Donation List

Mr. Michael LOONG(龙昆湖), born in Malaysia in 1939 and was educated in Australia with degrees in mechanical and aeronautical engineering. He has worked in the aviation industry for 33 years. On June 2016 he donated 3 copies of new published book "My Eco-World, Made in China" to Xiamen University Libraries.

Generously donated 1 book to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2016-06.

Mr. GUO Nan Chang(郭南昌), Chairman of Xiamen University Malaysia Alumni Association.

Generously donated 1 book to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2016-06.

Mr. 傅承得(傅承得), 马来西亚著名文化人、出版人和诗人,他创作不辍,积极推广文学,30年间亦常主讲主办文学活动,包括“动地吟”等,被誉为“马华诗坛的瑰宝”、“马来西亚文化新点子的黑手”等。傅先生1959年生于马来西亚槟城,1984年毕业于台湾大学中文系,返马任教华文独中13年,频获文学奖项,曾任署理校长。1997年创立大将出版社并担任社长至今,兼任城邦(新、马)出版集团执行董事、紫藤文化集团董事。 傅承得先生著、译、编逾40种,包括《赶在风雨之前》、《哭城传奇》、《有梦如刀》、《琉璃赋》、《马华七家诗选》、《我有一个梦》、《等一株树》、《笑声如雨》、《不一样的爱情故事》、《逛逛书》、《泡泡梦》、《最美的书,最爱的人》、《阅读马来西亚》、《回神》、《锅巴香》、《分明》等。获“马来西亚10大最受欢迎作家”、“第五届马来西亚优秀青年作家奖”、“国家书籍奖最佳编辑奖”、“第11届马华文学奖”等。

Generously donated 1 book to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2016-04.

Persekutuan Persatuan-Persatuan Bekas Pelajar-Pelajar Sekolak Tionghua Negeri Pulau Pinang(槟州华校校友会联合会), 简称“槟州校友联”,前身是成立于1971年的槟威华校校友会联合工委会。经1985年10月正式被批准注册成“槟州华校校友会联合会”。槟州有72个注册的校友会,其中70个校友会是槟州校友联的会员。现任会长蔡亚汉来自槟城南洋大学校友会。

Generously donated 1 book to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2016-04.

Lee Foundation(李氏基金), Est. in 1952 by prominent Chinese businessman and philanthropist Lee Kong Chian 李光前 (1893-1967). Since its inception, the Foundation has provided and continues to award very generous funding for education-related ventures, such as Jiannan Block Buildings & Medical School of Xiamen University. 李氏基金会是一个国际性的慈善机构,是由李光前先生为纪念其尊翁而设“李国专助学金”的基础上增益资金、扩大规模而成,1960年李氏基金分设新马两地,1965年于香港成立“李氏基金有限公司”,1964年,李光前将其名下在南益公司的全部股权悉数移注于李氏基金,使李氏基金成为南益集团的最大股东,从而让李氏基金得以将投资股息全部施用于社会、教育、慈善等公益,旨在以照顾不同的慈善需求。李氏基金除了捐助各地华校(从中小学以至大学),每年更是捐资安老院、孤儿院、医院等,而颁发个别青少年学子之奖助学金,更是不计其数。

Generously donated 4 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2016-04.

Mr. LAU Su Kia(刘树佳), Department Of Malaysian Languages And Applied Linguistics,Faculty Of Languages & Linguistics,University of Malaya.

Generously donated 10 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2016-03.

Mr. LOW Boon Chu(刘文注), writer and teacher in Singapore, delivered his personal chinese book collection from S'pore in Dec 2015, about 500 books were selected by the librarians to add to library collection.

Generously donated 478 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2015-12.

Prof. ONG Leong Teck(王良德), former professor of Monash University Malaysia and University Industry Selangor, generously donated 500+ books on engineering and computers to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia on 9 Jan 2016.

Mr. HAN Chen Kuang, generously donated 57 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in July 2017.

Dato' LIM Kim Cheong(林钦忠), a member of Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA), has more than 40 years of experience in audit, accounting, liquidation, receivership and taxation. Started his career in Ernst & Whinney (now known as Ernst & Young) from 1960-1970,Mr Lim is partner of Raja Salleh, Lim & Co., a member of Chartered Tax Institute of Malaysia, Malaysian Institute of Management, as well as the Malaysian Association of Company Secretaries,an associate member in the Australian Society Accountants (CPA Australia). He is also the author of several Chinese publications on acounting.