times from dullness and complacency 0740719017, 9780740719011
The last emperor 0684142333, 9780684142333
The last hero : Wild Bill Donovan : the biography and political experience of Major General William J. Donovan, founder of the OSS and "father" of the CIA, from his personal and secret papers and the diaries of Ruth Donovan 0812910214, 9780812910216
The last lion, Winston Spencer Churchill 0316545120, 9780316545129
The last lion, Winston Spencer Churchill 0316545031, 9780316545037
The last of the President's men 1501116444, 9781501116445
The last party : scenes from my life with Norman Mailer 1569800987, 9781569800980
The last patrician : Bobby Kennedy and the end of American aristocracy 0312186258, 9780312186258
The Last Stand of Chinese Conservatism: The T'ung-Chih Restoration, 1862-1874 0804704767, 9780804704762
The last word : the New York times book of obituaries and farewells : a celebration of unusual lives 0688150152, 9780688150150
The Left Bank : writers, artists, and politics from the popular front to the Cold War 096228744X, 9780962287442
The Leno wit : his life and humor 0688149936, 9780688149932
The letters of Carl Sandburg 0151506957, 9780151506958
The liberal mind in a conservative age : American intellectuals in the 1940s and 1950s 0060153512, 9780060153519
The liberal persuasion : Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., and the challenge of the American past 0691048290, 9780691048291
The life and death of the press barons 0689113412, 9780689113413
The Life millennium : the 100 most important events & people of the past 1,000 years 082122557X, 9780821225578
The life of Bertrand Russell 0394490592, 9780394490595
The life of General Yang Hucheng 9620400992, 9789620400995
The life of Nelson A. Rockefeller : worlds to conquer, 1908-1958 038524696X, 9780385246965
The Limits of change : essays on conservative alternatives in Republican China 0674534239, 9780674534230
The limits of power : the end of American exceptionalism 0805090169, 9780805090161
The Lincoln anthology : great writers on his life and legacy from 1860 to now 159853033X, 9781598530339
The Lincoln assassination encyclopedia 0061787752, 9780061787751
The line of fire : from Washington to the Gulf, the politics and battles of the new military 0671727036, 9780671727031
The little bookstore of big Stone Gap : a memoir of friendship, community, and the uncommon pleasure of a good book 1250010632, 9781250010636
The living and the dead : Robert McNamara and five lives of a lost war 0679427619, 9780679427612
The lone star : the life of John Connally 0060161965, 9780060161965
The long gray line 0395480086, 9780395480083
The Long March : the untold story 0060390441, 9780060390440
The long night : William I. Shirer and the rise and fall of the Third Reich 0230623182, 9780230623187
The long revolution 0394468597, 9780394468594
The loudest voice in the room : how the brilliant, bombastic Roger Ailes built Fox News-- and divided a country 0812992857, 9780812992854
The Louvre and the ancient world : Greek, Etruscan, Roman, Egyptian, and Near Eastern antiquities from the Musée du Louvre 1932543198, 9781932543193
The lure of the exotic : Gauguin in New York collections 1588390616, 9781588390615
The Magic Kingdom : Walt Disney and the American way of life 0395835879, 9780395835876
The making of a quagmire : America and Vietnam during the Kennedy era 0394368606, 9780394368603
The making of Adolf Hitler : the birth and rise of Nazism 0826211178, 9780826211170
The making of China : main themes in premodern Chinese history 0135456401, 9780135456408
The making of Franklin D. Roosevelt : triumph over disability 0890115648, 9780890115640
The making of the atomic bomb 0671657194, 9780671657192
The making of the President, 1972 0689105533, 9780689105531
The mammoth book of battles 0786706899, 9780786706891
The mammoth book of private lives : the emotional & domestic worlds of the famous through their letters 0786707488, 9780786707485
The man behind the book : literary profiles 0395827485, 9780395827482
The man of only yesterday : Frederick Lewis Allen, former editor of Harper's magazine, author, and interpreter of his times 0060132965, 9780060132965
The man on Mao's right : from Harvard yard to Tiananmen Square, my life inside China's Foreign Ministry 1400065844, 9781400065844
The man to see : Edward Bennett Williams : ultimate insider : legendary trial lawyer 0671689347, 9780671689346
The man who knew too much : hired to kill Oswald and prevent the assassination of JFK : Richard Case Nagell 0881849006, 9780881849004
The man who lost China : the first full biography of Chiang Kai-shek 068414686X, 9780684146867
The man who loved books too much : the true story of a thief, a detective, and a world of literary obsession 1594488916, 9781594488917
The man who stayed behind 0671735950, 9780671735951
The mask of command 0670459887, 9780670459889
The master of the game : Paul Nitze and the nuclear peace 0394568818, 9780394568812
The McDonnell Douglas story 0816849951, 9780816849956
The media monopoly 0807061719, 9780807061718
The meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus 0192827901, 9780192827906
The memoirs of Earl Warren 0385128355, 9780385128353
The memoirs of Li Tsung-jen 0891583432, 9780891583431
The missionary enterprise in China and America 0674576551, 9780674576551
The mocking of the president : a history of campaign humor from Ike to Ronnie 0814320562, 9780814320563
The morning after : American successes and excesses, 1981-1986 0029344301, 9780029344309
