Mr. Anthony WONG Ming Chen(黄铭琛), 南洋大学物理学系1967届理学士。 Generously donated 157 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2021-04. |
Mr. ANG Swee Aun(洪瑞安), 又名洪清平,南洋大学1972届地理系文学士。 Generously donated 31 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2021-04. |
Lam Thye Hang Pte Ltd.(南泰行有限公司), 由吴定基先生创建的新加坡进出口企业,主要从事电器、化工等进出口业务,公司地址位于10 Jalan Kilang Timor #01-03, LTH Building,Singapore 159306, 当前的董事主席为吴家莹先生。为与其它同时送达图书(著录日期为3月30日)相区别,下述著录之日期为2021年3月31日批次的赠书多数疑出自南洋华侨中学郑安仑原校长家之个人收藏。 Generously donated 621 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2021-03. |
Mr. GOH Teng Kee(吴定基), 祖籍福建南安石井镇后店村, 1943 年出生于新加坡。其父吴序排早年到新加坡谋生,从事进出口贸易。吴定基小学就读于南洋工商补习学校,毕业后升入新加坡南洋华侨中学,后考入南洋大学就读物理系。1970年吴定基与新马著名实业家李成枫的千金李织霞结成连理,李织霞女士毕业于南洋美术专科学院西洋画系,多才多艺,在戏剧、音乐等领域都有很高的造诣,上世纪90年代后期与夫婿同为华侨中学校友会合唱团团员。他们夫唱妇随,共同创业,在新加坡创立南泰行有限公司(Lam Thye Hang Pte Ltd),成为既有丰富现代企业管理经验又有雄厚实力的实业家。 吴先生怀着对家乡事业的赤诚关爱,自1995 年-2012年间受任为南安市芙蓉基金会工程项目调研员、名誉理事长,为南安的公益事业发展奔波,期间也于2003年向厦门大学捐建位于嘉庚楼群的二号楼--“成枫楼”和《传世藏书》一套,福建省人民政府为其颁发“捐赠公益事业突出贡献奖”金质奖章、奖状,并在南安市石井镇厚德小学为其立碑表彰。 Generously donated 105 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2021-03. |
Mr. TAN Leong Kheng(陈隆庆), 华侨中学毕业后,受教于陈文希、陈宗瑞、刘抗等先驱画家,与新加坡当地画家如林清河、王再造、吴承惠、王金成和凌运凰等一起写生作画。新加坡水彩画会会员,新加坡艺术学会会员以及南洋美专校友会成员,分别于1981、1985、1989、2009及2016年举行个人画展。中学教师,2000年退休。 Generously donated 72 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2021-03. |
Mr. TAN Hwee Ling(陈慧麟), 新加坡南洋大学1960届物理系毕业,理学士。 Generously donated 300 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2021-03. |
Prof. TAN Keng Feng, was born in 1948, One of the leading torts professors in Singapore. He earned an LL.B. degree with Honours from the University of Singapore in 1971, an LL.B. degree from Trinity College of Cambridge University three years later, and an MBA in AMD from Lausanne. He was a member of NUS Faculty of Law, who joined the Faculty of Law at the University of Singapore, the predecessor institution of NUS, as a lecturer in July 1974 and served for 30 years until he retired on January 2005. He served as Vice-Dean of Faculty of Law, a member of Board of Legal Education and Chief Editor of the Malaya Law Review. During his service, Prof Tan was best known internationally as a true common law on the Law of Torts, had convened and taught the core course to students on Tort Law, who passed away in December 2016. In 2021, an anonymous person donated his collection to Xiamen University Malaysia Library. Generously donated 307 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2021-03. |
Ms. GOH Ann Nee(吴安妮), 曾长期担任新加坡城市发展有限公司(City Developments Limited,简称“城市发展”)首席财务官(2005-2020),有丰富的跨国公司管理经验。2020年9月15日,赠送10箱图书;2021年3月,另赠一批图书40册。 Generously donated 77 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2021-03. Generously donated 186 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2020-09. |
Dr. TAN Lee Siang(陈丽湘), 新加坡华文教师朗诵艺术学会(The Chinese Teachers Literary Recital Society)会长。 Generously donated 411 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2021-02. |
Mr. UNG Gim Sei(黄锦西), 祖籍福建同安,1939年新加坡出生,幼年随家人居福建石码(今福建漳州龙海市石码镇)至小学四年级,1952-1954年在新加坡公教中学读初中,因对天主教提出质疑而被退学,转入华侨中学高中。1958年以《南洋商报》记者起步,期间于1966年考获新加坡大学经济系荣誉学位担任新大经济研究院研究员、蓓蕾假发长出口部经理等职,1973年重返报界任《星洲日报》业务经理,两年后转任华联银行公关经理,在星岛南洋合并后出任《联合早报》董事经理,后担任报业控股华文报业集团董事总经理,负责三份本地华文报纸的运营,1991年从新加坡报业控股华文报集团总经理任上离职,转投香港星岛有限公司担任策划部集团总经理, 2003年加入律师行业,为律师事务所合伙人,并担任新中友好协会副会长。2020年底,捐赠本校图书16箱。 Generously donated 476 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2020-12. |