Donation List

Mr. Freddy MALOT,

Generously donated 18 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-05.

Ms. Debbie LIM Lay Hoon(林丽云), Foundation Lecturer of XMUM

Generously donated 33 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-05.

Mr. 李成友(方路), 1964年生,祖籍广东潮安,槟城大山脚日新独中、屏东技术学院毕业。现任星洲日报高级记者、马大深耕文学创作课程讲师、华总文化委员会委员、阿里路路(Alilulu)创办人。著有诗文集《鱼》,诗集《伤心的隐喻》、《电话亭》、《白餐布》、《方路诗选I》、《半岛歌手》,散文集《单向道》、《Ole Cafe夜晚》、微型小说集《挽歌》、《白蹄狗》及纳米小说集《我是佛》等。曾获时报文学奖、花踪文学奖、海鸥文学奖、大马优秀青年作家奖、杰出潮青文学奖及南大微型小说奖。

Generously donated 3 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-05.

Mr. Frank WONG Yut-Wah(黄溢华), 1929- ,新加坡华人新闻出版工作者。生于中国,抗日战争爆发后随家人迁往新加坡,就读于新加坡大学,获文学士学位。1954年入《南洋商报》任记者。1956年入《星洲日报》,历任记者、采访主任、总编辑、总经理等职。1975年星系报业有限公司根据新加坡报章法令改组为股票上市的公共公司即星洲日报(新加坡)有限公司时,被任命为董事总经理(社长)直至1982年。离开报社后组织报业咨询顾问公司,为东南亚各国报纸、电台业务拓展、治理整顿提供服务;设立万宇出版(新加坡、泰国、香港)有限公司,出版英文双月刊《中国新讯》,与中国国家旅游局新加坡办事处合作出版华文双月刊《中国行》,并出版《中国医药新讯》等杂志10多种。

Generously donated 163 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-05.

Mr. LIM Jim Koon(林任君), 1972年毕业自南洋大学政府与公共行政学系,获荣誉文学士学位;1977年加入《联合早报》前身《星洲日报》担任翻译员,1993年12月出任早报代总编辑,1995年1月任总编辑,担任早报该职18年。2012年4月-2015年1月,任华文报集团总编辑。

Generously donated 1707 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-05.

Dr. YE Xingjian(叶兴建), 厦门大学马克思主义学院副教授,历史学博士,其博士论文《独立以来马来西亚华商发展研究》,学术志趣关注马来西亚经济发展、地方民俗文化、消除贫困、乡村建设等。

Generously donated 1 book to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-05.

Dr. SHI Huixia(石慧霞), A PhD. in educational history, born in Ordos City of Inner Mongolia in China. Director of Xiamen University Archives since 2019. She published 'University Identity in National Crisis' and 'A Biography of Pentung Sah'. Her research interests include university history, university culture, relationships of alumni and alma maters, etc.

Generously donated 1 book to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-05.

Peng You Solutions PLT, One of the Business Entities in Malaysia – Accounting & Company

Generously donated 2 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-05.

Generously donated 2 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-02.

Mr. WANG Yichuan(王以川), XMUM student

Generously donated 20 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-04.

Mr. SEAH Shin Wong(谢声远), the owner of HENG ARTLAND CO PTE LTD (兴艺东方艺术品中心), which is a gallery for exhibition/retailing of Chinese Paintings, Oil Paintings, Shoushan Stone Carvings & High-Grade Woodcarvings in Singapore, donated 75 big size boxes of art books on Jan. 11, 2019 and the second batch with 45 boxes including 4 from 林子 and 15 from 陈锦福,delivered in mid-February of 2019. The 3rd batch comprising of 16 boxes was delivered from Singapore in April 23, 2019.

Generously donated 953 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-04.

Generously donated 1384 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-02.

Generously donated 4220 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-01.