
Mr. XIAO Dehong 萧德洪

Mr. XIAO Dehong , Director of Information & Network Services of Xiamen University; CIO & Dean of Library, XMUM. Former University Librarian of XMU.

Old furnace 古爐 (上) 9789861206868
深蓝帝国 9787301257647
玉岱佛画集:长江之歌 9789810579753
2014-2019经济大悬崖:如何面对有生之年最严重的衰退、最深的低谷 9789862725306
An Inconcenient Truth 不愿面对的真相 9789861248547
And Then There Were None 无人生还 9787513322331
Arts of Southeast Asia 9780500203811
Asia's Cauldron: The South China Sea and the End of a Stable Pacific 南中国海 9789863443049
Bird Sense: What It's Like to be a Bird? 鸟的感官:当一只鸟是什么感觉? 9789862622070
Brother 兄弟(上部) 9789867252937
Brother 兄弟(下部) 9789861730516
Capitalism 4.0: The Birth of a New Economy in the Aftermath of Crisis大转型,迈向资本主义4.0:两百年的角力谁将再起?下一个十三年是什么面貌? 9789862351673
Chasing a Dream: The Pacific Exploration of the Imaginary Pacific 太平洋的大历史:伟大航海家这样改变了自己和东西方的文明与国家的命运 9789869481151
Color in Architecture Facade 建筑立面与色彩 9787538160338
Dealing With China: An Insider Unmasks The New Economic Superpower 9781455504206
Descartes' Secret Notebook 笛卡儿的秘密手记 4717702068394
Five centuries of British painting: from Holbein to Hodgkin 9780500203491
Freedom Summer 自由之夏 9789866525391
French painting in the Golden Age 9780500203705
Gauguin 9780500202203
Geek Nation: How Indian Science is Taking Over the World 不可忽视的印度:崛起中的超级科技强权 9789862168097
Graphic arts 9788881178209
Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations 乡民都来了:网路群众的组织力量 9789862622391
HIP HOPtionary: The Dictionary of HIP HOP Terminology 嘻哈黑话字典 9789861247021
Home: A short Story of an Idea 金窝、银窝、狗窝:家的设计史 9789862621721
LOFTS 9788492731015
Make No Law: The Sullivan Case and the First Amendment 不得立法侵犯 4717702081430
Making sense of Buddhist art & architecture 9780500291696
Manet and the painters of contemporary life 9780500202890
My Durian Farming Logbook 我的榴莲种植笔记 9789670777269
Old Furnace 古炉(下) 9789861206868
Open Leadership 开放式领导 9789866031175
Post-Malaysian Chinese-Language Film: Accented Style, Sinophone and Auteur Theory 华语电影在后马来西亚:土腔风格、华夷风与作者论 9789570850987
Sentiments: Works on Canvas & Paper 油画 纸本画 真情集
St Peter's 圣彼得大教堂建筑的故事 9789862620113
TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking TED TALKS说话的力量 9789862137109
The age of turbulence 9781594201318
The Asylum: A Collage of Couture Reminiscenes... and Hysteria 山羊·尿袋·飞行垫肩·时尚伸展台下的疯狂记事9789863441847 9789863441847
The Crossing Place: A Journey among the Armenians 交会的所在——追寻亚美尼亚人的踪迹 9789578278059
The digital renaissance: old-master techniques in painter and photoshop 9781781571378
The Ghosts of Cannae: Hannibal and the Darkest Hour of the Roman Republic 汉尼拔与坎奈的幽灵:罗马共和最黑暗的时刻 9789868884274
The Missing of The Somme 消失在索穆河的士兵 9789863441311
The monster book of manga 9780007242849
The Story of Maps 大人的地图学 9789570847642
The Uses of Digital Literacy 全民书写运动 9789866272899
The Violinist's Thumb 小提琴家的大拇指 9789862134559
Two Hours: The Quest to Run the Impossible Marathon 跑者时代:马拉松的魔咒,奔向两小时记录的历史、科学和他们的故事 9789869324373
Walking the Trails of Taiping, Its Delicacy, Heritage and History 太平虎咬狮——太平美食景点历史行脚 9789671511008
What Technology Wants 科技想要什么 9789862620793
Wiki Leaks 维基揭秘:从地下骇客到挑战世界强权的超级媒体 9789571353616
爱与正义 9789862169841
傲慢与偏见 9787514605778
财富大逃亡:健康、财富与不平等的起源 9789570846409
茶花女 9787514612431
春声已远 9789577453181
此生泛若不系舟 9789862169810
大江大海一九四九 9789863872818
大时代的新闻眼——一个终生新闻人的愿景 9789862169261
大英图书馆海图全览 9789579164146
读书便佳 9780190821357
恶之华丽:文化人何苦为难文化人 9780193965034
二战全史 9787511347572
给设计以灵魂:当现代设计遇见传统工艺 9789866031021
跟着太爷学中医:一个传统中医的成长历程 9789866362804
公平正义何处寻? 9789862169377
呼啸山庄 9787514602913
剪影话文坛 9789577453143
建筑的危险 9789866408267
教养 9789861249049
局外人 9787514613506
可汗学院的教育奇迹 9789861334592
空之城 9789862271308
老人与海 9787514612745
礼记 9789861205052
罗生门 9787514613315
马来散记 9789811409011
南向跫音:你一定要认识的越南 9789862622650
