Mr. Edward SIEW Jun Hong(萧进慷), a student of XMUM. Generously donated 8 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-07. Generously donated 6 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2018-10. |
Department of Chinese Studies, XMUM(厦门大学马来西亚分校中文系), 厦门大学马来西亚分校中文系, 中文系师生委员会组织。 Generously donated 6 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-07. |
Dr. Julia TAN Mei Hwa(陈美华), a lecturer of Xiamen University Malaysia Foudation Program. Generously donated 1 book to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-07. Generously donated 3 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2018-09. |
Dr. LI Hongwei, XMUM Lecturer Generously donated 2 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-07. |
Dr. SUN Lichuan(孙立川), 福建泉州人,厦门大学中文系毕业,获京都大学硕士、博士学位。1992年12月移居香港,先后任职于香港中文大学中国文化研究所、《明报月刊》等,现任天地图书副总编辑,是香港知名作家、文化人,主要从事文学研究、写作与编辑工作。 2019年响应厦门大学旅港校友会“百年校庆,万册捐书”号召,捐赠个人所藏60余箱,于7月2日运抵马校图书馆。 Generously donated 319 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-07. |
Mr. KHO Boon Seng(许文诚), XMUM Student Generously donated 2 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-07. |
Dr. Suriya Binti MATSOM, XMUM MBA lecturer Generously donated 14 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-06. |
Mr. CHYE Chin Chow(蔡征駣), A friend of XMUM library Generously donated 2 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-06. Generously donated 54 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-05. |
Mr. Freddy MALOT, Generously donated 18 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-05. |
Ms. Debbie LIM Lay Hoon(林丽云), Foundation Lecturer of XMUM Generously donated 33 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-05. |