Donation List

Lembaga Minyak Sawit Malaysia, MPOB is the government agency entrusted to serve the country’s oil palm industry. Its main role is to promote and develop national objectives, policies and priorities for the wellbeing of the Malaysian oil palm industry. It was incorporated by an Act of Parliament (Act 582) and established on 1 May 2000, taking over, through a merger, the functions of the Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia (PORIM) and the Palm Oil Registration and Licensing Authority (PORLA). Each of these respective organisations has been involved in the oil palm industry for more than 20 years and it is to render more effective services as well as to give greater national and international focus to the industry that MPOB was instituted.

Generously donated 2 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-08.

Dr. YAP Teck Lee(叶得利), 金融学高级讲师(厦门大学马来西亚分校)。 马来西亚博特拉大学(UPM)农商理学士 上海财经大学(SUFE)经济学硕士、金融学博士(中国政府全额奖学金) 曾在华为(Huawei)、金鹰(RGE)、协德(HTVB)等跨国集团担任高级财务经理和营运部门主管。 南洋商报《经济慧眼》专栏作家(2008年至今)

Generously donated 5 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-08.

Generously donated 5 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2020-09.

Generously donated 22 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-05.

Generously donated 1 book to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-02.

Generously donated 11 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2018-03.

Soka Gakkai Malaysia (马来西亚创价学会), 马来西亚创价学会(简称SGM)是马来西亚的佛教团体,国际创价学会的加盟佛教团体。

Generously donated 1 book to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-07.

Instituto Cultural. Departamento de Gestao de Bibliotecas Publicas(澳门文化局公共图书馆管理厅), 负责制定公共图书馆各项服务发展计划,管理文化局辖下澳门中央图书馆、公共图书馆及专门图书馆,并规划和管理出版物在区域与国际上的交换。

Generously donated 19 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-07.

Generously donated 6 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-12.

Generously donated 7 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-08.

Generously donated 140 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-05.

Generously donated 30 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-04.

Generously donated 183 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-03.

The Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Kuala Lumpur & Selangor(吉隆坡暨雪兰莪中华总商会), 本会创立1904年3月27日,当时取名为「商务局」,於1915年,更改名称为「中华商务局」,之后又改称「雪兰莪中华总商会」。1983年4月2日会员大会通过新名称「吉隆坡暨雪兰莪中华工商总会」(The Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry)。1996年6月22日会员大会通过更改本会英文名称为The Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor。2010年6月12日会员大会通过更改中文名称为「吉隆坡暨雪兰莪中华总商会」,简称“隆雪中总”。是吉隆坡及雪兰莪地区华商的最高领导机构,也是马来西亚最活跃的商会之一。由於吉隆坡是马来西亚的政治与经济中心,本会的各项活动深受各界的重视。

Generously donated 2 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-07.

Prof. James C. HSIUNG(熊玠), 1955年获台湾大学外文系学士。1958年赴美,1961年获南依利诺大学新闻系硕士,1967年获美国哥伦比亚大学政治学系博士,留校任助理教授,1969年任教于美国纽约大学政治学系,1977年加入美国籍,后任纽约大学政治学教授兼该校政治研究所主任。著有《The Xi Jingping Era: His Comprehensive Strategy Toward the China Dream》等,他的研究兴趣是比较政治、亚洲国际关系、国际法和国际治理。2022年中,通过长荣公司纽约办事处运赠一批政治学和国际关系的个人收藏英文图书,学术价值较高。

Generously donated 781 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-06.

Anonymous Donor(匿名捐赠人士),

Generously donated 12 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-06.

Generously donated 28 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-05.

Persatuan Perdagangan Getah Pulau Pinang(槟城树胶公会), 槟城树胶公会 成立于 1919 年,旨在促进橡胶贸易并向其成员传播贸易信息。槟城树胶公会成立后,该协会转而在解决成员之间的贸易争端方面发挥关键作用,并作为与政府进行贸易政策辩论的渠道。

Generously donated 1 book to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-06.

The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia(马来西亚中华总商会(中总)), 马来西亚中华总商会(中总)是国内华裔商会的联合总机构。本会实际上是唯一在国内最早拥有完整区域代表性的工商会。 成立于1921年7月2日,中总共有17个基本会员,分布在马来西亚国内13个州及联邦直辖区。中总基本会员直接和间接会员总数超过10万名,代表马来西亚华人公司、商家及各行业团体。中总会员也包括杰出会员、团体会员以及超过6千名青商会员。

Generously donated 1 book to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-06.

Brilliant Life Publisher(辉煌人生文化出版社), 《文化年刊》是马来西亚原创的中文刊物,内容以中华生肖为主轴,带出世界生肖动物的精彩史料、古庙巡礼、文化遗产,同时采访无数艺术家和企业家,每本超过一百个主题千多张精彩的摄影与插图,每年招募4-5千本捐赠学校,因为一班一本轮流带回家阅读,缔造20多万家庭受惠,因此成为大马最多人阅读的杂志之一,也是教育界最佳课外文化读物。有关年刊赠学校的《阅读计划》宗旨为传承中华文化与提升阅读风气!

Generously donated 2 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-06.