Donation List

International Zheng He Academy(马来西亚国际郑和研究院), 2022年,陈达生博士发起成立“马来西亚国际郑和研究院”,设馆于马六甲古城历史遗产建筑金声仓内,以“郑和与海上丝绸之路文化”为研究主题,计划开展文博展览、艺术活动等项目。

Generously donated 4 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-11.

Mr. CHAN Jie Ron,

Generously donated 63 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-10.

Dr. ONN Huann Jan(安焕然), 厦门大学历史学博士(2009),现任新纪元大学学院中文系教授。

Generously donated 1 book to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-10.

Ms. LEE See Seen(李思圣),

Generously donated 27 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-09.

Mr. NG Ngai Lick(吴毅力), He obtained his BA in Business, from Charles Stuart University, Australia; and MA in Business (Professional Accounting) from Victoria University of Technology, Australia. He is currently a retiree, Singaporean.

Generously donated 61 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-09.

Prof. Dr. CHEW Cheng Hai(周清海), 香港教育大学名誉教授、华侨大学荣誉教授。曾担任新加坡南洋理工大学国立教育学院中文系主任,筹建中华语言文化中心并担任主任,筹建南洋理工大学孔子学院并担任理事长。新加坡已故资政李光耀先生称誉其为“华语文教学的先驱”。2005年和2007年,分别获南洋理工大学“校友成就奖”“杰出教学奖”。2018年获新加坡华文教研中心“荣誉学者” 称号。和中国友人共同提出“大华语”的概念,并积极倡议编纂《全球华语词典》《全球华语大词典》,以促进华语区的语言和谐。倡议并参与“全球华语语法研究”。近年来更致力于建立华语区之间的联系,参与并进行华语研究,推动华语走向世界。

Generously donated 31 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-09.

Prof. LER Chin Tuan(吕振端), 祖籍福建南安,新加坡公民。1967年南洋大学中文系毕业,1970年获国立台湾大学中文研究所硕士学位,1978年获南洋大学亚洲文化研究院哲学博士学位。退休前,服务新加坡教育界四十余年。曾担任“新加坡亚洲研究学会”创会会长,及“新加坡世华文学研创会”会长。

Generously donated 1 book to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-09.

AGV Consulting Sdn Bhd,

Generously donated 2 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-09.

Mr. LEE Eng Hoe(李永和), Engineering Expert

Generously donated 8 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-09.

Generously donated 70 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-06.

Ms. Angie NG Mei Chin(黄美君), an engineer of IT Services of XMUM, with her sister Ms. Ng Mei Im(黄美英).

Generously donated 1 book to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-08.

Generously donated 2 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2018-10.