Donation List

巴罗新村委员会, 巴罗(Paloh,Johor)是居銮县北部的一个小镇,南距居銮市25公里,西距永平镇32公里,处内陆山区,早期属“芭窑”(沼泽,Paya),1916年在现今之阿布巴卡街建29间亚答屋,挖泥填土种植橡胶。华人开坡先贤有黄人望、李奏、郭新、李祖金、黄祖咸、余昌斗、吴裳伍、黄玉波、谢文钢、陈文忠、汪耕、黄重资、黄光炳、余受聘、颜锦祜、彭福义、颜良图、邱康山、颜扬浓、张碧坤、李纺云、区泽南和李芝顺等。

Generously donated 1 book to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2017-10.

Mr. Justin CHANG,

Generously donated 2 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2017-09.

Ms. LYE Kit Wing(赖奕颖), a student of Marine Biotechnology of XMUM.

Generously donated 26 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2017-09.

Prof. XU XiaoGe(徐小鸽), a professor of Xiamen University Malaysia. 1982年毕业于杭州大学,1989年,1994年,2004年分别获得中国新闻学院国际新闻第二学士学位、美国堪萨斯州立大学大众传播硕士学位和新加坡南洋理工大学传播学博士学位。作为国际移动研究院创始人 [2] ,他现任中国移动研究院顾问 [3] 。他出任由IGI Global出版的《无线技术和通讯》丛书主编。

Generously donated 18 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2017-09.

Dr. CHANG Teck Peng(庄迪澎), 1971年出生于峇株吧辖,马来西亚立刻大学传播学荣誉学士,马来西亚国民大学硕士,世新大学传播学博士。历任《星洲日报》记者、新纪元学院媒体研究系创系主任、已停刊的《独立新闻在线》(创刊总编辑、精英大学传播系讲师。钟情于传播政治经济学,长期观察马来西亚的传播法规、新闻自由、中文媒体和互联网媒体变迁。2010年创设“马来西亚媒体识读资源网”(。已出版的著作有《我歌且谣》(1999)、《强势首相vs弱势媒体》(2004)、《图解传播理论》(2013)等,亦曾翻译多书。

Generously donated 2 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2017-09.

Prof. TAN Eng Chaw(陈荣照), 新加坡国立大学原中文系主任暨汉学研究中心主任、教授,新加坡南洋学会会长,新加坡儒学会会长,范仲淹研究会理事、髙级顾问,国际儒学联合会荣誉顾问、北京大学东方学研究院研究教授,著有《范仲淹研究》、《儒学与新世纪的人类社会》等著作。2017年8月共送来著作2种各2册,其中各一册送往厦門大学总校图书馆收藏。

Generously donated 2 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2017-07.

Ms. LEONG Xin Yu(梁心瑜), an administration staff of XMUM.

Generously donated 52 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2017-07.

Mr. YANG Qiurong(杨秋荣), 笔名悠哉,江西乐安人,1987年毕业于厦門大学哲学系,1997年毕业与北京大学中文系,文学硕士,北京作家协会会员。现为北京教育学院副教授,从事语文教学研究。赠所著长篇小说《燕园梦》2套为Soo Hong Hee代转。

Generously donated 12 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2017-07.

Dr. YEW Kam Keong, (born 1950) also known as Dr.YKK, is a speaker, trainer, consultant and best-selling author in the field of creativity. In the past few years, he has served as a resource person on creativity to the Young Presidents' Organization, Intel Technology, Texas Instruments, ICI, Allianz, Ernst & Young, Petronas, and others. He founded Mindbloom Consulting in 1998 and continues to serve as the company's President and CEO. Recently, he has developed an innovation methodology called Copycat Innovation that taps into the power of the global brain through the use of the internet. Copycat Innovation is a trademark both in Australia and Malaysia.

Generously donated 2 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2017-07.

Ms. LIM Sau Pui(林纾妃), a student of XMUM.

Generously donated 4 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2017-07.