千纸鹤的眼泪 9789862169056
青岛东路三号:我的百年之忆及台湾的荒谬时代 9789868807556
全世界优等生都在做的600个侦探推理游戏 9787557648367
任凭风浪急 9789861207346
日本战国名将家谱图解 9789862721506
柔软的神殿 9789861730790
设计力创新 Design-driven innovation 9789861205649
社会的趋势 9789861243481
生而为王:蒙古大帝成吉思汗的草原传奇 9789861737096
生如夏花——泰戈尔诗选 9787511345172
谁与斯人慷慨同 9789862169803
丝路、游牧民与唐帝国 9789578654037
台湾史新闻 9789862622872
我的笔记 9780190838904
我的京味儿回忆录 9789577453105
乌克兰拖曳机简史 9789862620557
西方文明的崩溃:气候变迁,人类会有怎样的未来 9789866031922
西敏寺的故事 Westminster Abbey 9789861204949
希望之翼:侥存的奇迹,以及雨林与我的故事 9789866409523
先生,林布兰又不见了: 恶名昭彰的艺术品偷窃故事 9989261737614
写在风中 9789577453129
血酬定律:中国历史上的生存游戏(最新版) 9789861371207
与时代的对话 9789862169834
元曲 9789861203270
芸窗夜读 9789577453204
终战那一天:台湾战争世代的故事 9789869533485
作客美国 9789577453167
做,就要做好 9789862165737
《星洲日报》研究 9789833703203
比较的幽灵:民族主义、东南亚与世界 9787544725972
槟榔屿华人寺庙碑铭集录 9789834167431
陈嘉庚新传 9789814139076
从通报生活报到中国报 9789832812296
电子资源与图书馆馆藏发展 9789867252876
东方快车谋杀案 9787513326858
东西洋考每月统记传 9787101015829
敢叫日月换新天:308政治海啸掀新章 9789832197317
古诗词闽南话诵读解说300首 9787545916461
瓜拉登嘉楼唐人坡社会发展史 9789670630632
郭鹤年经验 9789813272187
海外华侨与辛亥革命 9787811359886
海外华人的力量 9787501231850
海外侨民在中国的迷梦与生活 9787513330091
梁羽生:七剑下天山 9789622572744
廖文辉:马来西亚史 9789673349685
马来西亚华人民俗研究论文集 9789670960395
马来西亚视觉艺术史 9789671216415
葡萄牙帝国的崛起 9787509795941
砂拉越华人社会史研究 9789839360516
苏庆华论文选集(第四卷) 9789839830866
万饶反高压电缆抗争13年记事 9789670311142
下南洋 9789674141608
仙师爷与师爷庙 9679969177
新的纪元:东南亚华人新编 9789839521153
学文2016.1 9772289857309
叶壳碗外的人生 9787208151512
殖民与移民 9789810946678
铸以代刻:十九世纪中文印刷变局 9787101119596
500 questions & answers on Islamic jurisprudence 9776005292
Carolyn 101 : business lessons from The Apprentice's straight shooter 0743270223
Comprehensive Malay dictionary 9789679787504
Essays in Islamic economics 9780860372462
Fatwas of Muslim women 9776005004
Flowers in the blood : the story of Opium 9781626365407
Islam in the modern world 9780061905803
Islamic banking, finance and insurance 9789830652122
Islamic economics education in Southeast Asian universities 9789834460013
Islamicisation of knowledge and English literary studies 9789671448007
Perspectives on morality and human well-being 9780860373872
Pure-land Zen : letter from Patriarch Yin Kuang
Studies in Islamic civilization 9781565643505
Tan Kah Kee
Ten steps ahead 9781591843764
The adulteress 9781594144813
The Azusa St Mission & revival 9780785216933
The black stallion 9780375855825
The Choice : Islam and Christianity
The island of Dr. Librais 9780385388443
The scientific miraclulousness of the Prophetic Sunnah 9776005616
The thunder of Giants 9781250050847
The universal periodic review of Southeast Asia 9789670960951
A nation awakes : Frontline reflections 9789810710378
Afghan women 9781842778562
Animal farm. 1984 9788182529977
Art-led participative processes 9789670960180
Banking on poisons 9839381032
Beyond US hegemony? 9781842777091
Billion dollar whale 9780316453479
Biosafety first 9789832729983
Blogging and democratization in Malaysia 9789833782536
Building-democracy on the sand 9789791704915
Comet in our sky : Lim Chin Siong in history 9789670630816
Consumer power : anywhere, anytime, anyone 9789834384159
Dancing the Malaysian 9789675832345
Dark spring : essays on the ideological roots of Malaysia's GE-13 9789675832888
Death of the Dragon God Lake : voices from Tasik Chini, Malaysia 9789670960241
Duke : Inspector Mislan & the DUKExpressway murders 9789833221332
Easy riders, raging bulls 9780684857084
Electoral dynamics in Sarawak 9789670960562
Entrepreneurship in Vietnam 9789812301161
Ethnic relations and nation building 9789833782932
Fong Chong Pik : the memoirs of a Malayan Communist revolutionary 9789833782475
Fourteen miles to Berjuntai 9789832344483
From unity to multiplicities : social movement transformation and democratization in Asia 9789675832451
