Donation List

Mr. LAU Su Kia(刘树佳), Department Of Malaysian Languages And Applied Linguistics,Faculty Of Languages & Linguistics,University of Malaya.

Generously donated 10 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2016-03.

Mr. LOW Boon Chu(刘文注), writer and teacher in Singapore, delivered his personal chinese book collection from S'pore in Dec 2015, about 500 books were selected by the librarians to add to library collection.

Generously donated 478 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2015-12.

Prof. ONG Leong Teck(王良德), former professor of Monash University Malaysia and University Industry Selangor, generously donated 500+ books on engineering and computers to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia on 9 Jan 2016.

Mr. HAN Chen Kuang, generously donated 57 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in July 2017.

Dato' LIM Kim Cheong(林钦忠), a member of Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA), has more than 40 years of experience in audit, accounting, liquidation, receivership and taxation. Started his career in Ernst & Whinney (now known as Ernst & Young) from 1960-1970,Mr Lim is partner of Raja Salleh, Lim & Co., a member of Chartered Tax Institute of Malaysia, Malaysian Institute of Management, as well as the Malaysian Association of Company Secretaries,an associate member in the Australian Society Accountants (CPA Australia). He is also the author of several Chinese publications on acounting.

South Seas Society(新加坡南洋学会), 创立于1940年3月17日,原称“中国南洋学会”,首届理事会由姚枏、张礼千、郁达夫、刘士木、关楚璞、许云樵和李长傅7人组成。1940年6月《南洋学报》创刊。1958年8月23日中文名改称“南洋学会”,2001年起之现任理事长为陈荣照教授。 2017年3月22日,存于新加坡Boon Lay Way- Big Box 超级市场仓库的南洋学会历来出版物1万余本,由福昌公司(Hockcheong Co.)的Colin Lim先生安排,共35个托盘(pallet),每一托盘若干大纸箱,由新加坡启程,23日运抵厦大马来西亚分校。

University of Hong Kong Libraries(香港大学图书馆), 创立于1911年,现包括总馆和冯平山图书馆、牙科图书馆、医学图书馆、法律图书馆、教育图书馆、音乐图书馆等6个分馆。 2016年5月下旬起,香港大学图书馆全力支持帮助厦門大学尽速积累马来西亚分校图书馆的馆藏,陆续将本馆下架之期刊合订本、未入馆藏的中西文图书复本陆续以整货柜海运的方式,经新加坡转运至马来西亚分校,每批一千余箱。2018年12月中旬和2019年7月2日,第五批和第六批(约400箱)中西文图书分别运抵厦门大学马来西亚分校之百姓大楼。

Nanyang Technological University Libraries(南洋理工大学图书馆), On January 2015, NTU Libraries has done a count and was weeding 68295 volumes of bound journals, while Xiamen University promptly confirmed that would like to take the entire 68295 volumes to its new library in Malaysia. On June 2015, this huge collection made its way northern to Selangor. Then on August 2016, another batch of book gifts donated by NTU Libraries transported to Malaysia campus, including 203 binding journals which were left over from our last batch in 2015, and about 8,600 books which are duplicates in NTU Libraries.

The Straits Publishing & Distributing Group(海峡出版发行集团), 2009年12月30日成立,由原福建省出版总社、福建新华发行集团、福建教育出版社等组成,下辖9家出版社,3家杂志社。2016年11月,福建省文化代表团赴马来西亚访问,代表海峡出版发行集团捐赠该集团出版的中文图书62种80册。

Fudan University Press(复旦大学出版社), 复旦大学出版社是中国最著名的学术出版社之一,20多年来,复旦社已经有300多种图书获得过包括中国图书奖在内的各种奖励500多项。复旦大学出版社的作者队伍经历了从以复旦作者为主,到面向中国学者组稿,北京大学、武汉大学、南京大学、南开大学、中国人民大学、厦门大学、吉林大学、北京师范大学、哈佛大学、哥伦比亚大学等一大批名校的名师成为复旦作者。复旦“博学”、“卓越”二个系列教材涵盖二十几个学科专业之数百种课程,有《中国文学史》、《中国人口史》、《中国思想史》、《晚明史》、《旧五代史新辑会证》等。“复旦学人文库”、“火凤凰学术遗产”丛书、“名家专题精讲系列”、“现代医学系列”等均是原创性或独创性的重大学术成果。 2018年9月,复旦大学出版社友情捐助近两年来出版的新书600余种,指定用于厦门大学马来西亚分校图书馆藏书。