The morning after : sexual politics at the end of the Cold War 0520083350, 9780520083356
The mortal presidency : illness and anguish in the White House 0823218376, 9780823218370
The Moscow correspondents : reporting on Russia from the Revolution to Glasnost 0688043925, 9780688043926
The most dangerous man in Detroit : Walter Reuther and the fate of American labor 046509080X, 9780465090808
The Nanjing Massacre in history and historiography 0520220072, 9780520220072
The Nation, 1865-1990 : selections from the independent magazine of politics and culture 1560250011, 9781560250012
The National Enquirer : thirty years of unforgettable images 0786888059, 9780786888054
The nationalist revolution in China, 1923-1928 0521318645, 9780521318648
The Nature of nature : new essays from America's finest writers on nature 0156002450, 9780156002455
The nature of war 0030577772, 9780030577772
The Nazi Olympics 0252013255, 9780252013256
The Nazi Olympics : Berlin 1936 0316070874, 9780316070874
The new American militarism : how Americans are seduced by war 0195311981, 9780195311983
the new book of knowledge 0717281779, 9780717281770
The New Deal : a 75th anniversary celebration 1423602927, 9781423602927
The New Republic reader : eighty years of opinion and debate 0465098223, 9780465098224
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The northern expedition : China's national revolution of 1926-1928 0824803523, 9780824803520
The nuclear age : from Hiroshima to Star Wars 0718132637, 9780718132637
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The paper : the life and death of the New York herald tribune 0394508777, 9780394508771
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The Rockefeller inheritance 0385080875, 9780385080873
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The time of their lives : the golden age of great American book publishers, their editors, and authors 0312350031, 9780312350031
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The Truman presidency 0521375592, 9780521375597
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The U.S. crusade in China, 1938-1945 0231044542, 9780231044547
The U-2 spyplane : toward the unknown : a new history of the early years 0764311131, 9780764311130
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The United States and China 0674924363, 9780674924369
The United States and China since 1949 : a troubled affair 0838636101, 9780838636107
The United States and East Asia
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The wages of war : when America's soldiers came home-from Valley Forge to Vietnam 0671543253, 9780671543259
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The Washington reporters : newswork 0815735936, 9780815735939
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The Way we were : 1963, the year Kennedy was shot 0881844330, 9780881844337
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The World at war, 1939-45 0762102683, 9780762102686
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The World Through a Monocle: The New Yorker at Midcentury 0674002083, 9780674002081
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Their war : German combat photographs from the archives of Signal 1580970400, 9781580970402
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Then and now : how the world has changed since WW II 0688075584, 9780688075583
Theodore H. White and journalism as illusion 0826210104, 9780826210104
Theodore Rex 0394555090, 9780394555096
Theodore Roosevelt 0805069062, 9780805069068
Theodore Roosevelt : a life 0688132200, 9780688132200
There's a country in my cellar 0688095984, 9780688095987
They called us White Chinese : the story of a lifetime of service to God and mankind 0963942506, 9780963942500
They marched into sunlight : war and peace, Vietnam and America, October 1967 0743217802, 9780743217804
They never said it : a book of fake quotes, misquotes, and misleading attributions 0195055411, 9780195055412
Thieves of Book Row: New York's Most Notorious Rare Book Ring and the Man Who Stopped It 0190239719, 9780190239718
Things Chinese 0385156731, 9780385156738
Thinking in time : the uses of history for decision-makers 0029227909, 9780029227909
Thirteen Colonies 0828104298, 9780828104296
This bittersweet soil : the Chinese in California agriculture, 1860-1910 0520067371, 9780520067370
This just in : what I couldn't tell you on TV 0399149716, 9780399149719
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Thomas Jefferson : a biography in his own words 0060111488, 9780060111489
Thomas Jefferson: philosopher of freedom
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Tiananmen diary : thirteen days in June 0316809055, 9780316809054
Tides of war : world news reporting, 1940-1945 0877451257, 9780877451259
Tigers over Asia 0525930078, 9780525930075
Time : American Presidents 1929049048, 9781929049042
Time 100 : builders & titans : great minds of the century 1883013623, 9781883013622
Time 70th anniversary celebration : 1923-1993 0848711874, 9780848711870
Time Annual 1998: The Year in Review (TIME ANNUAL: THE YEAR IN REVIEW) 1883013615, 9781883013615
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Time great events of the 20th century 1883013151, 9781883013158
Time Inc.; the intimate history of a publishing enterprise 068910555X, 9780689105555
Time present, time past : a memoir 0679444882, 9780679444886
Timelines 0201172771, 9780201172775
Timelines of the 20th century : a chronology of 7,500 key events, discoveries, and people that shaped our century 0316114065, 9780316114066
Times to remember 0385476574, 9780385476577
