Donation List

Ms. TON Sin Pei, XMUM student

Generously donated 28 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2023-11.

Mr. MAK Xiang(麦翔), 怡保育才独中董事,《育才百年特刊》编委会主任,资深华教工作者、政运工作者、历史研究者。研究兴趣为马来西亚华社/华教史,马来社会史,融合为马来西亚多元史。有作品发表在香港出版《足印》,正在整理出版个人作品专辑,暂定名《历史的攀登》。

Generously donated 9 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2023-11.

Generously donated 2 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-01.

Mr. ZOU Youwei, XMUM Student

Generously donated 11 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2023-11.

Mr. Tan Kai Hee Family Holdings Sdn. Bhd.(陈凯希基金), 陈凯希(1937年-2022年2月22日),祖籍福建省安溪县,生于马来亚居銮。马来西亚海鸥集团创办人。 2014年1月1日,出席华团晚宴致词时说,他决定在去世后捐出个人名下财产作为慈善基金用途,让慈善事业得以永久传承。 2022年2月22日晚,陈凯希去世,享年85岁。

Generously donated 4 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2023-11.

Ms. HO Siew Fay(何秀慧), 住新加坡友人

Generously donated 152 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2023-11.

Tan Kah Kee Foundation(马来西亚陈嘉庚基金), 2013年注册于吉隆坡的非营利机构成立以来, 致力于策划展览、举办学术与推广活动、培养人才、支援教育工程等,相继举办“陈嘉庚精神奖”、 “陈嘉庚纪念馆”、“陈嘉庚文化中心”、“嘉庚学堂”,以增进海内外华人友谊,促进经贸与文化交流,落实与弘扬嘉庚精神。

Generously donated 17 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2023-11.

Generously donated 3 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2023-01.

Generously donated 16 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-12.

Generously donated 1 book to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-10.

Generously donated 30 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2022-07.

Generously donated 3 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2020-02.

Generously donated 33 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-05.

Generously donated 239 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2019-01.

Generously donated 11 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2016-12.

Mr. 赖俊岚, 文史工作者,林明民众图书馆代表,马来亚大学历史系博士候选人。寻找记忆中的马来西亚创办人,策划2020年马来西亚@学锡堂1.0及2.0节目。

Generously donated 5 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2023-11.

Mr. TAN Dib Jin(陈立人), 陈嘉庚先生长孙。

Generously donated 3 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2023-11.

Prof. Dr. WANG Ruifang(王瑞芳), President of Xiamen University Malaysia.

Generously donated 4 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2023-11.

Generously donated 103 books to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2023-10.

Prof. Dr. DONG Ligong(董立功), 1980年出生,本硕博都就读于厦门大学历史系,现任集美大学马克思主义学院副教授。2023年11月前来参加“马来西亚陈嘉庚基金十周年纪念活动”之“2023年嘉庚国际论坛”研讨会。

Generously donated 1 book to the library collection of Xiamen University Malaysia in 2023-11.