Gender politics in Asia 9788776940157
Gerakan Pendidikan Cina di Malaysia 9789675832710
Global prescriptions : gendering health and human rights 9781842770078
'Honour' : Crimes, paradigms, and violence against women 9781842776261
In the wake of terror 9789814022750
Indonesia's fires and haze : the cost of catastrophe 9789812300218
IPS gender and development glossary 9786169022718
Kanjian perbandingan pantun Melayu dengan Nyanyian Rakyat Cina 9789670630526
Language choices and discourse of Malaysian families 9799832535989
Lao economic reform & WTO accession 9789812300485
Making and unmaking the asylum 9789833782765
Malaysian women's human rights report 2010/11 9789671083604
Managing construction waste in Malaysia 9789839444865
Myanmar : beyond politics to societal imperatives 9789812303011
Negotiating a 'development agenda' for the world intellectual property organisation 9789832729716
Nineteen Eighty-Four 9787542631466
No country for righteous men and other essays in a culture of offendedness 9789670630120
On brittle ground 9789670960760
Our thoughts are free : peoms and prose 9789810825119
Overwhelming terror 9789833782703
Point of no return 9789833782215
Reflections on Malaysian unity and other challenges 9789671566701
Remembering Socilist China 1949-1976 9789670960005
Retrospective : a historiographical aesthetic in contemporary Singapore and Malaysia 9789670960401
Rhetoric and realities : critical reflections on Malaysian politics, culture and education 9789675832796
Second thoughs : on Malaysia, globalisation, society and self 9789670630977
Seeds of dissent 9789832344360
Slovo 9781875284955
Social change in an urban neighbourhood in Klang 9789670630885
Social roots of the Malay Left 9789833782444
Social science and knowledge in a globalising world 9789675832574
Socioeconomic renovation in Viet Nam 9789802300679
Socio-historical development of the Kampung Cina Settlement in Kuala Terengganu 9789675832819
Speaking out loud for national unity 9789834244040
Taking Southeast Asia to Market 9789833782673
The Chinese language movement in Malaysia, 1952-1967 9789670960043
The development dictionary 1856490440
The education of ethnic minorities : the case of the Malaysian Chinese 9789675832062
The emergence and widening of ethnic divide in the Malaysian educational system 9789670630847
The initiative for the formation of a Malaysan interfaith commission 9789834200961
The Memoirs of Shamsiah Fakeh : From AWAS to 10th Regiment 9789833782772
The mighty wave 9789675832178
The Prime Minister's secret 9789832344445
The road to reform : Pakatan Rakyat in Selangor 9789675832031
The Universal periodic review of Southeast Asia 9789670960951
Tiger Isle : a government of thieves 9789832344087
Towards a competitive Malaysia 9789833782208
Trauma, memory and transformation 9789670630229
Ugly Malaysians : South-South investments abused 9780620288637
Views from Pulau Pinang : Countering modern orientalism and policy perspectives 9789672165170
Voices from Moro Land : perspectives from Stakeholders and observers on the conflict in the Southern Philipppines 9789833782369
Water governance dynamics in the Mekong region 9789670960449
江湖救急 :释放EO6实录 9789675832536
老板上街了! : 428黄绿大集会纪事 9789675832611
马礼堂养气功荟萃 7535703747
图经本草 :辑复本
饮食疗法 :正编、续一、续二合订本
中老年保健手册 7805430292
Communion town 9780007454761
For the term of his natural life 9781864760750
French interiors 9789812457172
Ludmila's broken English 9780393062373
Madonna : like an icon 0780552153614
Notorious 9780316011860
Pashazade : the first Arabesk 0743202848
Redefined interiors : vol. 2 9789812451316
Summer of love 9780749008109
The fountain 9780749008406
The garden of Venus 0007180446
The trout opera 9780385615068
True blue 9780446195515
沈慕羽日记全集 第1卷
沈慕羽资料汇编 8:图说沈慕羽