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy: A George Smiley Novel 0143119788, 9780143119784
Titan : the life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. 0679438084, 9780679438083
To change China : Western advisers in China, 1620-1960 0140055282, 9780140055283
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To Save China, To Save Ourselves: The Chinese Hand Laundry Alliance of New York (Asian American History & Cultu) 1566393957, 9781566393959
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Tommy the Cork : Washington's ultimate insider from Roosevelt to Reagan 1586420682, 9781586420680
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Too rich : the high life and tragic death of King Farouk 0881846295, 9780881846294
Total war : the causes and courses of the Second World War 0679730990, 9780679730996
Tragedy of the Chinese Revolution 0804704163, 9780804704168
Tragic mountains : the Hmong, the Americans, and the secret wars for Laos, 1942-1992 0253327318, 9780253327314
Trail fever : spin doctors, rented strangers, thumb wrestlers, toe suckers, grizzly bears, and other creatures on the road to the White House 0679446605, 9780679446606
Transatlantic vistas : American journalists in Europe, 1900-1940 0873383656, 9780873383653
Transforming Russia and China : revolutionary struggle in the twentieth century 0195029658, 9780195029659
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Travels of a photographer in China, 1933-1946 0195840984, 9780195840988
Travels with Henry 039527091X, 9780395270912
Travels with myself and another 1585420905, 9781585420902
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Treason in the blood : H. St. John Philby, Kim Philby, and the spy case of the century 039563119X, 9780395631195
Treasure hunt : a New York Times reporter tracks the Quedlinburg hoard 0880641746, 9780880641746
Treasures of ancient Greece 0760706786, 9780760706787
Treasures of China 0426131355, 9780426131359
Tricky Dick and the Pink Lady : Richard Nixon vs Helen Gahagan Douglas--sexual politics and the Red scare, 1950 0679416218, 9780679416210
True grit 159020459X, 9781590204597
Truman 0671456547, 9780671456542
Truman and Israel 0520068041, 9780520068049
Truman in the White House : the diary of Eben A. Ayers 0826207901, 9780826207906
Truman's two-China policy : 1948-1950 0873324110, 9780873324113
Tumultuous years : the presidency of Harry S. Truman, 1949-1953 0393016196, 9780393016192
Tung Yüeh 0805763392, 9780805763393
Turmoil and Tradition: A Study of the Life and Times of Henry L. Stimson (Francis Parkman Prize Edition) 0965651967, 9780965651967
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Tutankhamun, the untold story 0671243055, 9780671243050
Tuxedo Park : a Wall Street tycoon and the secret palace of science that changed the course of World War II 0684872870, 9780684872872
Twenty years and twenty days 081281908X, 9780812819083
Twilight of Empire : memoirs of Prime Minister Clement Attlee 0313204500, 9780313204500
U.S. China policy and the problem of Taiwan 0313221537, 9780313221538
Un-American activities : the trials of William Remington 0195049802, 9780195049800
Unbound feet : a social history of Chinese women in San Francisco 0520088670, 9780520088672
Uncertain partners : Stalin, Mao, and the Korean War 0804721157, 9780804721158
Uncertain years : Chinese-American relations, 1947-1950 023104738X, 9780231047388
Uncommon valor, common virtue : Iwo Jima and the photograph that captured America 0425209806, 9780425209806
Under a wing : a memoir 068480770X, 9780684807706
Under the clock : the inside story of the Mafia's first hundred years 0882820443, 9780882820446
Underground : my life with SDS and the Weathermen 0061472751, 9780061472756
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Undue influence : the epic battle for the Johnson & Johnson fortune 0688064256, 9780688064259
Unforgettable women of the century 1883013364, 9781883013363
Unglazed China 0841502463, 9780841502468
Unit 731 : Japan's secret biological warfare in World War II 0029353017, 9780029353011
United States : essays : 1952-1992 0679414894, 9780679414896
United States-Japanese relations, the 1970's 0674925718, 9780674925717
Unjust enrichment : how Japan's companies built postwar fortunes using American POWs 0811718441, 9780811718448
Upstairs at the Strand : writers in conversation at the legendary bookstore 0393352080, 9780393352085
Urban change in China : politics and development in Tsinan, Shantung, 1890-1949 0299071103, 9780299071103
Veil : the secret wars of the CIA, 1981-1987 0671601172, 9780671601171
Venona : decoding Soviet espionage in America 0300077718, 9780300077711
Victors' justice: the Tokyo War Crimes Trial 1929280068, 9781929280063
Victory denied : the rise of air power and the defeat of Germany, 1920-45 0531150453, 9780531150450
Vietnam front pages 0517653540, 9780517653548
Views from Jade Terrace : Chinese women artists, 1300-1912 093626022X, 9780936260228
Views on the news : the media and public opinion 081473510X, 9780814735107
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Vineyard summer 0316783455, 9780316783453
Virtual history : alternatives and counterfactuals 0465023231, 9780465023233
Visions of infamy : the untold story of how journalist Hector C. Bywater devised the plans that led to Pearl Harbor 0312054548, 9780312054540
Visions of infamy : the untold story of how journalist Hector C. Bywater devised the plans that led to Pearl Harbor 0312083327, 9780312083328
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